May 10 - 14 and May 17-21 (2 weeks) 2021
Organizers: Lillian B. Pierce (Duke University), Oscar Marmon (University of Lund)
Description: The Circle Method emerged one hundred years ago from ideas of Ramanujan, Hardy and Littlewood, and quickly became the most powerful analytic method for counting solutions to Diophantine equations. As the Circle Method enters its second century, new work is making significant advances both in strengthening results in classical Diophantine settings, and in demonstrating applications in novel settings. This includes function field, number field, adelic, geometric, and harmonic analytic applications, with striking consequences in areas such as ergodic theory, subconvexity for L-functions, and the Langlands program.
This summer school for graduate students and postdocs will present accessible lecture series that demonstrate how to apply the Circle Method in a wide variety of settings. Participants will gain both a foundational understanding of the core principles of the Circle Method, and an overview of cutting-edge applications of the method.
Key Speakers: The following speakers will give a lecture series:
- Timothy Browning (IST Austria)
- Jayce Robert Getz (Duke University)
- Yu-Ru Liu (University of Waterloo)
- Ritabrata Munshi (Indian Statistical Institute)
- Simon Myerson (University of Warwick)
- Lillian B. Pierce (Duke University)
Additional Speakers:
- Kirsti Biggs (University of Gothenburg)
- Julia Brandes (University of Gothenburg)
- Oscar Marmon (Lund University)
- Damaris Schindler (University of Göttingen)
- Pankaj Vishe (Durham University)
In case of questions, please contact the organizers at thecirclemethod(at)
Please see here for information on our trimester program "Harmonic Analysis and Analytic Number Theory".
Click here for the abstracts.
Click here for the schedule.