Academic Requirements for Studying Mathematics
Successful studies in mathematics require talent and a high level of dedication. Learning is achieved through attending lectures and working through them independently, as well as solving weekly assignments. One must stay on top of the material throughout the entire semester. This can be particularly challenging at the beginning of the program since students' prior knowledge from school varies widely, and both the mathematical language and modes of thinking need to be learned.
While good grades in mathematics and a successful academic track record often coincide, taking an advanced math course in school is neither a sufficient nor a necessary criterion for successfully studying mathematics. Mathematics at the university level (usually) differs significantly from what students encounter in school. It's not about memorizing calculation patterns or empty buzzwords. One must recognize and comprehend connections and correlations. More important than prior academic knowledge are well-developed analytical thinking skills and perseverance. You can test both in our online self-assessment test!

While a significant portion of the relevant academic literature is written in English, all lectures and seminars in our Bachelor's degree program are taught in German. Good command of the German language is imperative for successful studies.
Proficiency in computer usage and knowledge of a high-level programming language is useful and an essential requirement for Algorithmic Mathematics. The best preparation for this is to attend the programming course as part of the preparatory courses. It is highly recommended for every mathematics student to become familiar with programming as early as possible. In this way, you gain enough practice to focus on algorithms in Algorithmic Mathematics.
Are you considering studying mathematics in Bonn, but are not yet sure whether mathematics is right for you? The online self-assessment test may help you decide. It gives you insights into the topics of the first year of study in an interactive way.
Admission Requirements
The admission requirement for the Bachelor's degree program in Mathematics is typically the general university entrance qualification (Abitur). However, other qualifications are also possible, such as those obtained outside of Germany or specific to the field.
For the time being, there is no local admission restriction for the first subject semester of the Bachelor's degree program in Mathematics. However, please inform yourself in time about how to start your studies at Bonn, and the current deadlines.
If you wish to start your studies in the Bachelor of Mathematics program at the University of Bonn you need to enroll at the Student Registry of the University of Bonn. There your personal data is managed, and your program of study is registered. Before enrollment you will need to complete an online registration.
Study Program Profile
- What are the contents of the Bachelor's program in Mathematics at the University of Bonn?
- Which modules do I have to complete?
- How much flexibility is there in the program?
- What are the graduation requirements?

Before You Begin Your Studies...
... you can attend two preliminary courses!
The preliminary course for mathematics majors prepares you for entry into the program by treating a topic exemplarily in lectures and exercises. It is not the content that is most important, but the practice of procedures and ways of thinking.
In the programming pre-course you can familiarize yourself with the programming language currently used in the exercises for "Algorithmic Mathematics I".
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