April 4 - 8, 2022
Lipschitz-Saal (Endenicher Allee 60, Bonn)
Organizers: Annalisa Iuorio (University of Vienna), Laura Maria Kanzler (Sorbonne Université Paris), Cinzia Soresina (University of Graz)
Description: A large number of real-life phenomena - spread through chemistry, ecology, and biology - can be mathematically described through diffusive systems such as reaction-diffusion systems with linear or nonlinear diffusion, nonlocal diffusion, and cross-diffusion systems. These systems are extremely interesting to investigate not only due to their importance in applications (reaction chemistry, population dynamics, collective phenomena in life sciences) but also because they give rise to a rich variety of complex behaviours, such as pattern formation and bifurcations.
In the second edition of this School – which follows the 2021 online first edition – we aim to bring together experts from different communities to cover the investigation of diffusive systems from several viewpoints: analytically, combining methods and techniques from Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) and dynamical systems to derive and analyse mathematical models for the applied phenomena; numerically, reviewing the most recent techniques and software for the computation of bifurcation diagrams and continuation with respect to the systems’ parameters; and, last but not least, from the applied - in particular biological – viewpoint, since a constant exchange of knowledge between the theoretical investigations and the experimental data is crucial in advancing research in this area.
The school will last 5 days and will be based on 5 courses by senior researchers in the field, each course comprising 2 sessions of 1h30min each, totalling 3h per course. The program is complemented by individual talks by selected participants, a mentoring session, and 5 working groups with dedicated sessions, where participants are going to actively deepen the study of the courses’ material provided by the lecturers.
Key Speakers:
- Anna Marciniak-Czochra (Heidelberg University)
- Sara Merino-Aceituno (University of Vienna)
- Ayman Moussa (Sorbonne Université)
- Mariya Ptashnyk (Heriot-Watt University)
- Vivi Rottschäfer (University of Leiden)
Please send applications using the form below. Limited financial support for PhD students and postdocs may be available.
To be considered for participation, a CV and Letter of Intent (1 page) are required, as well as the name and contact information of a potential reference. (At this time, do not request a letter of recommendation.) Only one document can be uploaded, so please combine all documentation into one PDF.
Please note: Everyone interested in participating - disregarding whether there is need for financial support or not - has to register so that the participation may be administered. Everyone will be notified in due time about whether participation and partial financial support is possible.
Late applications may be considered, but to be given full consideration, please complete all information before the deadline.
The deadline for applications is 13 February 2022.
In case of questions, please contact the organizers at diffusivesystems(at)hcm.uni-bonn.de
Please click here for the schedule.
Please click here for the abstracts.
Please click here for the abstracts Postdocs.

Person |
Affiliation |
Period of stay |
Fagbade Adeyemi | University of Wyoming | 04.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 |
Konstantinos Alexiou | University of St Andrews | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Swarnendu Banerjee | Utrecht University | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Riccardo Bonetto | University of Groningen | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Elisabetta Brocchieri | University of Evry Val d'Essonne (UEVE) | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Jean Cauvin Vila | CERMICS, Ecole des Ponts | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Abdennasser Chekroun | American Univ. of Ras Al Khaimah | 04.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 |
Churong Chen | TU Dresden | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Szymon Cygan | University of Wroclaw | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Ahmed Fathi | University of Napoli | 03.04.2022 – 05.04.2022 |
Gabriele Grifò | University of Messina | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Jules Guilberteau | Sorbonne Université | 04.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Burcu Gürbüz | Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Julia Hauser | TU Dresden | 03.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 |
Annalisa Iuorio | University of Vienna | 04.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 |
Laura Kanzler | Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Paris Sorbonne Université | 03.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 |
Dimitrios Katsaounis | University of St Andrews | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Farhan Khan | University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Krzysztof Krawczyk | University of Wroclaw | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Petra Macková | Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University in Bratislava | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Mainak Mandal | TU Dresden | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Anna Marciniak-Czochra | University of Heidelberg | 04.04.2022 – 06.04.2022 |
Annamaria Massimini | Vienna University of Technology | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Sara Merino-Aceituno | University of Vienna | 03.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 |
Pablo Moreno Spiegelberg | University of the Balearic Islands | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Carmela Moschella | University of Vienna | 03.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 |
Ayman Moussa | Sorbonne Universite | 03.04.2022 – 06.04.2022 |
Claudia Mußnig Wytrzens | University of Vienna | 03.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 |
Daphne Nesenberend | Leiden University | 03.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 |
Andrew O Heachteirn | University of Oxford | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Qiyao Peng | Leiden University | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Saeid Pourmasoud | Luigi Van vitelli University | 04.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 |
Mariya Ptashnyk | Heriot-Watt University | 03.04.2022 – 05.04.2022 |
Cordula Reisch | TU Braunschweig | 03.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 |
Pablo Rojas | University of Kassel | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Vivi Rottschäfer | Leiden University, Mathematical Institute | 03.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 |
Stefanie Schindler | Weierstrass Institute | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Markus Schmidtchen | Technische Universität Dresden | 03.04.2022 – 07.04.2022 |
Nikita Simonov | Universite d'Evry Val d'Essonne | 03.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 |
Evdokiia Slepukhina | Universität Hohenheim | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Cinzia Soresina | University of Graz | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Ulusoy Suleyman | American Univ. of Ras Al Khaimah | 04.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 |
Quoc Bao Tang | University of Graz | 03.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 |
Mark van den Bosch | Leiden University | 03.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 |
Luis Guillermo Venegas Pineda | University of Groningen | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Oscar Wit de | University of Cambridge | 03.04.2022 – 09.04.2022 |
Miguel Álvarez | IFISC - Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (University of the Balearic Islands) | 03.04.2022 – 08.04.2022 |