Teacher Training Programs in Mathematics - Profile
The University of Bonn offers teacher training for grammar schools, comprehensive schools and vocational colleges in the form of tiered Bachelor's and Master's degree programs. Mathematics can be combined with many subjects. The most common choices are physics, computer science or chemistry, but history and philosophy also feature regularly. Teacher training students attend courses together with their fellow Bachelor students as well as lectures and seminars specifically geared towards the teaching profession. In addition to in-depth subject knowledge, didactic aspects are also taught - especially in the teacher training master's degree.
The courses of the teacher training programs in mathematics are offered in the form of modules (lectures, seminars and practical trainings). They usually last one semester and are completed with an examination.
The examination office for all teacher training students is the Bonner Zentrum für Lehrerbildung (BZL). The Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics is responsible for the organization of courses and examinations in mathematics.
For your guidance, we have compiled an overview of the distribution of responsibilities (in German) between the BZL and the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics.

Compulsory Modules
Five lectures and one seminar are compulsory for the Bachelor's degree. Three lectures and the seminar are specifically designed for the teacher training students, the other two lectures are completed together with the Bachelor's students. The compulsory modules comprise a total of 48 credit points (CP).
In the Master's program, two didactics lectures and one seminar with a total of 12 CP must be completed as compulsory modules.
Specific for the teacher training:
- Grundzüge der Mathematik I (11 CP)
- Grundzüge der Mathematik II (6 CP)
- Stochastik (9 CP)
- Seminar Höhere Mathematik (4 CP)
Together with the students of Bachelor Mathematik:
- Analysis I (9 CP)
- Algorithmische Mathematik I (9 CP)
- Didaktik der Mathematik (4 CP)
- Stoffdidaktik Mathematik (4 CP)
- Seminar Mathematikdidaktik (4 CP)
Elective Modules
Three electives of different types supplement the compulsory teacher training Bachelor's program. The first two regulate the selection in analysis and linear algebra, the third provides further lectures and a practical training course. A total of at least 24 CP is required here.
In the Master's degree program, two lectures of 9 CP each must be passed in the elective program.
Electives I (at least 9 CP)
- Lineare Algebra I (9 CP) together with Bachelor Mathematik
- Lineare Algebra (9 CP) for teacher training and computer science
Electives II (at least 9 CP) together with Bachelor Mathematik
- Analysis II (9 CP)
- Lineare Algebra II (9 CP)
Electives III (at least 6 CP)
- introductory lecture courses from the Bachelor's program Mathematik (9 CP each)
- teacher training specific Mathematische Vertiefung (9 CP)
- Algorithmische Mathematik IIb (6 CP)
- Elementarmathematik (6 CP)
- Geschichte der Mathematik (6 CP)
- Geschichte des maschinellen Rechnens (2 semesters, 9 LC)
- Mathematisches Praktikum (6 CP)
You can choose from
- introductory and advanced lecture courses from the Bachelor's program Mathematik (9 CP each)
- teacher training specific Mathematische Vertiefung (9 CP).
Two lectures from the selection must be passed.
Bachelor's and Master's Thesis
Teacher training students can decide whether they would like to write their final thesis in mathematics. Both subject-related and subject-didactic theses are possible.
The working time is 5 months in each case. The Bachelor's thesis is worth 12 CP, the Master's thesis 15 CP.
The teacher training Bachelor's program in Mathematics is complete as soon as the following requirements are met:
Credit points (CP)
- The compulsory modules are passed.
48 CP
- A suitable choice of modules from the electives I are passed.
9 CP
- A suitable choice of modules from the electives II are passed.
9 CP
- A suitable choice of modules from the electives III are passed.
≥ 6 CP
≥ 72 CP
The teacher training Master's program in Mathematics is complete as soon as the following requirements are met:
Credti points (CP)
- The compulsory modules are passed.
12 CP
- A suitable choice of modules from the electives are passed.
18 CP
30 CP
The examination regulations contain all the legally binding regulations for your degree program. Please note the date of the examination regulations that apply to you.
The module handbook lists the modules that belong to or are permitted in your degree program. Here you will find information on the content of the modules, the admission requirements, the type and scope of the examinations and the credit points with which the module is assessed.
Getting Started
- What do I need to consider when starting my studies?
- What challenges can I expect at the beginning of the degree program?
- What support options do I have for the study start?
Getting Organized
- How can I take part in a course?
- How do I register for an exam?
- Which important dates and deadlines should I not miss?
- What do I do if I am sick on the day of an exam?
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