The Degree Programs in Mathematics at Bonn University
Mathematics in Bonn has a long tradition and enjoys an excellent reputation both in Germany and internationally. This is not based on just one or a few specialist areas of mathematics, but rather an impressive range of pure and applied mathematics is offered in Bonn.
The Mathematics Department at the University of Bonn excels in various aspects, as evidenced by the CHE ranking. It belongs to the top group in most criteria, including "Support at the Beginning of Studies", "Graduations within a Reasonable Time", "Study Organization", and "Range of Courses", as well as "Scientific Relevance" and "Research Funds per Scientist".
One reason for the appeal of the Mathematics Department in Bonn is the particularly wide variety of lectures and seminars offered. In all programs, students benefit from the mathematical breadth and outstanding internationality ensured by the Excellence Cluster in Mathematics.

Bachelor's Program Mathematik
In their unique combination, the coordinated basic lectures of the Bachelor's degree course provide comprehensive foundational knowledge. The secondary subject and practical trainings provide the opportunity to apply mathematical knowledge and methods.

Teacher Training Programs in Mathematics
The teacher training program in mathematics is offered for both secondary schools (Gymnasiums and comprehensive schools) and vocational schools. The Bachelor's program establishes the subject-specific foundations, while the Master's program focuses on subject didactics.

Master's Program Mathematics
As an introduction to the Master's program, students can attend the advanced lectures offered in the Bachelor's program.
Subsequently, numerous advanced courses are provided that align with the current state of research.
Modular Study Programs
The Bachelor's and Master's programs are modular, meaning they consist of individual modules.
- Each module is assigned a specific number of credit points based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).
- One credit point (CP) corresponds to an average student workload of 30 hours, including self-study.
- In total, 180 CP must be accumulated in the Bachelor's program, and 120 CP in the Master's program. This averages to 30 CP per semester.
All modules of a program are described in the corresponding module handbook. Modules are categorized as compulsory, elective, and secondary subject modules. To successfully complete a module, you must pass the module examination.
A Doctorate After the Master's Degree
The graduate program in mathematics in Bonn is based at the Bonn International Graduate School (BIGS) of Mathematics.

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