May 17 - 25, 2016
University of Bonn
- May 17-21: Big lecture hall (Großer Hörsaal), Wegelerstr. 10, Bonn
- May 23-25: Universitätsclub, Konviktstr. 9, Bonn
Organizers: Dietmar Bisch, Vaughan Jones, Sorin Popa, Dima Shlyakhtenko
Description: The Fourteenth Annual Spring Institute on Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras (NCGOA) took place in Bonn, Germany, during the Hausdorff Trimester Program "Von Neumann Algebras". It was a combination of spring school and international conference. During the school part of the meeting, which coincided with the introductory school of the trimester program, several mini-courses were given by leading experts. The conference consisted of a number of invited research talks.

Minicourse Speakers:
- Remi Boutonnet (CNRS, Université de Bordeaux) A few basics on von Neumann algebras
- Adrian Ioana (UC San Diego) Applications of asymptotic properties of group actions and II1 factors
- Masaki Izumi (University of Kyoto) An operator algebra approach to the classification of certain fusion categories
- Emily Peters (Loyola University Chicago) The classification of small-index subfactors
- Dimitri Shlyakhtenko (UC Los Angeles) Free probability and von Neumann algebras
- Stefaan Vaes (KU Leuven) II1 factors with exactly two crossed product decompositions
- Dan Voiculescu (UC Berkeley) Free probability for pairs of faces
Invited Speakers:
- Dietmar Bisch (Vanderbilt University) Singly generated planar algebras
- Terry Gannon (University of Alberta) A VOA for the Haagerup?
- Ben Hayes (Vanderbilt University) Pinsker product formula for sofic groups
- Daniel Hoff (UC San Diego) Von Neumann's problem and extensions of non-amenable equivalence relations
- Cyril Houdayer (Université Paris-Sud) Strong solidity and classification of free Araki-Woods factors
- Corey Jones (Vanderbilt University) Annular representation theory and analytic properties for rigid C*-tensor categories
- Yasuyuki Kawahigashi (The University of Tokyo) Subfactors and gapped domain walls between topological phases
- David Kyed (University of Southern Denmark) Polynomial cohomology and nilpotent groups
- Scott Morrison (Australian National University) The modular data for the extended Haagerup subfactor
- Brent Nelson (UC Berkeley) On finite free Fisher information for eigenvectors of the modular operator
- Narutaka Ozawa (RIMS, Kyoto University) A remark on fullness of some group measure space von Neumann algebras
- Jesse Peterson (Vanderbilt University) Character rigidity for lattices in higher-rank groups
- Sorin Popa (UC Los Angeles) Approximating freeness under constraints
- Paul Skoufranis (Texas A&M University) A brief overview of bi-free probability
- Roland Speicher (Universität des Saarlandes) Quantum groups with partial commutation relations
- Nikhil Srivastava (UC Berkeley) Ramanujan graphs from finite free convolutions
- Henry Tucker (University of Southern California) Frobenius-Schur indicators and modular data for singly-generated fusion categories
- Alain Valette (Université de Neuchâtel) Expanders and box spaces
- Stuart White (University of Glasgow) Quasidiagonality and amenability
Sponsors: Funding for the Fourteenth Annual Spring Institute on Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras was provided by the US National Science Foundation through grant DMS-1600819, both the College of Arts & Science and the Department of Mathematics at Vanderbilt University, and the Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics. We are grateful for their support.

Person |
Affiliation |
Period of stay |
Andreas Aaserud | UCLA | 02.05.2016-26.08.2016 |
Maria Stella Adamo | University of Palermo | |
Vadim Alekseev | TU Dresden | 16.05.2016-25.05.2016 |
Yuki Arano | The University of Tokyo | |
Camilo Argoty | Universidad Sergio Arboleda | |
Marat Aukhadiev | WWU Münster | 16.05.2016-26.05.2016 |
Madhav Reddy Bagannagari | Indian Statistical Institute | 02.05.2016-26.08.2016 |
Keshab Chandra Bakshi | The Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 02.05.2016-26.08.2016 |
Panchugopal Bikram | Indian Statistical Institute | 16.05.2016-17.06.2016 |
Dietmar Bisch | Vanderbilt University | 04.05.2016-27.05.2016 |
Marcel Bischoff | Vanderbilt University | 09.05.2016-26.05.2016 |
Remi Boutonnet | Université Bordeaux 1 | 16.05.2016-09.06.2016 |
Arnaud Brothier | Vanderbilt University | 16.05.2016-11.06.2016 |
Chris Bruce | University of Victoria | 02.05.2016-26.08.2016 |
Rahel Brugger | Universität Göttingen | |
Christian Budde | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | |
Jorge Castillejos | University of Glasgow | 16.05.2016-26.05.2016 |
Marco Castronovo | Indiana University | 16.05.2016-26.05.2016 |
Ian Charlesworth | University of California, Los Angeles | 01.05.2016-31.08.2016 |
Sergio Ciamprone | University of Rome "La Sapienza" | |
Fabio Cipriani | Politecnico di Milano | 16.05.2016-06.06.2016 |
Tyrone Crisp | Max Planck Institute for Mathematics | |
Rolando de Santiago | The University of Iowa | 14.05.2016-12.08.2016 |
Tobe Deprez | KU Leuven | |
Daniel Drimbe | University of California, San Diego | 16.05.2016-26.05.2016 |
Anna Luise Duwenig | University of Victoria | 02.05.2016-26.08.2016 |
Cain Edie-Michell | Australian National University | 16.05.2016-25.05.2016 |
David Evans | Cardiff University | 02.05.2016-03.06.2016 |
Samuel Evington | University of Glasgow | 16.05.2016-26.05.2016 |
Marzieh Forough | Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) | |
Reinhold Friedrich | Universität Bonn | |
Terry Gannon | University of Alberta | 14.05.2016-03.07.2016 |
Björn Gebhard | Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen | 16.05.2016-25.05.2016 |
Shamindra Ghosh | Indian Statistical Institute | 11.05.2016-11.07.2016 |
Luca Giorgetti | Università di Roma Tor Vergata | 16.05.2016-26.05.2016 |
María Celeste Gonzalez | Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento | |
Bin Gui | Vanderbilt University | 13.05.2016-03.08.2016 |
Luke Hamblin | University of Glasgow | 16.05.2016-26.05.2016 |
Zhicheng Han | Universität Bonn | |
Ben Hayes | Vanderbilt University | 16.05.2016-09.07.2016 |
Ching Wei Ho | Universität des Saarlandes | |
Daniel Hoff | University of California, San Diego | 16.05.2016-30.05.2016 |
David Hornshaw | Universität Bonn | |
Cyril Houdayer | Université Paris-Sud | 16.05.2016-25.05.2016 |
Adrian Ioana | University of California, San Diego | 17.05.2016-24.05.2016 |
Stefano Iovieno | University of Rome - La Sapienza | 16.05.2016-26.05.2016 |
Masaki Izumi | Kyoto University | 15.05.2016-28.05.2016 |
Yongle Jiang | SUNY at Buffalo | 16.05.2016-26.05.2016 |
Corey Jones | Vanderbilt University | 17.05.2016-26.05.2016 |
Anastasios Kartsaklis | University of Athens | |
Yasuyuki Kawahigashi | The University of Tokyo | 10.05.2016-27.05.2016 |
Christoph Kriegler | Université Blaise-Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand 2) | 16.05.2016-01.06.2016 |
Tom-Lukas Kriel | Universität Konstanz | |
David Kyed | University of Southern Denmark | 16.05.2016-25.05.2016 |
Felix Leid | Universität des Saarlandes | |
Kang Li | University of Copenhagen | |
Weihua Liu | University of California, Berkeley | 16.05.2016-26.05.2016 |
Zhengwei Liu | Harvard University | 17.05.2016-11.07.2016 |
Roberto Longo | Università di Roma Tor Vergata | 02.05.2016-17.05.2016 |
Wolfgang Lück | Universität Bonn | |
Amine Marrakchi | Ecole Normale Supérieure | 16.05.2016-26.05.2016 |
Vincenzo Morinelli | University of Rome Tor Vergata | 16.05.2016-25.05.2016 |
Scott Morrison | Australian National University | 14.05.2016-11.06.2016 |
Soumyashant Nayak | University of Pennsylvania | 16.05.2016-25.05.2016 |
Brent Nelson | University of California, Berkeley | 02.05.2016-21.08.2016 |
Rui Okayasu | Osaka Kyoiku University | 10.05.2016-24.08.2016 |
Narutaka Ozawa | Kyoto University | 29.04.2016-26.05.2016 |
Sebastien Palcoux | Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 08.05.2016-17.06.2016 |
Sandeepan Parekh | Vanderbilt University | 17.05.2016-11.07.2016 |
David Penneys | University of California, Los Angeles | 19.05.2016-26.05.2016 |
Emily Peters | Loyola University Chicago | 17.05.2016-22.05.2016 |
Jesse Peterson | Vanderbilt University | 17.05.2016-25.05.2016 |
Krzysztof Piszczek | Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan | 16.05.2016-25.05.2016 |
Sorin Popa | UCLA | 16.05.2016-25.05.2016 |
Narayan Rakshit | Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata | 02.05.2016-26.08.2016 |
Sven Raum | WWU Münster | |
Yunxiang Ren | Vanderbilt University | 13.05.2016-12.07.2016 |
Miguel Angel Pluma Rodriguez | Universität des Saarlandes | |
Nuno Miguel Romão | IHES, University of Paris-Saclay | |
Lauren Ruth | University of California, Riverside | 15.05.2016-10.07.2016 |
David Sabonis | TU Munich | |
Roman Sasyk | Universidad de Buenos Aires | 03.05.2016-24.08.2016 |
Jean-Luc Sauvageot | CNRS - Université Paris 7 | 15.05.2016-30.05.2016 |
André-Harald Schemaitat | Radboud University Nijmegen | 17.05.2016-25.05.2016 |
Shan Shah | Utrecht University | |
Koichi Shimada | The University of Tokyo | 09.05.2016-08.07.2016 |
Dimitri Shlyakhtenko | UCLA | 11.05.2016-21.05.2016 |
Thomas Sinclair | Purdue University | 13.05.2016-28.05.2016 |
Paul Skoufranis | Texas A&M University | 12.05.2016-02.06.2016 |
Pieter Spaas | University of California, San Diego | 16.05.2016-25.05.2016 |
Roland Speicher | Universität des Saarlandes | 23.05.2016-25.05.2016 |
Roland Speicher | Universität des Saarlandes | 16.05.2016-18.05.2016 |
Nikhil Srivastava | UC Berkeley | 17.05.2016-25.05.2016 |
Marco Stevens | KU Leuven | |
Wanchalerm Sucpikarnon | University of Iowa | 14.05.2016-14.07.2016 |
Wojciech Szymanski | University of Southern Denmark | 02.05.2016-24.06.2016 |
James Tener | MPIM/UC Santa Barbara | |
Gabriele Tornetta | University of Glasgow | 16.05.2016-26.05.2016 |
Henry Tucker | University of Southern California | 16.05.2016-04.06.2016 |
Stefaan Vaes | KU Leuven | 16.05.2016-26.05.2016 |
Alain Valette | Université de Neuchâtel | 16.05.2016-20.05.2016 |
Peter Verraedt | KU Leuven | |
Maria Grazia Viola | Lakehead University | 16.05.2016-30.06.2016 |
Dan-Virgil Voiculescu | UC Berkeley | 16.05.2016-24.05.2016 |
Jonas Wahl | KU Leuven | |
Simeng Wang | Polish Academy of Sciences | 16.05.2016-25.05.2016 |
Mateusz Wasilewski | Polish Academy of Sciences | 16.05.2016-25.05.2016 |
Christian Wegner | Universität Bonn | |
Chenxu Wen | Vanderbilt University | 12.05.2016-08.06.2016 |
Stuart White | University of Glasgow | 16.05.2016-25.05.2016 |
John Williams | Universität des Saarlandes | |
Sheng Yin | Universität des Saarlandes |