Secondary Subject
In the Bachelor's degree program Mathematik, you must choose a secondary subject. However, depending on the subject, different requirements must be observed when choosing modules. Modules from a secondary subject can also be included in the Master's degree program Mathematics, but these are optional.
The standard secondary subjects for mathematics degree programs are
- Computer Science
- Physics
- Economics
Other (extraordinary) secondary subjects can be approved on application.
For secondary subject modules, the rules and deadlines of the examination regulations of the degree program to which the module is primarily assigned apply. This applies in particular to
- the registration for examinations and admission criteria, and
- the rules for repeating examinations.
The secondary subject is determined by
- the first exam registration for the standard secondary subjects,
- the approval of the application for another secondary subject.

Bachelor's Program Mathematik
It is advisable to start with an introductory lecture in the secondary subject in the 2nd or 3rd semester.
- In the secondary subject (at least) 24 credit points (CP) must be earned.
- Furthermore, in some secondary subjects, additional conditions apply for the selection of modules or the passing of the secondary subject.
- Points in the secondary subject that exceed 24 CP count towards the 15 CP in the free electives.
- It is possible to change the secondary subject once.
Master's Program Mathematics
Master's modules from a standard secondary subject or an approved secondary subject that are not significantly content-related to mathematics modules are eligible.
- The credit points (CP) earned in a secondary subject count towards the non-subject-related compulsory elective area.
- You have to decide on a specific secondary subject.
- Up to 24 credit points can be collected in this subject, but there is no minimum number of points required.
- It is not possible to change the secondary subject.
The Standard Secondary Subjects
You will find the list of selectable modules for each of the standard secondary subjects
- in the module handbook for the Bachelor's study program,
- in the examination tree in BASIS for the Master's study program.
You can simply register for an exam in BASIS. If you would like to take a specific module but cannot find it in the module handbook or in the list on BASIS, please ask the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics whether it can be added.
Please note the rules and deadlines of the respective subject, which differ from those of mathematics.
In Computer Science, new modules are introduced relatively frequently in both the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs. You are therefore welcome to ask if you would like to take a module but cannot (yet) find it in the list.
Cyber Security can be applied for as an extraordinary secondary subject.
In physics, registration for practical courses sometimes takes place before the start of the semester in which the practical course is offered. Therefore please pay attention to the physics schedule.
Physics/Astronomy can be applied for as an extraordinary secondary subject.
In order to be able to register for examinations for economics modules, secondary subject students must also register with the Economics Examination Office . The deadlines for this are at the beginning of the lecture period.
Notes on Module Combinations
In order to pass the secondary subject Economics, two of the three introductory modules
- VWL G - Grundzüge der Volkswirtschaftslehre
- BWL TdU - Grundzüge der BWL: Einführung in die Theorie der Unternehmung
- BWL IuF - Grundzüge der BWL: Investition und Finanzierung
as well as two advanced modules of the secondary subject catalog in Economics must be passed.
A number of additional secondary subjects can be approved by the examination board. Please write an informal application for this by e-Mail to the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics. In order to be able to take a course in the desired secondary subject for the first time, the application for approval of an extraordinary secondary subject must have been submitted before the end of the lecture period of the previous semester.
- If you would like to choose an extraordinary secondary subject in the Master's program Mathematics, please contact the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics to find out whether your desired subject is possible.
- For the Bachelor's program Mathematik the list of possible secondary subjects with the modules you can choose from can be found in the examination tree in BASIS. Please note the following information on the individual secondary subjects.
The following modules are offered (6 CP each):
- Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies
- Introduction to Language and Communication Studies
- Regional Studies Great Britain/Ireland
- Regional Studies North America
You can find information on chemistry as a secondary subject for mathematics students on the Chemistry web page (in German).
The catalog of the secondary subject Cyber Security consists of the modules:
- BA-INF 023 - Systemnahe Informatik
- BA-INF 034 - Systemnahe Programmierung
- BA-INF 035 - Datenzentrierte Informatik
- BA-INF 053 - Projektgruppe Cyber Security
- BA-INF 101 - Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen
- BA-INF 136 - Reaktive Sicherheit
- BA-INF 140 - Grundlagen der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion
- BA-INF 143 - IT-Sicherheit
- BA-INF 145 - Usable Security and Privacy
- BA-INF 147 - Netzwerksicherheit
- BA-INF 152 - Moderne Kryptographie und ihre Anwendung
- BA-INF 155 - Angewandte Binäranalyse
- BA-INF 156 - Digitale Forensik
You must register for participating in the lectures in BASIS. Please look for the current deadlines on the Geography web page.
The following modules can be taken (6 CP each):
- Enführung in die Meteorologie und Geophysik (winter semester)
Physikalische Klimatologie (summer semester)
Physik der festen Erde (summer semester)
Fernerkundung (winter semester)
Physik der Atmosphäre (winter semester)
Synoptik und Wetterbesprechung (summer semester)
As part of the secondary subject Philosophy, students of the Bachelor's program Mathematik can take the following modules (12 CP each):
- Erkenntnistheorie
- Moralphilosophie
- Wissenschaftsphilosophie
- Kulturphilosophie
- Philosophiegeschichte I (Antike und Mittelalter)
- Philosophiegeschichte II (Neuzeit und Gegenwart)
- Theoretische Philosophie
- Praktische Philosophie
Please note that students from BA degree programs in the Faculty of Arts have priority in the allocation of places.
- Information on the modules can be found in the module handbooks of Philosophy.
- Information on registration deadlines and modalities can be found in the course catalog or at the examination office of the Faculty of Arts.
The following module combinations are required to pass this secondary subject:
- Einführung in die Astronomie AND
(Einführung in die extragalaktische Astronomie OR Einführung in die Radioastronomie) - (Physik I OR Theoretische Physik I) AND (Physik II OR Theoretische Physik II)
- further physics modules if necessary.
You must pass four of the five modules mentioned:
- GGMP: Gegenstand, Geschichte und Methoden der Psychologie
- AP: Allgemeine Psychologie
- EPP: Entwicklungs- und Pädagogische Psychologie
- DAOP: Differentielle sowie Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisationspsychologie
- SRP: Sozial- und Rechtspsychologie
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