Universität Bonn

Women in Formal Mathematics

Women in Formal Mathematics 2024 is a 2-day workshop, associated with the Hausdorff Institute of Mathematics and supported by EuroProofNet-Women (WEPN). Some funding for attendance is provided by WEPN, as described in their website. This workshop aims to spotlight the  contributions made by women in the realm of proofs and automated deduction. Our mission is to elevate the research conducted by women, fostering increased visibility and representation in the community. Key objectives include:

  • Providing a platform for women researchers to showcase their work and achievements
  • Cultivating a sense of community and belonging, especially among early-career faculty, post-docs, and students, through positive interactions with peers and  faculty
  • Facilitating the formation of new connections and collaborations
  • Nurturing a welcoming culture of mutual support and growth within the research community

Sandra Alves (Universidade do Porto): Structural Rules and Algebraic Properties of Intersection Types

Sandra Alves: Structural Rules and Algebraic Properties of Intersection Types

María Inés de Frutos-Fernández (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): Local fields in Lean

María Inés de Frutos-Fernández: Local fields in Lean

Anshula Gandhi (University of Cambridge): Automatically Generalizing Proofs

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Lucy Horowitz (University of Chicago): MathGloss and Beyond

Lucy Horowitz: MathGloss and Beyond

Mateja Jamnik (University of Cambridge): How can we make trustworthy AI

Mateja Jamnik: How can we make trustworthy AI

Andrea Kolhase (Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences): Insights into Search Interfaces for Mathematicians

Andrea Kolhase: Insights into Search Interfaces for Mathematicians

Roussanka Loukanova (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences): Algorithmic Syntax-Semantics with the Type Theory of acyclic Algorithms

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Ursula Martin (Wadham College Oxford): The social machine of mathematics

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Brigitte Pientka (McGill University Canada / MPI-SWS): A Type-Theoretic Framework for Certified Meta-programming

Brigitte Pientka: A Type-Theoretic Framework for Certified Meta-programming

Gisele Secco (California State University San Bernardino): Loparic avec les lacaniens - challenges from a translation

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