Transfers into Mathematics in Bonn
You have already begun studying and now want to change track to a mathematics program at the University of Bonn? The requirements for this depend on:
- The program you want to switch to,
- The program in which you have been studying so far.

If you have already studied, we can assess whether you have earned transferable credits, and potentially place you in a higher subject semester.
If you have earned credits from previous studies, you must submit an application for credit transfer in your first semester at the University of Bonn, by the specified deadline.
If you were enrolled in the Bachelor's program in Mathematics at another university and want to transfer to Bonn in the same program, you will need formal placement into a (higher) subject semester.
- Please send a complete transcript of your previous studies to the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics.
- You will receive a confirmation from us with the placement in a subject semester. Generally, the number of semesters is simply incremented.
If you were enrolled in a subject other than mathematics, whether in Bonn or at another university, and would like to switch to the Bachelor's program in Mathematics at Bonn, it can be assessed whether there are any transferable credits. If you wish to do so:
- Please send a complete transcript of your previous studies to the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics.
- We will assess your study achievements for transferable credits, e.g., for a secondary subject.
- If applicable, you will receive a confirmation from us indicating placement in a higher (typically the 2nd) subject semester.
If you cannot or do not wish to have any credits transferred, you must apply for the Bachelor's program in Mathematics at Bonn within the specified deadline.
If you have already completed an undergraduate study program, special conditions apply for a second degree. Please inquire in good time.

Transfer to Master Mathematics
If you want to transfer to the Master's program in Mathematics in Bonn, it must be assessed whether you meet the admission criteria for this program.
Therefore, you must apply with us in any case, even if you have already been enrolled in a Master's program in Mathematics at another university.

Transfer to Teacher Training in Mathematics
If you want to transfer to the Mathematics Teacher Education program in Bonn from another university or field, the Bonn Center for Teacher Education (BZL) is your point of contact.
If you have earned transferable credits in mathematics, you will receive a recommendation for recognition from the department. Please contact the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics with the designated form from the BZL.
Please note:
It is not possible to transfer to a program at the University of Bonn if you have finally failed a compulsory module or the Bachelor's or Master's examination in a related or comparable program, or if you are involved in another examination procedure in such a program.
Recognition of Academic Credits
No matter which mathematics program you transfer to:
If you want to have credits recognized from previous studies, you must submit a credit recognition application to the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics. After it has been reviewed and approved, we will enter the credits on your academic record.

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