September 12 - 16, 2022
Arithmeum (Gerhard-Konow-Hörsaal, Bonn)
Organizers: William Cook (Waterloo) and Stephan Held (Bonn)
Description: Most combinatorial optimization problems, e.g. the travelling salesman problem, graph coloring, or the Steiner tree problem, have wide practical applications. Thus, a large research community is working on advancing the computational tractability of these mostly NP-hard problems. This Hausdorff School will provide the unique opportunity for PhD students and PostDocs to gain in depth knowledge from leading researchers in this area.

Key Speakers: The following speakers will give a lecture series:
- Armin Biere (Freiburg)
- SAT solving I
- SAT solving II
- SAT solving III
- Robert Bixby (Houston)
- LP & MIP solving I
- LP & MIP solving II
- LP & MIP solving III
- Petra Mutzel (Bonn)
- Graph Coloring
- Graph Similarity I
- Graph similariy II
- Eduardo Uchoa (Rio de Janeiro)
- Column generation algorithms
- Recent advances in exact algorithms for VRP
- Modeling with VRPSolver
Application has been closed at the end of July, 2022. Late applications may be considered, please contact stefan.hartmann(at) in theses cases.
In case of questions, please contact the organizers at computational(at)