Announcement of Courses With this form you let the Bachelor-Master office know which courses you will offer in the upcoming semester. You can announce up to four courses. Default Last name teacher First name teacher E-mail teacher Comments Please note here general or overall comments concerning your courses. If this is the first time that you give your own independent lecture course then please register for the Teaching Mentoring Program. Teaching Mentoring Program Please indicate the name of your mentor. Course 1 1) Please select Kein Bachelor- oder Master-ModulV1G1 Analysis IV1G2 Analysis IIV1G3 Lineare Algebra IV1G4 Lineare Algebra IIV1G5 Algorithmische Math. IV1G6 Algorithmische Math. IIV2A1 Einführung in die AlgebraV2A2 Einführung in die Mathematische LogikV3A1 Algebra IV3A2 Algebra IIV3A3 Grundzüge der DarstellungstheorieV3A4 Grundzüge der ZahlentheorieV3A5 Mathematische LogikV3A6 Computergestützte MathematikV4A1 Algebraic Geometry IV4A2 Algebraic Geometry IIV4A3 Representation Theory IV4A4 Representation Theory IIV4A5 Advanced Algebra IV4A6 Advanced Algebra IIV4A7 Advanced Mathematical Logic IV4A8 Advanced Mathematical Logic IIV4A9 Number Theory IV4A10 Number Theory IIV5A1 Adv. Top. in AlgebraV5A2 Sel. Top. in AlgebraV5A3 Adv. Top. in Algebraic GeometryV5A4 Sel. Top. in Algebraic GeometryV5A5 Adv. Top. in Representation TheoryV5A6 Sel. Top. in Representation TheoryV5A7 Adv. Top. in Mathematical LogicV5A8 Sel. Top. in Mathematical LogicV5A9 Adv. Top. in Number TheoryV5A10 Sel. Top. in Number TheoryV5A11 Adv. Top. in Computer-assisted Math.V5A12 Sel. Top. in Computer-assisted Math.S2A1 HS AlgebraS2A2 HS Mathematische LogikS2A3 HS ZahlentheorieS2A4 HS Angewandte Math. LogikS4A1 GS on Algebraic GeometryS4A2 GS on Representation TheoryS4A3 GS on Advanced AlgebraS4A4 GS on LogicS4A5 GS on Advanced Number TheoryS4A6 GS on Applied LogicP2A1 Praktikum Mathematische LogikP4A1 Practical Project Mathematical LogicP4A2 Practical Project Computer-assisted Math.V2B1 Analysis IIIV2B2 Einf. PDGV2B3 Einf. Komplexe AnalysisV3B1 PDG & FunktionalanalysisV3B2 PDG & ModellierungV3B3 Globale AnalysisV4B1 Nonlinear PDE IV4B2 Nonlinear PDE IIV4B3 Advanced Global Analysis IV4B4 Advanced Global Analysis IIV4B5 Harmonic AnalysisV5B1 Adv. Top. in Anal. & PDEV5B2 Sel. Top. in Anal. & PDEV5B3 Adv. Top. in PDE & Math. Mod.V5B4 Sel. Top. in PDE & Math. Mod.V5B5 Adv. Top. in Anal. & Calc.o.Var.V5B6 Sel. Top. in Anal. & Calc.o.Var.V5B7 Adv. Top. in AnalysisV5B8 Sel. Top. in AnalysisV5B9 Adv. Top. in FA & Operator Th.V5B10 Sel. Top. in FA & Operator Th.S2B1 HS FunktionalanalysisS2B2 HS PDGS2B3 HS Globale AnalysisS4B1 GS on AnalysisS4B2 GS on PDES4B3 GS on Global AnalysisS4B4 GS on FA & Operator Th.S5B1 GS on Advanced PDES5B2 GS on PDE in the SciencesS5B3 GS on New Devel. in PDES5B4 GS on Mod. Sim. with PDES5B5 GS on Adv. Top. in FA & Operator Th.V2C1 Einf. Diskrete MathematikV3C1 Lin. und ganzz. OptimierungV3C2 Komb., Graphen, MatroideV4C1 Combinatorial OptimizationV4C2 Approximation AlgorithmsV4C3 Chip DesignV5C1 Adv. Top. in Discrete Math.V5C2 Sel. Top. In Discrete Math.V5C3 Adv. Top. in Algor. & Optim.V5C4 Sel. Top. in Algor. & Optim.S2C1 HS Diskrete OptimierungS2C2 HS Algor. & OptimierungS4C1 GS on Discrete OptimizationS4C2 GS on Appl. Comb. OptimizationS4C3 GS on Algor. & OptimizationP2C1 Progr.prakt. Diskrete OptimierungP4C1 Combinatorial AlgorithmsP4C2 Algorithms for Chip DesignV2D1 Einf. Geometrie & TopologieV3D1 Topologie IV3D2 Topologie IIV3D3 Grdz. Anal. & Geom. auf Mannigfalt.V3D4 GeometrieV4D1 Algebraic Topology IV4D2 Algebraic Topology IIV4D3 Advanced Geometry IV4D4 Advanced Geometry IIV5D1 Adv. Top. in TopologyV5D2 Sel. Top. in TopologyV5D3 Adv. Top. in GeometryV5D4 Sel. Top. in GeometryV5D5 Adv. Top. in Diff. Geo.V5D6 Sel. Top. in Diff. Geo.S2D1 HS GeometrieS2D2 HS DifferentialtopologieS2D3 HS Homologie & KohomologietheorieS2D4 HS HomotopietheorieS2D5 HS Niedrigdimensionale TopologieS4D1 GS on Differential GeometryS4D2 GS on TopologyS4D3 GS on Advanced GeometryS4D4 GS on Advanced TopologyV2E1 Einf. Grundlagen NumerikV2E2 Einf. Numerische MathematikV3E1 Wissenschaftliches Rechnen IV3E2 Wissenschaftliches Rechnen IIV4E1 Numerical AlgorithmsV4E2 Numerical SimulationV5E1 Adv. Top. Num. Meth. Sci. Tech.V5E2 Sel. Top. Num. Meth. Sci. Tech.V5E3 Adv. Top. in Scientific Comp.V5E4 Sel. Top. in Scientific Comp.V5E5 Adv. Top. in Numerical AnalysisV5E6 Sel. Top. in Numerical AnalysisS2E1 HS NumerikS2E2 HS Wissenschaftliches RechnenS4E1 GS on Scientific ComputingS4E2 GS on Numerical SimulationS5E1 GS on Numerical AnalysisS5E2 GS on Efficient SimulationP2E1 Progr.prakt. Numerische AlgorithmenP4E1 Pract. Lab Numerical SimulationP4E2 Pract. Lab Adv. Scientific ComputingV2F1 Einf. WahrscheinlichkeitstheorieV2F2 Einf. StatistikV3F1 Stochastische ProzesseV3F2 Grdz. Stochast. AnalysisV4F1 Stochastic AnalysisV4F2 Markov ProcessesV5F1 Adv. Top. in Prob. TheoryV5F2 Sel. Top. in Prob. TheoryV5F3 Adv. Top. in Stoch. AnalysisV5F4 Sel. Top. in Stoch. AnalysisV5F5 Adv. Top. in Applied Prob.V5F6 Sel. Top. in Applied Prob.V5F7 Adv. Top. in Math. Bio. & Data ScienceV5F8 Sel. Top. in Math. Bio. & Data ScienceS2F1 HS StochastikS2F2 HS Stoch. Proz. & Stoch. Anal.S4F1 GS on Probability TheoryS4F2 GS on Stochastic AnalysisS4F3 GS on Applied ProbabilityS4F4 GS on Stochastic ModelsS4F5 GS on Interacting Random SystemsS4F6 GS on Stochastic ProcessesS4F7 GS on Math. Bio. & Data ScienceP4F1 Pract. Lab Math. Bio. & Data ScienceS3G1 Begleitseminar zur BachelorarbeitS5G1 Master's Thesis SeminarMB01 Grundzüge der Mathematik IMB02 Grundzüge der Mathematik IIMB03 StochastikMB04 Seminar Höhere MathematikMB05 Lineare AlgebraMB06 ElementarmathematikMB08 Mathematisches PraktikumMB09 Mathematische VertiefungMBV1G6b Algorithmische Mathematik IIbMB Softwarepraktikum GrundzügeMMD1 Didaktik der MathematikMMD2 Stoffdidaktik MathematikMMD3 Seminar MathematikdidaktikV3G1 Geschichte der MathematikS1G1 SeminarP2G2 Industrieprakt. / P4G2 Ext. InternshipMath. I für PhysikerMath. II für PhysikerMath. III für PhysikerAnalysis für InformatikerMath. und Statistik für BiologieMath. I für Geowiss.Math. II für Geowiss.Math. Meth. für Geophys & ELWAngew. Math. für Agrar & ELWBiometrie für Agrar & ELWAdvanced Biometry für AgrarBiometry für Agrar - Research MethodsBiometr. Beratung für AgrarIngenieurmath. I für Geod.Ingenieurmath. II für Geod.Ingenieurmath. III für Geod.Ingenieurmath. MSc für Geod. If your course is not a module of a Bachelor's or Master's degree program, please select the first option and complete the information in the next field. Subtitle or non-curricular course Please enter here a subtitle for your module or the name of your non-curricular course (e.g. Oberseminar,...). Weekdays, times, rooms Please fill in only for V5 lectures and for seminars. The locations and times of the other events are fixed and can only be changed in justified exceptional cases after consultation with the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics. Further teachers If you are offering the course jointly with other teachers, please name them here. Examiner If it is a Bachelor's or Master's module and several teachers are involved, please select ONE of them as the examiner. Preliminary meeting (for a seminar) If you offer a seminar please note here the date, time and place of the preliminary meeting. Further assignments and comments Please indicate here especially if your course should be assigned to another study program (e.g. V5A1 to doctoral studies area A). Course 2 2) Please select Kein Bachelor- oder Master-ModulV1G1 Analysis IV1G2 Analysis IIV1G3 Lineare Algebra IV1G4 Lineare Algebra IIV1G5 Algorithmische Math. IV1G6 Algorithmische Math. IIV2A1 Einführung in die AlgebraV2A2 Einführung in die Mathematische LogikV3A1 Algebra IV3A2 Algebra IIV3A3 Grundzüge der DarstellungstheorieV3A4 Grundzüge der ZahlentheorieV3A5 Mathematische LogikV3A6 Computergestützte MathematikV4A1 Algebraic Geometry IV4A2 Algebraic Geometry IIV4A3 Representation Theory IV4A4 Representation Theory IIV4A5 Advanced Algebra IV4A6 Advanced Algebra IIV4A7 Advanced Mathematical Logic IV4A8 Advanced Mathematical Logic IIV4A9 Number Theory IV4A10 Number Theory IIV5A1 Adv. Top. in AlgebraV5A2 Sel. Top. in AlgebraV5A3 Adv. Top. in Algebraic GeometryV5A4 Sel. Top. in Algebraic GeometryV5A5 Adv. Top. in Representation TheoryV5A6 Sel. Top. in Representation TheoryV5A7 Adv. Top. in Mathematical LogicV5A8 Sel. Top. in Mathematical LogicV5A9 Adv. Top. in Number TheoryV5A10 Sel. Top. in Number TheoryV5A11 Adv. Top. in Computer-assisted Math.V5A12 Sel. Top. in Computer-assisted Math.S2A1 HS AlgebraS2A2 HS Mathematische LogikS2A3 HS ZahlentheorieS2A4 HS Angewandte Math. LogikS4A1 GS on Algebraic GeometryS4A2 GS on Representation TheoryS4A3 GS on Advanced AlgebraS4A4 GS on LogicS4A5 GS on Advanced Number TheoryS4A6 GS on Applied LogicP2A1 Praktikum Mathematische LogikP4A1 Practical Project Mathematical LogicP4A2 Practical Project Computer-assisted Math.V2B1 Analysis IIIV2B2 Einf. PDGV2B3 Einf. Komplexe AnalysisV3B1 PDG & FunktionalanalysisV3B2 PDG & ModellierungV3B3 Globale AnalysisV4B1 Nonlinear PDE IV4B2 Nonlinear PDE IIV4B3 Advanced Global Analysis IV4B4 Advanced Global Analysis IIV4B5 Harmonic AnalysisV5B1 Adv. Top. in Anal. & PDEV5B2 Sel. Top. in Anal. & PDEV5B3 Adv. Top. in PDE & Math. Mod.V5B4 Sel. Top. in PDE & Math. Mod.V5B5 Adv. Top. in Anal. & Calc.o.Var.V5B6 Sel. Top. in Anal. & Calc.o.Var.V5B7 Adv. Top. in AnalysisV5B8 Sel. Top. in AnalysisV5B9 Adv. Top. in FA & Operator Th.V5B10 Sel. Top. in FA & Operator Th.S2B1 HS FunktionalanalysisS2B2 HS PDGS2B3 HS Globale AnalysisS4B1 GS on AnalysisS4B2 GS on PDES4B3 GS on Global AnalysisS4B4 GS on FA & Operator Th.S5B1 GS on Advanced PDES5B2 GS on PDE in the SciencesS5B3 GS on New Devel. in PDES5B4 GS on Mod. Sim. with PDES5B5 GS on Adv. Top. in FA & Operator Th.V2C1 Einf. Diskrete MathematikV3C1 Lin. und ganzz. OptimierungV3C2 Komb., Graphen, MatroideV4C1 Combinatorial OptimizationV4C2 Approximation AlgorithmsV4C3 Chip DesignV5C1 Adv. Top. in Discrete Math.V5C2 Sel. Top. In Discrete Math.V5C3 Adv. Top. in Algor. & Optim.V5C4 Sel. Top. in Algor. & Optim.S2C1 HS Diskrete OptimierungS2C2 HS Algor. & OptimierungS4C1 GS on Discrete OptimizationS4C2 GS on Appl. Comb. OptimizationS4C3 GS on Algor. & OptimizationP2C1 Progr.prakt. Diskrete OptimierungP4C1 Combinatorial AlgorithmsP4C2 Algorithms for Chip DesignV2D1 Einf. Geometrie & TopologieV3D1 Topologie IV3D2 Topologie IIV3D3 Grdz. Anal. & Geom. auf Mannigfalt.V3D4 GeometrieV4D1 Algebraic Topology IV4D2 Algebraic Topology IIV4D3 Advanced Geometry IV4D4 Advanced Geometry IIV5D1 Adv. Top. in TopologyV5D2 Sel. Top. in TopologyV5D3 Adv. Top. in GeometryV5D4 Sel. Top. in GeometryV5D5 Adv. Top. in Diff. Geo.V5D6 Sel. Top. in Diff. Geo.S2D1 HS GeometrieS2D2 HS DifferentialtopologieS2D3 HS Homologie & KohomologietheorieS2D4 HS HomotopietheorieS2D5 HS Niedrigdimensionale TopologieS4D1 GS on Differential GeometryS4D2 GS on TopologyS4D3 GS on Advanced GeometryS4D4 GS on Advanced TopologyV2E1 Einf. Grundlagen NumerikV2E2 Einf. Numerische MathematikV3E1 Wissenschaftliches Rechnen IV3E2 Wissenschaftliches Rechnen IIV4E1 Numerical AlgorithmsV4E2 Numerical SimulationV5E1 Adv. Top. Num. Meth. Sci. Tech.V5E2 Sel. Top. Num. Meth. Sci. Tech.V5E3 Adv. Top. in Scientific Comp.V5E4 Sel. Top. in Scientific Comp.V5E5 Adv. Top. in Numerical AnalysisV5E6 Sel. Top. in Numerical AnalysisS2E1 HS NumerikS2E2 HS Wissenschaftliches RechnenS4E1 GS on Scientific ComputingS4E2 GS on Numerical SimulationS5E1 GS on Numerical AnalysisS5E2 GS on Efficient SimulationP2E1 Progr.prakt. Numerische AlgorithmenP4E1 Pract. Lab Numerical SimulationP4E2 Pract. Lab Adv. Scientific ComputingV2F1 Einf. WahrscheinlichkeitstheorieV2F2 Einf. StatistikV3F1 Stochastische ProzesseV3F2 Grdz. Stochast. AnalysisV4F1 Stochastic AnalysisV4F2 Markov ProcessesV5F1 Adv. Top. in Prob. TheoryV5F2 Sel. Top. in Prob. TheoryV5F3 Adv. Top. in Stoch. AnalysisV5F4 Sel. Top. in Stoch. AnalysisV5F5 Adv. Top. in Applied Prob.V5F6 Sel. Top. in Applied Prob.V5F7 Adv. Top. in Math. Bio. & Data ScienceV5F8 Sel. Top. in Math. Bio. & Data ScienceS2F1 HS StochastikS2F2 HS Stoch. Proz. & Stoch. Anal.S4F1 GS on Probability TheoryS4F2 GS on Stochastic AnalysisS4F3 GS on Applied ProbabilityS4F4 GS on Stochastic ModelsS4F5 GS on Interacting Random SystemsS4F6 GS on Stochastic ProcessesS4F7 GS on Math. Bio. & Data ScienceP4F1 Pract. Lab Math. Bio. & Data ScienceS3G1 Begleitseminar zur BachelorarbeitS5G1 Master's Thesis SeminarMB01 Grundzüge der Mathematik IMB02 Grundzüge der Mathematik IIMB03 StochastikMB04 Seminar Höhere MathematikMB05 Lineare AlgebraMB06 ElementarmathematikMB08 Mathematisches PraktikumMB09 Mathematische VertiefungMBV1G6b Algorithmische Mathematik IIbMB Softwarepraktikum GrundzügeMMD1 Didaktik der MathematikMMD2 Stoffdidaktik MathematikMMD3 Seminar MathematikdidaktikV3G1 Geschichte der MathematikS1G1 SeminarP2G2 Industrieprakt. / P4G2 Ext. InternshipMath. I für PhysikerMath. II für PhysikerMath. III für PhysikerAnalysis für InformatikerMath. und Statistik für BiologieMath. I für Geowiss.Math. II für Geowiss.Math. Meth. für Geophys & ELWAngew. Math. für Agrar & ELWBiometrie für Agrar & ELWAdvanced Biometry für AgrarBiometry für Agrar - Research MethodsBiometr. Beratung für AgrarIngenieurmath. I für Geod.Ingenieurmath. II für Geod.Ingenieurmath. III für Geod.Ingenieurmath. MSc für Geod. If your course is not a module of a Bachelor's or Master's degree program, please select the first option and complete the information in the next field. Subtitle or non-curricular course Please enter here a subtitle for your module or the name of your non-curricular course (e.g. Oberseminar,...). Weekdays, times, rooms Please fill in only for V5 lectures and for seminars. The locations and times of the other events are fixed and can only be changed in justified exceptional cases after consultation with the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics. Further teachers If you are offering the course jointly with other teachers, please name them here. Examiner If it is a Bachelor's or Master's module and several teachers are involved, please select ONE of them as the examiner. Preliminary meeting (for a seminar) If you offer a seminar please note here the date, time and place of the preliminary meeting. Further assignments and comments Please indicate here especially if your course should be assigned to another study program (e.g. V5A1 to doctoral studies area A). Course 3 3) Please select Kein Bachelor- oder Master-ModulV1G1 Analysis IV1G2 Analysis IIV1G3 Lineare Algebra IV1G4 Lineare Algebra IIV1G5 Algorithmische Math. IV1G6 Algorithmische Math. IIV2A1 Einführung in die AlgebraV2A2 Einführung in die Mathematische LogikV3A1 Algebra IV3A2 Algebra IIV3A3 Grundzüge der DarstellungstheorieV3A4 Grundzüge der ZahlentheorieV3A5 Mathematische LogikV3A6 Computergestützte MathematikV4A1 Algebraic Geometry IV4A2 Algebraic Geometry IIV4A3 Representation Theory IV4A4 Representation Theory IIV4A5 Advanced Algebra IV4A6 Advanced Algebra IIV4A7 Advanced Mathematical Logic IV4A8 Advanced Mathematical Logic IIV4A9 Number Theory IV4A10 Number Theory IIV5A1 Adv. Top. in AlgebraV5A2 Sel. Top. in AlgebraV5A3 Adv. Top. in Algebraic GeometryV5A4 Sel. Top. in Algebraic GeometryV5A5 Adv. Top. in Representation TheoryV5A6 Sel. Top. in Representation TheoryV5A7 Adv. Top. in Mathematical LogicV5A8 Sel. Top. in Mathematical LogicV5A9 Adv. Top. in Number TheoryV5A10 Sel. Top. in Number TheoryV5A11 Adv. Top. in Computer-assisted Math.V5A12 Sel. Top. in Computer-assisted Math.S2A1 HS AlgebraS2A2 HS Mathematische LogikS2A3 HS ZahlentheorieS2A4 HS Angewandte Math. LogikS4A1 GS on Algebraic GeometryS4A2 GS on Representation TheoryS4A3 GS on Advanced AlgebraS4A4 GS on LogicS4A5 GS on Advanced Number TheoryS4A6 GS on Applied LogicP2A1 Praktikum Mathematische LogikP4A1 Practical Project Mathematical LogicP4A2 Practical Project Computer-assisted Math.V2B1 Analysis IIIV2B2 Einf. PDGV2B3 Einf. Komplexe AnalysisV3B1 PDG & FunktionalanalysisV3B2 PDG & ModellierungV3B3 Globale AnalysisV4B1 Nonlinear PDE IV4B2 Nonlinear PDE IIV4B3 Advanced Global Analysis IV4B4 Advanced Global Analysis IIV4B5 Harmonic AnalysisV5B1 Adv. Top. in Anal. & PDEV5B2 Sel. Top. in Anal. & PDEV5B3 Adv. Top. in PDE & Math. Mod.V5B4 Sel. Top. in PDE & Math. Mod.V5B5 Adv. Top. in Anal. & Calc.o.Var.V5B6 Sel. Top. in Anal. & Calc.o.Var.V5B7 Adv. Top. in AnalysisV5B8 Sel. Top. in AnalysisV5B9 Adv. Top. in FA & Operator Th.V5B10 Sel. Top. in FA & Operator Th.S2B1 HS FunktionalanalysisS2B2 HS PDGS2B3 HS Globale AnalysisS4B1 GS on AnalysisS4B2 GS on PDES4B3 GS on Global AnalysisS4B4 GS on FA & Operator Th.S5B1 GS on Advanced PDES5B2 GS on PDE in the SciencesS5B3 GS on New Devel. in PDES5B4 GS on Mod. Sim. with PDES5B5 GS on Adv. Top. in FA & Operator Th.V2C1 Einf. Diskrete MathematikV3C1 Lin. und ganzz. OptimierungV3C2 Komb., Graphen, MatroideV4C1 Combinatorial OptimizationV4C2 Approximation AlgorithmsV4C3 Chip DesignV5C1 Adv. Top. in Discrete Math.V5C2 Sel. Top. In Discrete Math.V5C3 Adv. Top. in Algor. & Optim.V5C4 Sel. Top. in Algor. & Optim.S2C1 HS Diskrete OptimierungS2C2 HS Algor. & OptimierungS4C1 GS on Discrete OptimizationS4C2 GS on Appl. Comb. OptimizationS4C3 GS on Algor. & OptimizationP2C1 Progr.prakt. Diskrete OptimierungP4C1 Combinatorial AlgorithmsP4C2 Algorithms for Chip DesignV2D1 Einf. Geometrie & TopologieV3D1 Topologie IV3D2 Topologie IIV3D3 Grdz. Anal. & Geom. auf Mannigfalt.V3D4 GeometrieV4D1 Algebraic Topology IV4D2 Algebraic Topology IIV4D3 Advanced Geometry IV4D4 Advanced Geometry IIV5D1 Adv. Top. in TopologyV5D2 Sel. Top. in TopologyV5D3 Adv. Top. in GeometryV5D4 Sel. Top. in GeometryV5D5 Adv. Top. in Diff. Geo.V5D6 Sel. Top. in Diff. Geo.S2D1 HS GeometrieS2D2 HS DifferentialtopologieS2D3 HS Homologie & KohomologietheorieS2D4 HS HomotopietheorieS2D5 HS Niedrigdimensionale TopologieS4D1 GS on Differential GeometryS4D2 GS on TopologyS4D3 GS on Advanced GeometryS4D4 GS on Advanced TopologyV2E1 Einf. Grundlagen NumerikV2E2 Einf. Numerische MathematikV3E1 Wissenschaftliches Rechnen IV3E2 Wissenschaftliches Rechnen IIV4E1 Numerical AlgorithmsV4E2 Numerical SimulationV5E1 Adv. Top. Num. Meth. Sci. Tech.V5E2 Sel. Top. Num. Meth. Sci. Tech.V5E3 Adv. Top. in Scientific Comp.V5E4 Sel. Top. in Scientific Comp.V5E5 Adv. Top. in Numerical AnalysisV5E6 Sel. Top. in Numerical AnalysisS2E1 HS NumerikS2E2 HS Wissenschaftliches RechnenS4E1 GS on Scientific ComputingS4E2 GS on Numerical SimulationS5E1 GS on Numerical AnalysisS5E2 GS on Efficient SimulationP2E1 Progr.prakt. Numerische AlgorithmenP4E1 Pract. Lab Numerical SimulationP4E2 Pract. Lab Adv. Scientific ComputingV2F1 Einf. WahrscheinlichkeitstheorieV2F2 Einf. StatistikV3F1 Stochastische ProzesseV3F2 Grdz. Stochast. AnalysisV4F1 Stochastic AnalysisV4F2 Markov ProcessesV5F1 Adv. Top. in Prob. TheoryV5F2 Sel. Top. in Prob. TheoryV5F3 Adv. Top. in Stoch. AnalysisV5F4 Sel. Top. in Stoch. AnalysisV5F5 Adv. Top. in Applied Prob.V5F6 Sel. Top. in Applied Prob.V5F7 Adv. Top. in Math. Bio. & Data ScienceV5F8 Sel. Top. in Math. Bio. & Data ScienceS2F1 HS StochastikS2F2 HS Stoch. Proz. & Stoch. Anal.S4F1 GS on Probability TheoryS4F2 GS on Stochastic AnalysisS4F3 GS on Applied ProbabilityS4F4 GS on Stochastic ModelsS4F5 GS on Interacting Random SystemsS4F6 GS on Stochastic ProcessesS4F7 GS on Math. Bio. & Data ScienceP4F1 Pract. Lab Math. Bio. & Data ScienceS3G1 Begleitseminar zur BachelorarbeitS5G1 Master's Thesis SeminarMB01 Grundzüge der Mathematik IMB02 Grundzüge der Mathematik IIMB03 StochastikMB04 Seminar Höhere MathematikMB05 Lineare AlgebraMB06 ElementarmathematikMB08 Mathematisches PraktikumMB09 Mathematische VertiefungMBV1G6b Algorithmische Mathematik IIbMB Softwarepraktikum GrundzügeMMD1 Didaktik der MathematikMMD2 Stoffdidaktik MathematikMMD3 Seminar MathematikdidaktikV3G1 Geschichte der MathematikS1G1 SeminarP2G2 Industrieprakt. / P4G2 Ext. InternshipMath. I für PhysikerMath. II für PhysikerMath. III für PhysikerAnalysis für InformatikerMath. und Statistik für BiologieMath. I für Geowiss.Math. II für Geowiss.Math. Meth. für Geophys & ELWAngew. Math. für Agrar & ELWBiometrie für Agrar & ELWAdvanced Biometry für AgrarBiometry für Agrar - Research MethodsBiometr. Beratung für AgrarIngenieurmath. I für Geod.Ingenieurmath. II für Geod.Ingenieurmath. III für Geod.Ingenieurmath. MSc für Geod. If your course is not a module of a Bachelor's or Master's degree program, please select the first option and complete the information in the next field. Subtitle or non-curricular course Please enter here a subtitle for your module or the name of your non-curricular course (e.g. Oberseminar,...). Weekdays, times, rooms Please fill in only for V5 lectures and for seminars. The locations and times of the other events are fixed and can only be changed in justified exceptional cases after consultation with the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics. Further teachers If you are offering the course jointly with other teachers, please name them here. Examiner If it is a Bachelor's or Master's module and several teachers are involved, please select ONE of them as the examiner. Preliminary meeting (for a seminar) If you offer a seminar please note here the date, time and place of the preliminary meeting. Further assignments and comments Please indicate here especially if your course should be assigned to another study program (e.g. V5A1 to doctoral studies area A). Course 4 4) Please select Kein Bachelor- oder Master-ModulV1G1 Analysis IV1G2 Analysis IIV1G3 Lineare Algebra IV1G4 Lineare Algebra IIV1G5 Algorithmische Math. IV1G6 Algorithmische Math. IIV2A1 Einführung in die AlgebraV2A2 Einführung in die Mathematische LogikV3A1 Algebra IV3A2 Algebra IIV3A3 Grundzüge der DarstellungstheorieV3A4 Grundzüge der ZahlentheorieV3A5 Mathematische LogikV3A6 Computergestützte MathematikV4A1 Algebraic Geometry IV4A2 Algebraic Geometry IIV4A3 Representation Theory IV4A4 Representation Theory IIV4A5 Advanced Algebra IV4A6 Advanced Algebra IIV4A7 Advanced Mathematical Logic IV4A8 Advanced Mathematical Logic IIV4A9 Number Theory IV4A10 Number Theory IIV5A1 Adv. Top. in AlgebraV5A2 Sel. Top. in AlgebraV5A3 Adv. Top. in Algebraic GeometryV5A4 Sel. Top. in Algebraic GeometryV5A5 Adv. Top. in Representation TheoryV5A6 Sel. Top. in Representation TheoryV5A7 Adv. Top. in Mathematical LogicV5A8 Sel. Top. in Mathematical LogicV5A9 Adv. Top. in Number TheoryV5A10 Sel. Top. in Number TheoryV5A11 Adv. Top. in Computer-assisted Math.V5A12 Sel. Top. in Computer-assisted Math.S2A1 HS AlgebraS2A2 HS Mathematische LogikS2A3 HS ZahlentheorieS2A4 HS Angewandte Math. LogikS4A1 GS on Algebraic GeometryS4A2 GS on Representation TheoryS4A3 GS on Advanced AlgebraS4A4 GS on LogicS4A5 GS on Advanced Number TheoryS4A6 GS on Applied LogicP2A1 Praktikum Mathematische LogikP4A1 Practical Project Mathematical LogicP4A2 Practical Project Computer-assisted Math.V2B1 Analysis IIIV2B2 Einf. PDGV2B3 Einf. Komplexe AnalysisV3B1 PDG & FunktionalanalysisV3B2 PDG & ModellierungV3B3 Globale AnalysisV4B1 Nonlinear PDE IV4B2 Nonlinear PDE IIV4B3 Advanced Global Analysis IV4B4 Advanced Global Analysis IIV4B5 Harmonic AnalysisV5B1 Adv. Top. in Anal. & PDEV5B2 Sel. Top. in Anal. & PDEV5B3 Adv. Top. in PDE & Math. Mod.V5B4 Sel. Top. in PDE & Math. Mod.V5B5 Adv. Top. in Anal. & Calc.o.Var.V5B6 Sel. Top. in Anal. & Calc.o.Var.V5B7 Adv. Top. in AnalysisV5B8 Sel. Top. in AnalysisV5B9 Adv. Top. in FA & Operator Th.V5B10 Sel. Top. in FA & Operator Th.S2B1 HS FunktionalanalysisS2B2 HS PDGS2B3 HS Globale AnalysisS4B1 GS on AnalysisS4B2 GS on PDES4B3 GS on Global AnalysisS4B4 GS on FA & Operator Th.S5B1 GS on Advanced PDES5B2 GS on PDE in the SciencesS5B3 GS on New Devel. in PDES5B4 GS on Mod. Sim. with PDES5B5 GS on Adv. Top. in FA & Operator Th.V2C1 Einf. Diskrete MathematikV3C1 Lin. und ganzz. OptimierungV3C2 Komb., Graphen, MatroideV4C1 Combinatorial OptimizationV4C2 Approximation AlgorithmsV4C3 Chip DesignV5C1 Adv. Top. in Discrete Math.V5C2 Sel. Top. In Discrete Math.V5C3 Adv. Top. in Algor. & Optim.V5C4 Sel. Top. in Algor. & Optim.S2C1 HS Diskrete OptimierungS2C2 HS Algor. & OptimierungS4C1 GS on Discrete OptimizationS4C2 GS on Appl. Comb. OptimizationS4C3 GS on Algor. & OptimizationP2C1 Progr.prakt. Diskrete OptimierungP4C1 Combinatorial AlgorithmsP4C2 Algorithms for Chip DesignV2D1 Einf. Geometrie & TopologieV3D1 Topologie IV3D2 Topologie IIV3D3 Grdz. Anal. & Geom. auf Mannigfalt.V3D4 GeometrieV4D1 Algebraic Topology IV4D2 Algebraic Topology IIV4D3 Advanced Geometry IV4D4 Advanced Geometry IIV5D1 Adv. Top. in TopologyV5D2 Sel. Top. in TopologyV5D3 Adv. Top. in GeometryV5D4 Sel. Top. in GeometryV5D5 Adv. Top. in Diff. Geo.V5D6 Sel. Top. in Diff. Geo.S2D1 HS GeometrieS2D2 HS DifferentialtopologieS2D3 HS Homologie & KohomologietheorieS2D4 HS HomotopietheorieS2D5 HS Niedrigdimensionale TopologieS4D1 GS on Differential GeometryS4D2 GS on TopologyS4D3 GS on Advanced GeometryS4D4 GS on Advanced TopologyV2E1 Einf. Grundlagen NumerikV2E2 Einf. Numerische MathematikV3E1 Wissenschaftliches Rechnen IV3E2 Wissenschaftliches Rechnen IIV4E1 Numerical AlgorithmsV4E2 Numerical SimulationV5E1 Adv. Top. Num. Meth. Sci. Tech.V5E2 Sel. Top. Num. Meth. Sci. Tech.V5E3 Adv. Top. in Scientific Comp.V5E4 Sel. Top. in Scientific Comp.V5E5 Adv. Top. in Numerical AnalysisV5E6 Sel. Top. in Numerical AnalysisS2E1 HS NumerikS2E2 HS Wissenschaftliches RechnenS4E1 GS on Scientific ComputingS4E2 GS on Numerical SimulationS5E1 GS on Numerical AnalysisS5E2 GS on Efficient SimulationP2E1 Progr.prakt. Numerische AlgorithmenP4E1 Pract. Lab Numerical SimulationP4E2 Pract. Lab Adv. Scientific ComputingV2F1 Einf. WahrscheinlichkeitstheorieV2F2 Einf. StatistikV3F1 Stochastische ProzesseV3F2 Grdz. Stochast. AnalysisV4F1 Stochastic AnalysisV4F2 Markov ProcessesV5F1 Adv. Top. in Prob. TheoryV5F2 Sel. Top. in Prob. TheoryV5F3 Adv. Top. in Stoch. AnalysisV5F4 Sel. Top. in Stoch. AnalysisV5F5 Adv. Top. in Applied Prob.V5F6 Sel. Top. in Applied Prob.V5F7 Adv. Top. in Math. Bio. & Data ScienceV5F8 Sel. Top. in Math. Bio. & Data ScienceS2F1 HS StochastikS2F2 HS Stoch. Proz. & Stoch. Anal.S4F1 GS on Probability TheoryS4F2 GS on Stochastic AnalysisS4F3 GS on Applied ProbabilityS4F4 GS on Stochastic ModelsS4F5 GS on Interacting Random SystemsS4F6 GS on Stochastic ProcessesS4F7 GS on Math. Bio. & Data ScienceP4F1 Pract. Lab Math. Bio. & Data ScienceS3G1 Begleitseminar zur BachelorarbeitS5G1 Master's Thesis SeminarMB01 Grundzüge der Mathematik IMB02 Grundzüge der Mathematik IIMB03 StochastikMB04 Seminar Höhere MathematikMB05 Lineare AlgebraMB06 ElementarmathematikMB08 Mathematisches PraktikumMB09 Mathematische VertiefungMBV1G6b Algorithmische Mathematik IIbMB Softwarepraktikum GrundzügeMMD1 Didaktik der MathematikMMD2 Stoffdidaktik MathematikMMD3 Seminar MathematikdidaktikV3G1 Geschichte der MathematikS1G1 SeminarP2G2 Industrieprakt. / P4G2 Ext. InternshipMath. I für PhysikerMath. II für PhysikerMath. III für PhysikerAnalysis für InformatikerMath. und Statistik für BiologieMath. I für Geowiss.Math. II für Geowiss.Math. Meth. für Geophys & ELWAngew. Math. für Agrar & ELWBiometrie für Agrar & ELWAdvanced Biometry für AgrarBiometry für Agrar - Research MethodsBiometr. Beratung für AgrarIngenieurmath. I für Geod.Ingenieurmath. II für Geod.Ingenieurmath. III für Geod.Ingenieurmath. MSc für Geod. If your course is not a module of a Bachelor's or Master's degree program, please select the first option and complete the information in the next field. Subtitle or non-curricular course Please enter here a subtitle for your module or the name of your non-curricular course (e.g. Oberseminar,...). Weekdays, times, rooms Please fill in only for V5 lectures and for seminars. The locations and times of the other events are fixed and can only be changed in justified exceptional cases after consultation with the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics. Further teachers If you are offering the course jointly with other teachers, please name them here. Examiner If it is a Bachelor's or Master's module and several teachers are involved, please select ONE of them as the examiner. Preliminary meeting (for a seminar) If you offer a seminar please note here the date, time and place of the preliminary meeting. Further assignments and comments Please indicate here especially if your course should be assigned to another study program (e.g. V5A1 to doctoral studies area A). Submit Reset UniID Please fill out this field using the example format provided in the placeholder. The phone number will be handled in accordance with GDPR. Thank you very much for your announcement. Your courses will be listed in the course catalogue of the upcoming semester. We will inform you via e-mail when this is activated. Please check afterwards if the data of your courses are correct and complete. Thank you!