Registration for Module Examinations
Each module includes examinations and/or coursework that you must successfully complete in order to pass the module.
In order for you to be allowed to take the examinations at all and for the result to be recorded on your student account, you must be properly registered for the relevant course. With very few exceptions, this is done electronically via the BASIS campus platform. Specific rules and deadlines for exam registration must be observed, and these differ depending on the module type.
Important: To be allowed to take an examination, you must be enrolled on the day of the examination. This also applies in particular to the submission of the final thesis!
Notes on Exam Registration
Regardless of how you register for the examination, if possible do not wait until the last day of the deadline to register so that there is still time for questions or corrections. If anything is unclear or you receive error messages, please contact the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics immediately. Do not wait until the deadline has passed!
- The regulations for exam registration are determined by the department to which the module belongs. The procedures presented here apply to mathematics modules.
- You can only register for examinations electronically once you have registered with the department.
- Students who cannot register in the department of mathematics should use the examination registration form.
- Examination registrations are only possible within the predetermined examination registration deadlines.
- There are also deadlines for withdrawing from examination registrations (if withdrawal is possible at all).
- For certain modules, prerequisites must be fulfilled before you can register for an examination. You can find these in the module handbook for your degree program in the document archive.
- The electronic examination registration in BASIS opens at the beginning of the respective registration period.
- After logging in to BASIS, please select the menu item Examination Registration and Withdrawal.
- Navigate to the desired exam in your study tree and register.
- Once you have successfully registered for a module examination, you will receive an automatic confirmation by e-mail.
- If you register for the module examination of a lecture that includes an exercise as a course achievement and you have not yet passed the exercise, you will be automatically registered for the exercise, but only overnight. It is therefore essential that you check the next day whether this has happened.
- If admission requirements apply to the module examination for which you are registering (e.g. passing an exercise), the examination registration will be subject to a reservation. In this case, you will receive a message in BASIS informing you of the reservation.
- Once it has been determined whether you meet the admission requirements, the reservation will be lifted:
- In the positive case, the reservation will be removed and you will be admitted to the examination in question.
- In the negative case, we will delete your exam registration. - You will find all registered examinations and coursework with information on existing reservations in BASIS under Information on Registered Examinations.
- As soon as the achievement is given a different status because it has been booked as (not) passed, it can no longer be found there.
- You can see all achievements, regardless of their status, in your transcript of records at any time.
The module examination of a mathematics lecture module consists of two examination attempts. Therefore, two examination dates are scheduled for all lecture modules in a semester. The examinations take the form of either a written exam or an oral exam.
IMPORTANT: Registration is always valid for the entire module examination, so it must take place before the first examination date.
- As a rule, the first examination date is shortly before or shortly after the end of the lecture period, the second at the end of the corresponding semester.
- The overview of written examination dates for lecture modules is published at the beginning of the lecture period of a semester.
- The type of examination is also announced in this overview.
- Information on the dates of oral examinations will be added at a later date.
- Before the first examination date, at the start of the registration period, the electronic examination registration is opened in BASIS.
The Additional Modules F5X2 and F5X3 of the Master's study program Mathematics can only be registered by form. The reason for this is that the current lecturer must confirm the difference in content with the module already completed or registered.
- Please follow the instructions in How to Register for Exams in BASIS.
- If an exercise is part of the lecture and you have not yet passed it, you will be automatically registered for the exercise, but only overnight. Please make sure you check the next day whether this has happened.
- Please observe the deadlines for the beginning and the end of the registration period as well as for the withdrawal from the exam.
- It is not possible to register separately for the second examination date only. Those who did not register before the first examination date or were not admitted cannot take part in the second examination date either.
For specific lectures, the examination regulations allow a free attempt for grade improvement.
The registration period for the module examinations of lecture course modules begins
- in the summer semester on June 1st,
- in the winter semester on December 1st.
The end of the examination registration period depends on the type of examination. The deadline ends
- for written exams two weeks before the scheduled first examination date,
- for oral exams two weeks before the end of the lecture period.
After the end of the registration period, you can no longer register for the module examination and cannot take part in either the first or the second date.
Lecture course modules with problem sessions (V1 to V4):
The Examination Board announces that in all lecture modules to which problem sessions are assigned, the prerequisite for participation in the examination is the successful completion of the problem sessions.
- Registration for the exam is subject to the reservation that you have successfully completed the problem sessions.
- You will only be admitted to the module examination once you have successfully completed the problem sessions.
- The result of the exercise classes should be entered in BASIS at least one week before the respective examination date.
- If you do not receive admission, we will delete your exam registration. You can track this in BASIS:
- If the exercise is entered as passed, the reservation of the examination registration is lifted.
- If the exercise is not passed, the examination registration disappears. -
Please note that once you have passed the exercise class, you will of course no longer see it in BASIS under "Info about registered exams". However, you can find all achievements at any time under "Transcript of Records".
Lecture course modules without problem sessions (V5):
- You are admitted to the examination when you register, there are no prerequisites.
You can withdraw from the module examination of a lecture module up to one week before the first examination date.
This deadline relates to
- the scheduled examination date for written exams,
- the individually assigned examination date for oral exams.
It is not possible to withdraw from the compulsory registration for repeat examinations of the compulsory lectures in the Bachelor's program Mathematik.
- For written examinations, the withdrawal must be made in BASIS in the same way as the examination registration.
- For oral examinations, a general withdrawal period is set in BASIS It ends on the Monday after the end of the registration period (i.e. Monday of the last but one lecture week). After this date, please use the deregistration form.
Withdrawal always refers to the entire module examination. If you have withdrawn from the examination, you cannot take part in either the first or second examination date.
Repetition at the second examination date of the same semester:
- If you have not passed the examination with attempt number 4 on the first date or have not appeared, then the module examination is finally failed. Further examination attempts are not possible.
If a compulsory lecture course module in the Bachelor program Mathematik has been finally failed an oral supplementary examination may be requested once (i.e. for one of the six modules).
- If you fail the exam with an odd attempt number (1/3) on the first date or do not appear, you will automatically be registered to retake the exam on the second date. You cannot deregister from this.
If you did not pass the examination with attempt number 2 on the first date or did not appear, you will not be automatically registered for the second examination date. If you would like to take the next module examination with attempt 3 on the second date, you must contact the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics and ask for your registration!
If the lecture is a compulsory lecture course module in the Bachelor program Mathematik, you are obliged to retake the examination at the next possible date. In this case, you will therefore be compulsorily registered by us for the 3rd attempt on the second date without the possibility of withdrawal.
Repetition of a module examination in another semester:
- A failed module examination of a lecture course module can be repeated once, i.e. there are a total of 4 examination attempts.
- Whether and when you repeat the module examination is up to you.
If the lecture is a compulsory lecture course module in the Bachelor program Mathematik , you are obliged to retake the examination at the next possible date. Therefore, if you fail a module examination in these modules, you will be compulsorily registered by us one year later to retake the examination without the possibility of withdrawal.
According to the examination regulations, a passed examination may not be repeated. However, in both the Bachelor's program Mathematik and the Bachelor's program Teacher Training Mathematics, students in certain semesters are granted a free attempt to improve their grades.
This means that you may take the relevant examination on the second examination date of a semester even if you have already passed on the first examination date. The grade of the module examination is then the better of the two individual grades.
This rule applies in the Bachelor's program Mathematik exclusively to students in the 1st semester for the lecture courses
- V1G1 Analysis I
- V1G3 Lineare Algebra I
- V1G5 Algorithmische Mathematik I.
In the Teacher Training Bachelor's program Mathematik the rule applies to students in the 1st study year for the lecture courses
- MB01/ MB02 Grundzüge der Mathematik I / II
- MB05 Lineare Algebra
and for students in the 1st and 2nd study year for the lecture courses
- MBV1G1 Analysis I
- MBV1G3 Lineare Algebra I.
You must register for the free attempt examination yourself in BASIS. The registration deadline
- begins one week after the 1st examination date,
- ends one week before the 2nd examination date.
- If a compulsory lecture course module in the Bachelor program Mathematik has been finally failed the Bachelor's examination has been finally failed. This leads to the loss of the right to take examinations and to de-registration from the degree program.
- To prevent this from happening, you have the option of applying for a further examination for one of the six modules.
- This takes place orally and can only be graded with 4.0 (pass) or 5.0 (fail).
- The application must be submitted to the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics within two weeks of the entry of the examination results in BASIS.
For written exams, you will be given the opportunity to inspect the exam after it has been graded.
- In case you are not able to attend the examination inspection yourself for good reasons you may authorize another person to do so.
- For this purpose please use our form to request examination inspection by an authorized person.
For seminars and practical trainings, the examinations take place during the semester. The examinations in seminars consist of oral presentations with discussion, supplemented by a written paper, and in practical trainings of project work and presentation.
IMPORTANT: Academic discourse is practiced in seminars. Attendance is therefore compulsory in all seminar modules.
Seminar modules:
- In a seminar your graded examination consists of the seminar talk.
- Your examination is dated on the day on which you gave your talk.
- As a rule, your grade will only be entered once the seminar has ended and you were present during the seminar (see Admission).
Practical training courses:
- In a practical training course, your graded examination consists of the project work and your presentation.
- In the Practical Teaching Course the project work must be completed in the form of a portfolio.
- The examination of a practical training course is dated on the day on which you have completed the last performance associated with the course.
- In most cases, the final performance is either your presentation or the portfolio or report that you submit.
- A practical training must be completed in the semester in which it is registered for examination. Therefore, all related work must be completed by the last day of the semester, i.e. by March 31st in the winter semester and by September 30th in the summer semester.
- At the start of the registration period, the electronic examination registration is opened in BASIS.
1st exception:
An External Internship cannot be registered in BASIS but only by form. The reason for this is that the examiner must first determine whether your internship position is suitable for an external internship.
2nd exception:
The Additional Graduate Seminar F5X1 of the Master's study program Mathematics must also be registered by form. The reason for this is that the current lecturer must confirm the difference in content with the graduate seminar already completed or registered for.
- Please follow the instructions in How to Register for Exams in BASIS.
- Please observe the deadlines for the beginning and the end of the registration period.
- For certain practical training courses prerequisites are required for participation in the examination. In such a case, you cannot register for the exam if you do not meet the requirements.
The registration period for the module examinations of seminar modules and practical training courses is
- in the summer semester from 1st to 30th April
- in the winter semester from 1st to 30th October.
If you have missed the registration, your grade cannot be entered. If this should happen, you must ask the examiner to confirm your attendance to the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics and arrange for your late registration.
- The coursework of a seminar module consists of attendance at the seminar and the written preparation of the seminar presentation.
- Therefore, your seminar performance can only be assessed if you were regularly present in the seminar, otherwise you will not be admitted to the module examination.
Practical trainings:
- In practical training courses there is no coursework, with your registration you are admitted to the module examination.
- According to the examination regulations, it is not possible to withdraw from seminars and practical training courses.
- If you are unable to attend the seminar or practical training course due to illness or for other reasons for which you are not responsible, please contact the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics.
- The examination of a seminar or practical training course can be repeated once if you fail.
- It is up to you to decide when to retake the examination.
- It is up to you to decide whether at all you repeat a failed examination of an elective module.

If you are an exchange student in Bonn or if prerequisites have to be checked first, you cannot register for examinations electronically via BASIS. In these cases, you must register for the relevant examinations using a form.
Some students are not registered in the Department of Mathematics or in Mathematics as a teaching subject. This applies, for example, to
- early students,
- cross-registered students,
- students of other subjects/departments,
- exchange students.
In these cases you cannot register electronically for examinations.
- Please use the form Registration for Module Examinations.
- Please observe the respective examination registration deadlines for seminars and practical trainings and for lecture course modules.
In the case of an external internship, you need to get active before you can register for the moduel examination:
- You find an internship position with mathematical relevance in a company.
- You find a lecturer from mathematics as an examiner for the external internship.
Not only you, but also the examiner must confirm this by signing the form Registration for an External Internship.
- Please enter the semester in which you take the last part of your exam as the semester of registration. This is normally the submission of the report or the date of your presentation.
- You can register for an external internship at any time, there is no fixed deadline.
For additional modules of the Master's degree program Mathematics, the difference in content to the module with the same module code that you already passed or registered for must be certified. Therefore, you cannot register online for the examinations of these modules.
Please use the form Application for an Additional Module. This must be signed by both you and the teacher of the current course.
It is also possible to take two examinations for modules with identical module codes in the same semester:
- Register for one of the two examinations in BASIS.
- Then submit the application form for the second exam.
The same deadlines apply for the registration of additional modules as for the original modules.
If you have already passed the module MB09 'Mathematische Vertiefung' in the Bachelor's program Teacher Education, you can take another such specialization, the MMMV module, in the Master's program. However, you will no longer be able to register for this examination in BASIS, as it must first be checked whether the content of the two lectures is different.
To do this, please use the form Application for the Module MMMV. This must be signed by both you and the teacher of the current course.
Examinations of Other Subjects
Just like the modalities for conducting courses, the regulations and deadlines for module examinations are always defined in the degree program to which the corresponding module belongs. In most cases, they differ from those for mathematics.
Students in the subject-specific degree programs of mathematics take examinations in other departments as part of a secondary subject.
Please refer to the examination pages of your secondary subject for information on the registration procedures and the associated deadlines in this department.
Examination pages of the three standard secondary subjects:
- As a student of the Teacher Training program, you will also take examinations in your second teaching subject and in educational sciences.
- Please note that the rules for registering for examinations may there differ from those in mathematics.
- You should therefore check the examination pages of your second subject and of the BZL to find out about the procedures.
Students of the subject-specific study programs can credit courses from other programs at the University of Bonn towards their degree as part of the free electives. If you are planning to do this please note the requirements:
- Only modules that do not overlap in contents with mathematics modules are permitted.
- In Master Mathematics, the module in question must also come from a Master's degree program.
- Find out beforehand at the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics if the desired module is permissible.
- The decision as to whether you may take part in an examination as a non-subject-related student is made in the department to which the module is assigned.
- Therefore, please enquire there in good time whether you are allowed to take an examination.
- The procedure and rules for registering for examinations are also determined by the department concerned. They usually differ from those for mathematics.
Examination Registration versus Attending Courses
Registration for examinations takes place exclusively via BASIS or, in exceptional cases, via a form. The addressee is always the Examination Office of Mathematics, all examinations are managed in the examination database of the University of Bonn.
- Your membership in eCampus courses, the registration for participation in courses on BASIS, or your signature on participation lists of lecturers only serves to regulate attending a course or being allocated a place in an exercise group, and access to course information.
- Examination registration is completely independent of this.
- If you have any questions about registering for examinations, please contact the Examinations Office of Mathematics.
Find out more about how the courses are organized and how you can attend them:
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