Junior Research Retreats
The Junior Research Retreats program provides our PhD students and Postdocs with the opportunity to organize a scientific collaborative meeting of early career mathematicians from Bonn and beyond.
Collaboration and networking are an important part of mathematical research, and young mathematicians are encouraged to organize and foster their own collaborations and networks. The Junior Research Retreat Program is an initiative supporting research events organized by early-career researchers for early-career researchers. Groups of PhD students and postdocs come together for scientific meetings that focus on establishing and growing their own collaborations and networks. At the core of this program is the idea that junior researchers benefit educationally and professionally if they plan, organize and lead these events fully autonomously: The organizers decide on the scientific program as well as plan additional activities to encourage a social atmosphere that is conducive to academic exchange. At least 50% of the participants come from outside of the University of Bonn. Together with a good mixture between PhD students and postdocs this encourages new collaborations.

Applications should include a description of the proposed topic, an explanation of the suggested purpose and structure of the event, a list of participants and/or an indication of how additional participants will be recruited, a proposed time and place (if available at time of application) and a detailed financial plan. Everything should be submitted in writing to the HSM Scientific Coordinator, Dr. Magdalena Balcerak Jackson at magdalena.balcerakjackson@hcm.uni-bonn.de
Junior Research Retreats FAQs
Groups of HSM early career researchers: doctoral students and/or Postdocs interested in organizing a collaborative event for junior researchers.
HCM can support events of different kinds that focus on actively engaging with mathematical work by and interaction between early career researchers and that are organized autonomously by early career researchers. If you are onaly interested in organizing an even where you learn from senior experts, think about applying to organize a Special Topic School.
Events should be approx. 5 days long (other formats are possible upon consultation). They should be organized at at location of the organizers choosing within a suitable travel distance from Bonn.
The participants shouls be mostly doctoral students and Postdocs, of which at least 50% should come from outside of Bonn.
The program is not designed to fund events that feature lectures or talks by senior researchers, or events that have been largely planned by senior researchers. Instead, the program should focus on active contributions by early career researchers. A very small number of senior researchers might participate as mentors.
The maximum funding amount for an event is 20 000 Euros. You can receive funding for:
- accommodation, meals, meeting rooms and simple technical equipment (internet, projector etc.) at a modest seminar house or conference venue of your choice outside of Bonn
- travel reimbursement only in exceptional circumstances, i.e. for individual participants who do not have access to travel funds from their own institution
- costs for accompanying small children and child care
The cost of meals can only be covered if it is part of an accommodation and meals package from the workshop/event venue. Organizers should attempt to negotiate a package price for accommodation, meals, meeting room and technical equipment. If you are in doubt what can be paid within the university rules, please ask before arranging.
Travel costs should be covered by each participant individually. Only if you are planning to include participants that do not have any access to travel funds, you can include these costs in your budget. Please, explain this need accordingly-
If you are planning to apply for costs associated with accompanying children and child care expenses, you are encouraged to talk to the HSM Scientific Coordinator before you apply. Child care has to be arranged by the organizers.
We cannot cover costs for social events or excursions.
Like every public institution in Germany, there are lots of financial rules that need to be kept in mind when making bookings, arrangement and later payments during the organization of an event. Please, feel free to reach out if you need assistance with these matters.
Before you apply you should discuss your plans with the HSM Scientific Coordinator. Applications should include a description of the proposed topic, an explanation of the suggested purpose and structure of the event, a list of participants and/or an indication of how additional participants will be recruited, a proposed time and place (if available at time of application) and a detailed financial plan. Everything should be submitted in writing to the HSM Scientific Coordinator, Dr. Magdalena Balcerak Jackson at magdalena.balcerakjackson@hcm.uni-bonn.de
Decisions in the Junior Research Retreats Program are made by the HSM Executive Committee at Decisions will be communicated to the applicants as soon as possible.
We are here to help you! You are not only welcome but strongly encouraged to come and talk about your plans and the practical questions with the HSM Scientific Coordinator. She can help you formulate a good plan and develop a good structure for your event, settle on a suitable venue, prepare a realistic budget and improve your application.
We advise you to organize your event at a place that is congenial to intensive collaborative work and makes networking and socializing easy. Small modest hostels in rural areas around Bonn, and hostels in nearby cities with easy train access have proven to be suitable locations. You should definitely aim for places that provide packages that include meals at suitable costs.
Your JRR event should clearly focus on research from junior researchers and on presentations and discussions between junior researchers. You may invite individual senior researchs to participate in your event as mentors and as a source of feedback.
Learning from senior researchers is at the core of other HSM activities, such as the Special Topic Schools.
You are strongly encouraged to organize social activities during your JRR event. Hikes or joint sporting events have proven to greatly benefit the atmosphere at a JRR. Unfortunately, our funding rules do not allow us to cover the costs associacted with social activities, so you will need to ask participants to cover these expenses themselves.
Dr. Magdalena Balcerak Jackson