Teacher Training Program in Mathematics
You are interested in the teaching profession and would like to convey your interest for mathematics to others? In the teacher training program in mathematics at the University of Bonn, you will acquire a solid knowledge base that will enable you to inspire your future students in mathematics. You have the choice between teacher education for high schools and comprehensive schools and teacher education for vocational colleges.
To prepare you for the teaching profession, our curriculum includes modules that you, as a teacher training student, attend together with your fellow students from the subject-specific bachelor's program, as well as modules specifically designed for teacher training students. In the bachelor's program, the foundation for your subject knowledge is laid, and alongside that, didactic elements are integrated.
The subject-specific content, as well as, especially, the didactic competencies, are deepened in the Master of Education program.

A successful study of mathematics requires talent and a high level of dedication. Learning is accomplished through attending lectures and reviewing them, as well as independently solving the weekly assignments. You must consistently keep up to stay on track. This is often a challenge, especially for teacher education students because, on one hand, they must still learn the mathematical language and ways of thinking, and on the other hand, there is a second subject that demands time and attention.
While good grades in mathematics and a successful academic track record often coincide, taking an advanced math course in school is neither a sufficient nor a necessary criterion for a successful mathematics study. Mathematics at the university level (usually) differs significantly from what students encounter in school. It's not about memorizing calculation patterns or empty buzzwords. One must recognize and comprehend connections and correlations. More important than prior academic knowledge are well-developed analytical thinking skills and perseverance.
Bonn Center for Teacher Education
Responsible for the teacher training programs at the University of Bonn is the Bonn Center for Teacher Education (BZL, website in German). They will provide you with all the important information for a teaching degree.
In the following you will find further information, some of which is specific to the subject of mathematics.
Are you considering studying mathematics in Bonn, but are not yet sure whether mathematics is right for you? The online self-assessment test may help you decide. It gives you insights into the topics of the first year of study in an interactive way.
In general, the admission requirement for a university study program is typically the general university entrance qualification (Abitur).
In a teacher education program at the University of Bonn, you need to choose two subjects. Therefore, it is important to know which other subjects can be combined with mathematics.
In the Bachelor's degree program in Mathematics, there is a local admission restriction for the first subject semester. You must apply for a study place by July 15th of a given year. Please make sure to inform yourself in a timely manner about the current deadlines and the application process.
If you have been admitted to a study place in the Bachelor of Mathematics program at the University of Bonn and wish to accept the placement, you must enroll. This is done at the Student Secretary's Office of the University of Bonn, where your personal data is managed, and your program of study is registered.
Study Profile
What are the contents of the teacher training program in mathematics at the University of Bonn? Which modules do I have to complete? ...

Before your study begins...
... you can attend two preliminary courses!
The preliminary course for mathematics majors prepares you for entry into the program by treating a topic exemplarily in lectures and exercises. It is not the content that is most important, but the practice of procedures and ways of thinking.
In the programming pre-course you can familiarize yourself with the programming language currently used in the exercises for "Algorithmic Mathematics I".
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