September 4 - 8, 2017
Lipschitz-Saal, Endenicher Allee 60
Organizer: Herbert Koch (Bonn)

Nonlinear dispersive equations are models for nonlinear waves in a wide range of physical contexts. They display an interplay between linear dispersion and nonlinear interactions, which can result in a wide range of outcomes from finite time blow-up to solitons and scattering. They are linked to many areas of mathematics and physics, ranging from integrable systems and harmonic analysis to fluid dynamics, geometry and general relativity, probabilities.
This Hausdorff school is intended for motivated graduate and postdoctoral students who want to get acquainted with the recent developments in this field. There will be three mini-courses and several invited lectures by other experts in the field.
Lecture Series by:
- Piotr Bizon (Uniwersytet Jagiellonski)
- Global dynamics of nonlinear waves
- Yvan Martel (École Polytechnique)
- Strongly interacting solitons for NLS
- Hiro Oh (The University of Edinburgh)
- Stochastic dispersive dynamics
- Timothy Candy
- Bilinear Restriction Estimates for General Phases
- Masahiro Ikeda
- Global dynamics below the ground state for the semilinear Schrödinger equations with a linear potential
- Xian Liao
- Conserved energies for the one dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation
- Dimitrios Roxanas
- Long-time dynamics of solutions to the focusing energy-critical heat equation

Person |
Affiliation |
Period of stay |
Fnu Anudeep Kumar | The George Washington University | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Debdeep Bhattacharya | The George Washington University | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Piotr Bizón | Jagiellonian University | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Bjoern Bringmann | Princeton University | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Stefano Burzio | EPF Lausanne | 03.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |
Timothy Candy | Universität Bielefeld | 04.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |
Athanasios Chatzikaleas | Universität Bonn | 04.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |
Kelvin Ka Wing Cheung | Heriot-Watt University | 03.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |
Dimitrije Cicmilovic | Universität Bonn | 04.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |
Cai Constantin Cloos | Universität Bielefeld | 03.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |
Maximilian Fels | Universität Bonn | 04.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |
Justus Fink | Universität Bonn | 04.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |
Justin Forlano | Heriot-Watt University | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Irfan Glogic | The Ohio State University | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Junichi Harada | Faculty of Education and Human Studies Course (Akita University) | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Zihui He | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie | 04.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |
Fabian Hornung | Karlsruher Institut für Technologie | 03.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |
Habiba Kalantarova | Technion - Israel Institute of Technology | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Illia Karabash | the University of Bonn, Institute for Applied mathematics | 04.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |
Gyu Eun Lee | University of California, Los Angeles | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Xian Liao | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | 04.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |
Grace Liu | Department of Mathematics University of California | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Yvan Martel | Université de Versailles Saint Quentin | 03.09.2017 – 06.09.2017 |
Ikeda Masahiro | Riken AIP/ Keio University | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Tien Vinh Nguyen | Ecole Polytechique | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Maria Ntekoume | University of California, Los Angeles | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Tadahiro Oh | The University of Edinburgh | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Lisa Onkes | Universität Bonn | 04.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |
Dimitrios Roxanas | University of Sheffield | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Zisis Sakellaris | RWTH Aachen | 04.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |
Tobias Schmid | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) | 03.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |
Martin Spitz | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | 03.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |
Leonardo Tolomeo | University of Edinburgh | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
William Trenberth | MIGSAA | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Yuexun Wang | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Xinda Wu | Universität Bonn | 04.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |
Yohei Yamazaki | University of Cergy-Pontoise | 03.09.2017 – 09.09.2017 |
Yi Zhang | Universität Bonn | 04.09.2017 – 08.09.2017 |