September 22 - 26, 2025
Venue: Lipschitz-Saal (Endenicher Allee 60, Bonn)
Organizers: Gregor Gantner (University of Bonn), Joscha Gedicke (University of Bonn)
Description: In practice, the solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) often exhibits geometry- or data-induced singularities. The goal of adaptive finite element methods (FEMs) is to automatically detect these singularities via a posteriori computable error estimators and to resolve them via local refinement of the underlying meshes. While for uniform mesh refinement, convergence to the exact solution follows readily from standard approximation results, the rigorous mathematical proof of convergence for adaptive mesh refinement is much more challenging. That being said, meanwhile it has been proved for certain classes of PDEs that adaptivity even leads to optimal convergence rates, i.e., to the best rates over all possible refinements. The primary objective of this summer school is to provide a comprehensive overview of the fundamental results of optimality of adaptive FEMs.
Lecture Series by:
- Carsten Carstensen (Humboldt University of Berlin): Homepage
- Lars Diening (Bielefeld University): Homepage
- Carlotta Giannelli (University of Florence): Homepage
- Christian Kreuzer (TU Dortmund): Homepage
- Dirk Praetorius (TU Wien): Homepage
Additional talks by:
- Ani Miraçi (TU Wien): Homepage
- Ngoc Tien Tran (University of Augsburg): Homepage
- Tabea Tscherpel (TU Darmstadt): Homepage
The University of Bonn and HCM are committed to diversity and equal opportunity. We aim to increase the proportion of women in areas where women are underrepresented and to facilitate their careers. We therefore strongly encourage women with relevant qualifications to apply.
To encourage the participation of young researchers facing increased financial burden, such as researchers from developing countries, a small number of funded places are available. Please indicate in your application for which type of financial support you would like to be considered
In case of questions concerning services and administration, please contact
The deadline for the application for participation is April 28, 2025.