Universität Bonn

Young Women in Partial Differential Equations and Applications

Monday 20 September - Wednesday 22 September 2021

Venue: Mathematics Centre, Endenicher Allee 60, University of Bonn

Organizers: Amrita Ghosh  (IAM, Bonn), Arianna Giunti (IAM, Bonn)

E-mail:  ywpdes(at)iam.uni-bonn.de
Webpage: https://www.iam.uni-bonn.de/afa/guests-and-events/young-women-in-pdes-and-applications/

Description: The main lectures will be given by

  • Apala Majumdar, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
  • Elisabetta Rocca,  University of Pavia, Italy
  • Anja Schloemerkemper, Wuerzburg University, Germany

Confirmed invited speakers:
M. Bruna (Cambridge University), C.C. Kreisbeck (Utrecht University), A. Lamacz (Duisburg-Essen University), C. Lienstromberg (Bonn University), T. Pernas-Castano (Bonn University), L. Scardia (Heriot-Watt University), C. Zeppieri (Muenster University)

The aim of this workshop is to bring together and promote collaborations between young female researchers who work in Partial Differential Equations applied to problems arising from natural sciences (e.g. material science, fluid-mechanics, biology). There will be three mini-courses, several invited talks and a poster session.

We encourage female PhD students and post-docs to register by writing us to ywpdes@iam.uni-bonn.de. We offer the opportunity of presenting a poster. To present a poster, please send us also an abstract.

Some financial support is also available. To apply for it, please also attach your CV.

We welcome anyone, independently from the gender, to attend the workshop.

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