July 10 - 14, 2023
Lipschitz-Saal (Endenicher Allee 60, Bonn)
Organizers: Sebastian Hensel (University of Bonn), Tim Laux (University of Bonn), Kerrek Stinson (University of Bonn)
Description: The analysis of a broad class of static and evolutionary problems is essentially based on an understanding of the variational and geometric nature of the underlying partial differential equations. A particular focus of the school is to explain the state-of-the-art techniques and tools required for such problems. The goal of this summer school is therefore to introduce graduate students and young researchers to a selection of fascinating problems in this highly active research area. The courses can be supplemented by presentations of the participating students about their research projects.
Lecture Series by:
- Adriana Garroni (Sapienza University of Rome)
- Maria Giovanna Mora (University of Pavia)
- Alexander Mielke (WIAS Berlin and Humboldt University Berlin)
- Ian Tobasco (University of Illinois Chicago)
The University of Bonn and HSM are committed to diversity and equal opportunity. We aim to increase the proportion of women in areas where women are underrepresented and to facilitate their careers. We therefore strongly encourage women with relevant qualifications to apply.
To support the participation of researchers travelling with young children, additional financial support and childcare during lectures can be provided. To encourage the participation of researchers facing increased financial burden, such as researchers from developing countries, a small number of fully funded places are available (including support for travel, visa fees etc). Please indicate in your application (under "Comments") for which type of financial support you would like to be considered.
The deadline for applications has expired.
This Hausdorff School was followed by a workshop - Nonlinear PDEs: Recent trends in the analysis of continuum mechanics.
Workshop: Nonlinear PDEs: Recent trends in the analysis of continuum mechanics (July 17-21, 2023)
This workshop is focused on the analysis of nonlinear PDEs with a particular emphasis on both static and dynamic problems arising in application. It will bring together researchers, new and established, to discuss exciting topics at the forefront of applied analysis. The areas represented will broadly include elasticity, homogenization, fluid-structure interaction, interface evolutions, rate independent dynamics, etc. Many of these applications are well-tackled via variational methods, thereby providing a common ground for mathematics, and a natural starting point for collaboration.