September 23-27, 2019
Lipschitz-Saal (Endenicher Allee 60, Bonn)
Organizers: Marco Bonacini (Trento), Sebastian Schwarzacher (Bonn), Juan J.L. Velázquez (Bonn)
The modern analysis of evolutionary Partial Differential Equations that are motivated by applications to materials science has seen the development of several different approaches and techniques. Among these, a paramount position is occupied by the analysis of rate-independent systems, fluid structure interactions, and gradient flows. The successful analysis on the respective PDEs inherits different challenges, where recent progress has been made and new questions have risen. The school intends to allow a comparison and an interchange of ideas, on how to analyze the different hyperbolic, parabolic or quasi-static phenomena.
By bringing together some of the leading experts in these subjects, this Hausdorff School aims at giving an overview of several PDE approaches to the analysis of evolutionary problems, in light of the recent advances. It is mainly directed at introducing graduate students and postdocs to these topics and to new directions at the intersection of materials sciences and the analysis of Partial Differential Equations

Lecture Series by:
- Céline Grandmont (Inria, Paris): Modeling and Analysis of some Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems
- Josef Málek (Charles University, Prague): PDE large data analysis for unsteady flows of non-Newtonian fluids
- Alexander Mielke (WIAS Berlin): Variational methods in time-dependent material models with finite-strain deformations
- Mark Peletier (TU Eindhoven): Gradient systems and evolutionary Gamma convergence
Additionally to the lecture courses, some selected participants will have the opportunity to give a short presentation of their research.
Click here for the schedule.
Click here for slides of Celint Grandmont.
Click here for slides of Josef Málek.

Person |
Affiliation |
Period of stay |
Karthik Adimurthi | 22.09.2019 – 28.09.2019 | |
Goro Akagi | Tohoku University | 22.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Aras Bacho | Maximilian-Ludwigs-Universität | 22.09.2019 – 28.09.2019 |
Anna Kh. Balci | Bielefeld University | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Michal Bathory | Charles University | 22.09.2019 – 28.09.2019 |
Sarah Biesenbach | RWTH Aachen University | 22.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Marco Bonacini | University of Trento | 22.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Marco Bresciani | University of Vienna | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Alan Mr Dodgson | Heriot-Watt University | 22.09.2019 – 28.09.2019 |
Michael Doherty | University of Strathclyde | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Marija Galic | University of Zagreb | 22.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Pablo Alexei Gazca Orozco | University of Oxford | 22.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Amrita Ghosh | Universität Bonn | 22.09.2019 – 28.09.2019 |
Céline Grandmont | Inria | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Giovanni Gravina | Charles University | 22.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Sebastian Hensel | Universität Bonn | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Jasper Hoeksema | Eindhoven University of Technology | 22.09.2019 – 26.09.2019 |
Anastasiia Hraivoronska | Eindhoven University of Technology | 22.09.2019 – 26.09.2019 |
David Hruska | Leipzig University | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Jonas Jansen | University Bonn | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Alex Kaltenbach | Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Malte Kampschulte | Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University Prague | 22.09.2019 – 28.09.2019 |
Karina Kowalczyk | University Bonn | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Tomáš Los | Charles University | 22.09.2019 – 28.09.2019 |
Josef Malek | Charles University | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Prince Romeo Mensah | Gran Sasso Science Institute | 22.09.2019 – 28.09.2019 |
Iuliia Meshkova | St. Petersburg State University | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Julia Meshova | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 | |
Alexander Mielke | WIAS | 25.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Claudiu Mindrila | Faculty of Mathematics and Physics | 22.09.2019 – 28.09.2019 |
Cintia Pacchiano | Aalto University | 22.09.2019 – 28.09.2019 |
Jung Tae Park | Korea Institute for Advanced Study | 22.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Petr Pelech | Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University | 22.09.2019 – 28.09.2019 |
Mark A. Peletier | Eindhoven University of Technology | 23.09.2019 – 25.09.2019 |
Maximilian Rauchecker | University of Regensburg | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Olli Saari | Universität Bonn | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Jan Scherz | Charles University | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Stefan Schiffer | Universität Bonn | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Mikola Schlottke | Eindhoven University of Technology | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Richard Schubert | Bonn University | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Sebastian Schwarzacher | Charles University | 22.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Theresa Simon | University of Münster | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Gianmarco Sperone | Politecnico di Milano | 22.09.2019 – 28.09.2019 |
Matthias Sroczinski | Charles University | 22.09.2019 – 28.09.2019 |
Antonio Tribuzio | Universität Heidelberg | 22.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Grgur Valentic | University of Zagreb | 22.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Mario Varga | TU Dresden | 22.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Juan José Velázquez Lopez | Universität Bonn | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Maria Westdickenberg | RWTH Aachen University | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Jirí Zeman | Universität Augsburg | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |
Jiri Zeman | 23.09.2019 – 27.09.2019 |