There are two examination dates per semester for each lecture module. The first takes place at the end of the lecture period, the second at the end of the ...
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Study Organization
There are two examination dates per semester for each lecture module. The first takes place at the end of the lecture period, the second at the end of the ...
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Study Organization
As an introduction to the degree program, we invite all new Master's students to an orientation event which usually takes place on the first day of the lecture ...
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Study Organization
We invite all first-year students to an orientation event in the week before the start of lectures to introduce them to the course. You will receive an ...
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Study Organization
Every year, the ERASMUS coordinator of Mathematics and the International Office of the University of Bonn provide information about the possibilities of ...
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Study Organization
After enrolling in the Master's study program Mathematics, you must register once for the Master's examination at the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics. ...
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You need to register online on the campus platform. IMPORTANT: Due to the changeover to a new system, details of the procedure can only be announced at a ...
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Study Organization
Registration for seminars takes place in two steps: 1) Binding registration with the lecturer with signature and topic assignment; 2) Technical registration ...
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Study Organization
Die Anmeldung erfolgt online über die Campusplattform. WICHTIG: Wegen der Umstellung auf ein neues System können Einzelheiten zum Verfahren erst später ...
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Die Anmeldung zu Seminaren erfolgt in zwei Schritten: 1) Verbindliche Anmeldung beim Dozenten mit Unterschrift und Themenvergabe; 2) Technische Anmeldung über ...
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