Single dates within the Trimester Program (January 3 - April 20, 2018)
HIM lecture hall, Poppelsdorfer Allee 45, Bonn
Organizers: Spencer Bloch (Chicago), Herbert Gangl (Durham), Vasily Golyshev (Moscow), Fernando Rodriguez Villegas (Trieste), Don Zagier (Bonn)
Description: This school consists of introductory lectures to the activities of the trimester program ("Motives and Periods", "Regulators", "Amplitudes", "Picard-Fuchs Equations and Geometry", "Hypergeometric Motives"). The lectures are mainly directed at PhD students and young postdocs.
Lecture Series by:
- Spencer Bloch (The University of Chicago / MPIM)
- Periods and regulators
- Francis Brown (University of Oxford)
- Motivic periods: applications
- A guide to motivic periods