07. September 2023

New practical training in the Bachelor program of teacher training in mathematics New practical training in the Bachelor program of teacher training in mathematics

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Starting with the winter semester 2023/24, Prof. Hieronymi, a professor of logic, offers a new practical training for students in the Bachelor program of teacher training in mathematics:

  • Linear Algebra and Data Science .

This is a programming lab. The prerequisite is that students have heard a lecture on linear algebra and want to learn where and how this is applied in a very practical way.

Among other things we will look at

  • Google's PageRank algorithm,
  • Image and sound compression methods such as JPEG and MP3,
  • Automatic face and character recognition,
  • other Data Science and Machine Learning applications .

In addition, the main character in Game of Thrones will be determined and a karaoke version of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody will be created!

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