Universität Bonn

Workshop: "Experimentation with, construction of, and enumeration of optimal geometric structures"

March 25 - 28, 2008

HIM lecture hall, Poppelsdorfer Allee 45

Organizers: Henry Cohn, Mathieu Dutour Sikiric, Achill Schürmann, Frank Vallentin 

Description: In this workshop we explored methods for constructing conjectural optimal point configurations for different extremality problems. In some cases, computer assisted enumeration and classification of "locally extreme" structures enables to give computational proofs of difficult theorems.

Topics and Goal:
Remarkable structures, such as universally optimal spherical codes, can be found by computer searches based on simulating energy minimization. Currently, this approach is limited to "small" examples. So it is desirable to improve on current computational techniques to find new structures, e.g. new best-known kissing configurations. Moreover, it is desirable to develop similar tools for Kelvin's problem and optimal spherical coverings. We want to develop new computational tools for spherical t-designs. For example, currently there is no known systematic way to prove that a spherical t-design is locally unique. Spherical and Euclidean t-designs can be used for example for cubature formulas. Based on a novel algorithm due to Dutour and Rybnikov (2007), one can classify and search for extreme Delaunay polytopes. Is it possible to solve the lattice covering problem in dimension 6, based on this? We want to study the relation of extreme Delaunay polytopes and local lattice covering maxima. Using this one can hope for a computer assisted proof of an open number theoretical conjecture of Minkowski. The classification of perfect forms allows in principle a solution of the lattice sphere packing problem in a given dimension. Is it possible to extend the successful classification from 8 to 9 dimensions? Going to higher dimensions, one can try to obtain classification results for more restrictive notions of perfectness.


Period of stay
Robert Baier Universität Bayreuth
David Bremner TU München
Carsten Carstensen  
Renaud Coulangeon Université Bordeaux 1
Michel Deza Ecole Normale Superieure
Tzanko Donchev  
Martin Frank TU Kaiserslautern
Armin Fügenschuh TU Darmstadt
Matthias Gerdts University of Birmingham
Viatcheslav Grishukhin CEMI RAN
Jonathan Hanke Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik
Michael Herty TU Kaiserslautern
Max Jensen University of Durham
Abhinav Kumar Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Omar Lakkis University of Sussex
Frederic Legoll  
Tony Lelievre Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees
Thomas Lorenz Universität Heidelberg
Jacques Martinet UFR de Mathematiques et Informatique
Bertrand Meyer Université Bordeaux 1
Ekaterina Muravleva Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Gabriele Nebe RWTH Aachen
Christoph Ortner Computing Laboratory
Dirk Praetorius Vienna University of Technology
Janosch Rieger Universität Bielefeld
Cordian Riener Universität Frankfurt
Marco Romito Università di Firenze
Mathias Rousset CERMICS
Konstantin Rybnikov University of Massachusetts
Rudolf Scharlau Technische Universität Dortmund
Lars Schewe TU Darmstadt
Achill Schürmann Universität Magdeburg
Mathieu Dutour Sikiric  
Gabriel Stoltz Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
Frank Vallentin  
Stephanie Vance University of Washington
Boris Venkov Steklov Institute of Mathematics
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