April 24-28, 2017
HIM lecture hall, Poppelsdorfer Allee 45, Bonn
Organizers: Herbert Edelsbrunner, Kathryn Hess, Michael Farber, Dmitry Feichtner-Kozlov, Martin Raussen

Lecture Series by:
- Ulrich Bauer
- Algebraic perspectives of Persistence
- Gerard Ben Arous
- Complexity of random functions of many variables: from geometry to statistical physics and deep learning algorithms
- Ginestra Bianconi
- Large Random Complex Networks
- Frederic Chazal
- Sampling and Topological Data Analysis
- Michael Farber
- Topology of large random spaces
- Dmitry Feichtner-Kozlov
- Topology of complexes arising in models for Distributed Computing
- Maurice Herlihy
- Introduction to Distributed Computing through Combinatorial Topology
- Daniel Hug
- Introduction to Stochastic Geometry
- Point Processes in Spatial Statistics
- Michael Kerber
- Computational perspectives of Persistence
- Ran Levi
- Topological analysis of neural networks
- Roy Meshulam
- High Dimensional Expanders
- Samuel Mimram
- Introduction to Concurrency Theory through Algebraic Topology
- Martin Raussen
- Topological and combinatorial models of directed path spaces

Person |
Affiliation |
Period of stay |
Grace Akinwande | Universität Osnabrück | |
Håvard Bakke Bjerkevik | NTNU | 23.04.2017-07.05.2017 |
Ulrich Bauer | TU München | 24.04.2017-24.04.2017 |
Robin Belton | Montana State University | 23.04.2017-29.04.2017 |
Gabriele Beltramo | Queen Mary University | 23.04.2017-29.04.2017 |
Gerard Benarous | Courant Institute | 24.04.2017-28.04.2017 |
Fernando Benavides | UNAM | |
Ginestra Bianconi | Queen Mary University of London | 26.04.2017-28.04.2017 |
Michael Catanzaro | University of Florida | |
Jorge Cely | Université Lille 1 | |
Frédéric Chazal | INRIA Saclay | 27.04.2017-28.04.2017 |
René Corbet | TU Graz | |
Jérémy Dubut | ENS Cachan | 23.04.2017-06.05.2017 |
Herbert Edelsbrunner | IST Austria | 25.04.2017-04.05.2017 |
Alex Elchesen | The Ohio State University | 23.04.2017-29.04.2017 |
Rosona Eldred | MPIM | |
Michael Farber | Queen Mary, University of London | 26.04.2017-05.05.2017 |
Dmitry Feichtner-Kozlov | Universität Bremen | 23.04.2017-05.05.2017 |
Benedikt Fluhr | Universität Bonn | |
Barbara Giunti | Università di Pavia | 23.04.2017-07.05.2017 |
Felipe Gonzalez Casabianca | University of the Andes | 23.04.2017-29.04.2017 |
Olga Graf | Technische Universität München | 23.04.2017-29.04.2017 |
Oliver Gäfvert | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | 23.04.2017-29.04.2017 |
Maurice Herlihy | Brown University | 26.04.2017-03.05.2017 |
Daniel Hug | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | 23.04.2017-04.05.2017 |
Kristóf Huszár | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | 23.04.2017-07.05.2017 |
Michael Kerber | TU Graz | 27.04.2017-03.05.2017 |
Woojin Kim | The Ohio State University | 23.04.2017-29.04.2017 |
Younng-Jin Kim | Seoul National University | 22.04.2017-07.05.2017 |
Sarah Klanderman | Michigan State University | 23.04.2017-07.05.2017 |
Janis Lazovskis | University of Illinois at Chicago | 23.04.2017-29.04.2017 |
Jérémy Ledent | École Polytechnique | 23.04.2017-06.05.2017 |
Ran Levi | University of Aberdeen | 24.04.2017-06.05.2017 |
Zuzana Masarova | IST Austria | 23.04.2017-28.04.2017 |
Stephan Mescher | Queen Mary University of London | 23.04.2017-07.05.2017 |
Roy Meshulam | Technion - Israel Institute of Technology | 24.04.2017-07.05.2017 |
Alexander Mey | Delft University of Technology | 24.04.2017-28.04.2017 |
Samuel Mimram | École Polytechnique | 23.04.2017-26.04.2017 |
Grzegorz Muszynski | Berkeley Lab | 23.04.2017-07.05.2017 |
William Mycroft | University of Sheffield | 24.04.2017-05.05.2017 |
Georg Osang | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | 23.04.2017-07.05.2017 |
Mateusz Przybylski | Jagiellonian University | 23.04.2017-29.04.2017 |
Michela Quadrini | University of Camerino | 23.04.2017-07.05.2017 |
Martin Raussen | Aalborg University | 23.04.2017-06.05.2017 |
David Recio Mitter | University of Aberdeen | 23.04.2017-29.04.2017 |
Kai Renken | Universität Bremen | 23.04.2017-28.04.2017 |
Erik Rybakken | NTNU | 23.04.2017-07.05.2017 |
Lewin Strauss | Queen Mary University | 27.04.2017-07.05.2017 |
Florian Unger | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | |
Hubert Wagner | Institute of Science and Technology Austria | 23.04.2017-07.05.2017 |
Alexander Wagner | University of Florida | 23.04.2017-07.05.2017 |
Yusu Wang | The Ohio State University | 22.04.2017-29.04.2017 |
Christian Wegner | Universität Bonn | |
Pascal Wild | IST Austria | 23.04.2017-28.04.2017 |
Dominik Wrazidlo | Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg | 23.04.2017-29.04.2017 |
Minchun Wu | Penn State University | 23.04.2017-29.04.2017 |
Stephan Zhechev | IST Austria | 23.04.2017-07.05.2017 |
Katharina Ölsböck | IST Austria | 23.04.2017-29.04.2017 |