Universität Bonn

Hausdorff School: "PDE's in Fluid Mechanics"

February 7 - 11, 2022

Lipschitz-Saal (Endenicher Allee 60, Bonn)

Organizers: Diego Alonso-Orán (Universität Bonn), Juan J.L. Velazquez (Universität Bonn)

Description: Fluid mechanics is one of the classical areas   in the study of Partial Differential Equations and has been a vast subject of research in the last centuries. The school intends to promote scientific exchange between leading experts and young researchers in fluid mechanics and possible future directions of research of this area. In particular the key topics to be covered are the analysis of both compressible and incompressible fluids (Euler flows, Navier-Stokes equations, MHD equations), free-boundary interface equations (water waves, Muskat problem) and other associated  model equations.

This Hausdorff school is mainly directed to graduate and postdoctoral students who want to get acquainted with the recent developments and new directions in this field. There will be three courses and some invited lectures by experts in the field.


Key Speakers: The following speakers will give a lecture series:

  • Ángel Castro (ICMAT)
  • Maria Colombo (EPFL)
  • David Lannes (CNRS-Institute de Mathématiques de Bordeaux)

In case of questions, please contact the organizers at pdesinfluidmechanis@hcm.uni-bonn.de


Period of stay
Edoardo Bocchi Universidad de Sevilla 06.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
Gabriele Brüll Lund University 07.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
Ángel Castro ICMAt-CSIC-UAM-UCM-UC3M 07.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
Daniel Castro Weizmann Institute of Science 06.02.2022 – 12.02.2022
Alberto Domínguez Corella Technische Universität Wien 06.02.2022 – 12.02.2022
Simon Eberle Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) 04.02.2022 – 12.02.2022
Lucio Galeati Universität Bonn 07.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
Claudia Garcia Universitat de Barcelona 06.02.2022 – 10.02.2022
Eduardo Garcia Juarez Universitat de Barcelona 06.02.2022 – 12.02.2022
Amrita Ghosh Universität Bonn 07.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
Rafael Granero Belinchon Universidad de Cantabria 07.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
Zihui He Karlsruher Institut für Technologie 06.02.2022 – 12.02.2022
Antonio Hidalgo Universidad de Sevilla 06.02.2022 – 13.02.2022
Richard Höfer IMJ-PRG, Université de Paris 06.02.2022 – 12.02.2022
Cristian Iulia University of Bonn 07.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
Jonas Jansen University Bonn 07.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
Nicolai Jork TU Wien 07.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
Illia Karabash the University of Bonn, Institute for Applied mathematics 07.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
Niklas Knobel Karlsruher Institut für Technologie 07.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
David Lannes Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux 06.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
Jona Lelmi University of Bonn 07.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
Christina Lienstromberg Universität Bonn 07.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
Han Liu New York University, Abu Dhabi  
Martina Magliocca Centre Borelli 07.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
Nimra Muqaddass University of Palermo 07.02.2022 – 12.02.2022
Víctor Navarro Fernández Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster 06.02.2022 – 12.02.2022
Jaemin Park University of Barcelona 06.02.2022 – 12.02.2022
Luisa Plato Weierstrass Institute 06.02.2022 – 12.02.2022
David Poyato Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 06.02.2022 – 10.02.2022
Francisco Javier Reyes Sánchez Universidad de La Laguna 06.02.2022 – 12.02.2022
Elena Salguero Universidad de Sevilla 07.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
Leonie Schmeller Weierstrass Institute 06.02.2022 – 12.02.2022
Richard Schubert Bonn University 07.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
John Sebastian Simon Kanazawa University 06.02.2022 – 12.02.2022
Jakub Skrzeczkowski University of Warsaw 06.02.2022 – 12.02.2022
Maja Szlenk University of Warsaw 06.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
Omar Sánchez Antonio ICMAT 06.02.2022 – 12.02.2022
Dongxiao Yu University of Bonn 07.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
Abdulhakeem Yusuf Federal University of Technology Minna 06.02.2022 – 12.02.2022
Christian Zillinger Karlsruher Institut für Technlogie 06.02.2022 – 11.02.2022
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