Global Math Exchange Program
The Global Math Exchange Program supports extended research stays of our doctoral students at excellent mathematical departments and institutions around the world.
Acquiring international research experience, discussing one's own work with worlds' leading experts outside of one's own graduate program and developing one's own international collaborations are all important elements of early career mathematical education. This is why we encourage extended research stays abroad for our doctoral students!
The Global Math Exchange Program is designed to support research visits between 4 weeks and 4 months of length. Doctoral students are encouraged to select a host and an institution that is the best environment for their own research and study. HSM provides funding in the form of travel and living expenses as well as individual support in arranging the research stay.

To submit an application fill out the application form, and attach a supporting statement by your supervisor and a hosting agreement.
Global Math Exchange FAQs
All BIGS Mathematics doctoral students who are HSM members and are planning their research stay within the first four years of their doctoral studies are eligible to apply.
HSM can provide funding for research stays of 4 weeks to 4 months at a mathematics department or mathematical institution world-wide, as long as the research stay benefits the research and professional development of the applicant.
You can receive funding for:
- travel costs to and from the host institution (return economy class flight or second class train)
- accommodation and other admissible travel expenses up to a specific amount depending on the length of your stay and the location of your host institution
The maximum travel award is determined based on the monthly rates for funding of research stay abroad from the DFG Walter-Benjamin-Program (minus the "basic allowance"), which can be found online at:
Please note that the Global Math Exchange Program is a special program that is designed to enable as many of our doctoral students as possible to spend a research stay abroad. As such, applicants in the Global Exchange Program agree to apply for support based on these funding rules. In general, applicants in the Global Math Exchange Program will be employed at the University of Bonn and continue to receive their salary.
To apply you need to discuss your plans with your supervisor in Bonn, secure a commitment from a mentor at your desired host institution to work with you and provide you with the necessary infrastructure. Applications are possible online here.
Decisions in the Global Math Exchange Program are made by the HSM Director in consulatation with the HSM SCientific Coordinator based on how well the proposed research stay benefits the research and professional development of the applicant, information about prior funded business travel and research visits and the feasibility of the proposed plans. It is also important that you are in good standing with respect to all BIGS Math requirements (have a supervisor and a mentor, have submitted your annual report etc.).
Our goal is to fund as many good applications as possible. Decisions will be communicated usually within 2-3 weeks after the application.
We are here to help you! You should discuss your plans with your supervisor who can help you identify an institution and a host that is best for your academic work. For general and organizational questions about how to go about planning a research stay abroad, for specific questions about the application process, and for support making your stay happen, the HSM Scientific Coordinator is happy to meet with you and answer your questions.
If you travel within the Global Math Exchange Program, you usually remain employed at the University of Bonn and continue receiving your salary. It is important though, that upon receiving a positive GME funding decision, you apply for the relevant permission to travel with the university administration. All relevant forms will be made available to you when you receive a positive funding decision.
If you are a parent of a child under the age of 12, and you need to take your child with you on your research stay, you are eligible for additional funding. Please contact the GME Program Coordinator to discuss your options.
The relavant state and university regulations as well as BIGS funding guidelines determine which travel expenses are re-imburseable and which are not. The following is a - non-complete - list of travel expenses that are re-imburseable within the financial limit set by your individual GME travel award:
- economy flights to and from your hosting institution
- 2nd class (or equivalent) train tickets to and from your host institution
- local public transportation (2nd class or equivalent)
- visa / ESTA fees
- costs for short term rentals or other accommodation (up to a specified amount/day based on location)
- participation fees for academic events (conferences, meetings, workshops)
- daily allowance (up to a specified amount/day based on location)
The following things are not re-imburseable: travel health insurance, trip cancellation insurance, travel supplies, seat reservation/booking fees, taxi fares (unless absolutely necessary).
If in doubt ask the Reisekostenstelle of the University of Bonn.
Dr. Magdalena Balcerak Jackson