February 10 - 14, 2020
Lipschitz-Saal (Endenicher Allee 60, Bonn)
Organizers: Georg Oberdieck (Bonn), Johannes Schmitt (Bonn)
Description: Sheaf-theoretic methods play an increasing role in the enumerative geometry of algebraic varieties. In this direction, Maulik and Toda recently proposed a mathematical definition of Gopakumar-Vafa invariants using perverse sheaves. These invariants of Calabi-Yau threefolds were first predicted in physics in the 90s and conjecturally reflect a deeper hidden structure (BPS algebras) of the variety which is of independent interest in representation theory and geometry.
This winter school, directed at graduate students and postdocs, will center around three mini courses introducing perverse sheaves, vanishing cycles and Gopakumar-Vafa invariants. The courses will be complemented by several introductory lectures as well as shorter research talks.

Key Speakers: The following speakers will give a lecture series:
- Sven Meinhardt (University of Sheffield)
- Luca Migliorini (University of Bologna)
- Yukinobu Toda (IPMU, Tokyo)
Additional Speakers:
- Pierrick Bousseau (ETH Zürich)
- Ben Davison (University of Edinburgh)
- Albrecht Klemm (University of Bonn) tbc
- Junliang Shen (MIT)
The deadline for applications was 15th October 2019.
In case of questions, please contact Georg Oberdieck at sheaves(at)hcm.uni-bonn.de.

Person |
Affiliation |
Period of stay |
Shabeeb Alalawi | University of Bonn | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Toni Annala | University of British Columbia | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Dhyan Aranha | Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati | 09.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Noah Arbesfeld | Imperial College London | 10.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Younghan Bae | ETH Zürich | 09.02.2020 – 13.02.2020 |
Qingyuan Bai | Peking University | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Luca Battistella | University of Heidelberg | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Thorsten Beckmann | University of Bonn | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Sjoerd Beentjes | University of Bonn | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Arkadij Bojko | ETH Zürich | 10.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Pierrick Bousseau | ETH Zürich | 09.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Tim Buelles | ETH Zürich | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Francesca Carocci | EPF Lausanne | 09.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Alberto Cattaneo | Universität Bonn | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Simone Melchiorre Chiarello | University of Geneva | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Jinwon Choi | Sookmyung University | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Jinwon Choi | Sookmyung University | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Ben (Nicholas) Davison | University of Edinburgh | 10.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Yanqiao Ding | Sorbonne University | 10.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Yajnaseni Dutta | Universität Bonn | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Dennis Eriksson | Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Camilla Felisetti | Université de Genève | 09.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Tim Gabele | Universität Hamburg | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Jacob Gross | University of Oxford | 09.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Feng Hao | KU Leuven | 09.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Isabell Hellmann | Uni Bonn | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Lucien Hennecart | Université Paris-Sud - Laboratoire de mathématiques d'Orsay | 10.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Yuxuan Hu | Peking University | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Mingyuan Hu | Peking University | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Chuhao Huang | Peking University | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
David Kern | LAREMA (Université d'Angers) | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Youshua Kesting | Universität Bonn | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Adeel Khan | Universität Regensburg | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Abhiram Kidambi | TU Wien/Stanford University | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Tasuki Kinjo | The University of Tokyo | 09.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Grigorii Konovalov | Skoltech, MIPT | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Grigory Konovalov | Skoltech | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Vadym Kurylenko | University of Hamburg | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Ties Laarakker | Imperial College London | 09.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Zhuoming Lan | Peking University | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Sanghyeon Lee | Korea Institute for Advanced Study | 09.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Marco Lilienblum | Universität Augsburg | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Woonam Lim | ETH Zurich | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Tianle Liu | Peking University | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Mirko Mauri | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Sven Meinhardt | The University of Sheffield | 10.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Luca Migliorini | Dipartimento di Matematica Universita' di Bologna | 09.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Sergej Monavari | Utrecht Universiteit | 09.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Nina Morishige | University of British Columbia | 09.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Navid Nabijou | University of Glasgow | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Sungwoo Nam | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 09.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Denis Nestrov | Universität Bonn | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Georg Oberdieck | Universität Bonn | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Jeongseok Oh | Korea Institute for Advanced Study | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Stephen Pietromonaco | University of British Columbia | 08.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Tomasz Przezdziecki | University of Edinburgh | 08.02.2020 – 16.02.2020 |
Konstantinos Psaromiligkos | University of Chicago | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Angel David Rios Ortiz | Università di Roma, La Sapienza | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Sybille Rosset | Universite Versailles saint Quentin en Yvelines | 09.02.2020 – 16.02.2020 |
Adrien Sauvaget | Utrecht University | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Kendric Schefers | University of Texas, Austin | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Sebastian Schlegel Mejia | University of Edinburgh | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Johannes Schmitt | ETH Zürich | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Junliang Shen | MIT | 09.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Cheng Shu | Université Paris Diderot | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Felix Stärk | Universität Augsburg | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Tao Su | ENS Paris | 09.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Dmitry Sustretov | KU Leuven | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Tom Sutherland | Universidade de Lisboa | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Yukinobu Toda | University of Tokyo | 09.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Michel van Garrel | University of Warwick | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Haopeng Wang | KU Leuven | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Ben Wu | Stony Brook University | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Longting Wu | ETH Zürich | 09.02.2020 – 15.02.2020 |
Kevin Yeh | ETH Zürich | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Matt Young | MPIM | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |
Lutian Zhao | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 10.02.2020 – 14.02.2020 |