Universität Bonn

Junior Trimester Program: "Algebraic geometry: derived categories, Hodge theory, and Chow groups"

September 11 - December 20, 2023

Description: The program will bring together algebraic geometers working on different aspects of algebraic geometry with a focus on geometric applications to central classes of algebraic varieties. Special emphasis will be put on Hyperkähler, Calabi-Yau and Fano varieties, but the program aims at triggering new collaborations between the different directions in the title in a broad sense. We invite groups of early career researchers (Phd students, postdocs, junior faculty) to apply for the program, with the goal to pursue research within their group but also to collaborate with the other groups. The participants will be supported by the HIM to organize various activities (including seminars, a school, workshops) and are free to design a research environment that suits their research agenda best.
The program will be organized in collaboration with the ERC Synergy Project  
The online application platform to participate in this trimester program has been closed.


Anna Abasheva Columbia University 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Younghan Bae ETH Zürich 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Benjamin Bakker University of Illinois at Chicago 14.11.2023 – 22.11.2023
Anna Barbieri Università di Verona 05.11.2023 – 16.11.2023
Valeria Bertini University of Genova 05.11.2023 – 16.11.2023
Alessio Bottini Università di Roma Tor Vergata 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Emma Brakkee Leiden University 26.11.2023 – 05.12.2023
Corey Brooke Carleton College 27.11.2023 – 20.12.2023
Riccardo Carini Imperial College London
Raymond Cheng Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Mark Andrea De Cataldo Stony Brook University 03.12.2023 – 09.12.2023
Philip Engel Universität Bonn
Andres Fernandez Herrero Columbia University 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Soheyla Feyzbakhsh Imperial College London 11.11.2023 – 03.12.2023
Stefano Filipazzi EPFL 12.11.2023 – 18.11.2023
Sarah Frei Dartmouth College 10.09.2023 – 14.10.2023
Sarah Frei Dartmouth College 05.11.2023 – 15.12.2023
Roberto Fringuelli University of Roma La Sapienza 03.12.2023 – 09.12.2023
Richard Haburcak Dartmouth College 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Moritz Hartlieb Universität Bonn
Jiexiang Huang Universität Bonn
Daniel Huybrechts Universität Bonn 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Qingyuan Jiang University of Edinburgh 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Martin Kalck University of Graz 29.10.2023 – 11.11.2023
Martin Kalck University of Graz 26.11.2023 – 09.12.2023
Tomohiro Karube University of Tokyo 10.09.2023 – 28.11.2023
Kohei Kikuta Osaka University 10.09.2023 – 08.10.2023
János Kollár Princeton University 15.10.2023 – 27.10.2023
Johannes Krah Universität Bielefeld 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Dion Leijnse Universiteit van Amsterdam 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Shengxuan Liu University of Warwick 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Zhiyu Liu Zhejiang University 20.10.2023 – 20.12.2023
Pablo Magni Universität Bielefeld 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Gebhard Martin Universität Bonn
Olivier Martin Stony Brook University 18.11.2023 – 30.11.2023
Luigi Martinelli Université Paris-Saclay 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Dominique Mattei Universität Bonn
Mirko Mauri IST Austria 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Enrica Mazzon Universität Regensburg 24.09.2023 – 08.10.2023
Reinder Meinsma Universität Bonn
Giacomo Mezzedimi Universität Bonn
Noah Olander University of Amsterdam 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Genki Ouchi Nagoya University 11.09.2023 – 02.11.2023
Hyeonjun Park Korea Institute for Advanced Study 11.09.2023 – 20.11.2023
Nebojsa Pavic Leibniz Universität Hannover 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Laura Pertusi Università degli Studi di Milano 01.10.2023 – 30.11.2023
Jack Petok Dartmouth College 10.09.2023 – 15.12.2023
Xuqiang Qin University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Franco Rota University of Glasgow 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Evgeny Shinder Universität Bonn
Fumiaki Suzuki Leibniz Universität Hannover 01.10.2023 – 01.12.2023
Roberto Svaldi Università degli Studi di Milano 17.09.2023 – 08.12.2023
Evgueni (Jenia) Tevelev University of Massachusetts at Amherst 03.11.2023 – 13.11.2023
Christoph Thiele Universität Bonn
Yukinobu Toda Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo 12.11.2023 – 18.11.2023
Mauro Varesco Universität Bonn
Fei Xie MPIM Bonn 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Ruijie Yang Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 11.09.2023 – 27.10.2023
Shizhuo Zhang MPIM Bonn 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Yu Zhao Kavli IPMU 06.11.2023 – 10.11.2023
Xiaolei Zhao University of California, Santa Barbara 17.09.2023 – 01.12.2023
Anna Abasheva Columbia University 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Younghan Bae ETH Zürich 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Pietro Beri Université Paris Cité 10.09.2023 – 15.09.2023
Simone Billi University of Bologna 10.09.2023 – 15.09.2023
Alessio Bottini Università di Roma Tor Vergata 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Ludovica Buelli University of Genoa 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Chiara Camere Università degli Studi di Milano 10.09.2023 – 17.09.2023
Raymond Cheng Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Rodion Deev Instytut Matematyczny PAN 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Hannah Dell University of Edinburgh 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Andres Fernandez Herrero Columbia University 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Alessandro Frassineti Università di Bologna 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Sarah Frei Dartmouth College 10.09.2023 – 14.10.2023
Luca Giovenzana Chemnitz University of Technology 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Franco Giovenzana Université Paris-Saclay 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Richard Haburcak Dartmouth College 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Daniel Huybrechts Universität Bonn 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Qingyuan Jiang University of Edinburgh 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Tomohiro Karube University of Tokyo 10.09.2023 – 28.11.2023
Kohei Kikuta Osaka University 10.09.2023 – 08.10.2023
Johannes Krah Universität Bielefeld 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Christian Lehn TU Chemnitz 10.09.2023 – 14.09.2023
Dion Leijnse Universiteit van Amsterdam 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Shengxuan Liu University of Warwick 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Irene Macías Tarrío Universitat de Barcelona 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Pablo Magni Universität Bielefeld 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Andreas Malmendier Utah State University
Luigi Martinelli Université Paris-Saclay 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Ana Victoria Martins Quedo IMPA 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Mirko Mauri IST Austria 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Martina Monti University of Milano 11.09.2023 – 15.09.2023
Stevell Muller Saarland University 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Giacomo Nanni Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Erik Nikolov Leibniz Universität Hannover 10.09.2023 – 15.09.2023
Noah Olander University of Amsterdam 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Genki Ouchi Nagoya University 11.09.2023 – 02.11.2023
Hyeonjun Park Korea Institute for Advanced Study 11.09.2023 – 20.11.2023
Nebojsa Pavic Leibniz Universität Hannover 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Jack Petok Dartmouth College 10.09.2023 – 15.12.2023
Benedetta Piroddi Università degli studi di Milano 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Wing Kei Poon University of Bath 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Xuqiang Qin University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Nick Rekuski Wayne State University 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Francesca Rizzo Université Paris Cité 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Franco Rota University of Glasgow 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Elena Sammarco Università degli studi Roma Tre 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Sofia Tirabassi Stockholm University 11.09.2023 – 15.09.2023
Federico Tufo Università degli studi di Bologna 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Alexandra Viktorova KU Leuven 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Tomasz Wawak Jagiellonian University 10.09.2023 – 15.09.2023
Fei Xie MPIM Bonn 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Ruijie Yang Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 11.09.2023 – 27.10.2023
Shizhuo Zhang MPIM Bonn 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Vanja Zuliani Université Paris-Saclay / SiSSA 10.09.2023 – 16.09.2023
Anna Abasheva Columbia University 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Younghan Bae ETH Zürich 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Anna Barbieri Università di Verona 05.11.2023 – 16.11.2023
Arend Bayer The University of Edinburgh 05.11.2023 – 11.11.2023
Marcello Bernardara Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse - Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier 05.11.2023 – 09.11.2023
Valeria Bertini University of Genova 05.11.2023 – 16.11.2023
Rudradip Biswas University of Warwick 05.11.2023 – 11.11.2023
Omer Bojan Tel Aviv University (TAU) 05.11.2023 – 11.11.2023
Lev Borisov Rutgers University 05.11.2023 – 11.11.2023
Alessio Bottini Università di Roma Tor Vergata 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Igor Burban University of Paderborn 05.11.2023 – 08.11.2023
Sebastian Casalaina-Martin University of Colorado 06.11.2023 – 10.11.2023
Raymond Cheng Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Francesco Denisi Paris
Daniele Faenzi Université de Bourgogne 06.11.2023 – 11.11.2023
Andres Fernandez Herrero Columbia University 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Sarah Frei Dartmouth College 05.11.2023 – 15.12.2023
Annalisa Grossi Paris
Richard Haburcak Dartmouth College 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
James Hotchkiss Columbia University 05.11.2023 – 11.11.2023
Daniel Huybrechts Universität Bonn 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Chen Jiang Fudan University 06.11.2023 – 10.11.2023
Qingyuan Jiang University of Edinburgh 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Martin Kalck University of Graz 29.10.2023 – 11.11.2023
Tomohiro Karube University of Tokyo 10.09.2023 – 28.11.2023
Johannes Krah Universität Bielefeld 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Dion Leijnse Universiteit van Amsterdam 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Shengxuan Liu University of Warwick 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Zhiyu Liu Zhejiang University 20.10.2023 – 20.12.2023
Pablo Magni Universität Bielefeld 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Luigi Martinelli Université Paris-Saclay 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Mirko Mauri IST Austria 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Noah Olander University of Amsterdam 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Angela Ortega Humboldt Universität 05.11.2023 – 10.11.2023
Hyeonjun Park Korea Institute for Advanced Study 11.09.2023 – 20.11.2023
Nebojsa Pavic Leibniz Universität Hannover 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Laura Pertusi Università degli Studi di Milano 01.10.2023 – 30.11.2023
Jack Petok Dartmouth College 10.09.2023 – 15.12.2023
Matthew Pressland University of Glasgow
Xuqiang Qin University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Franco Rota University of Glasgow 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
David Rydh KTH Royal Institute of Technology 05.11.2023 – 10.11.2023
Paolo Stellari Universita' degli Studi di Milano 05.11.2023 – 10.11.2023
Fumiaki Suzuki Leibniz Universität Hannover 01.10.2023 – 01.12.2023
Roberto Svaldi Università degli Studi di Milano 17.09.2023 – 08.12.2023
Evgueni (Jenia) Tevelev University of Massachusetts at Amherst 03.11.2023 – 13.11.2023
Giancarlo Urzúa Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 05.11.2023 – 10.11.2023
Filippo Viviani University of Rome Tor Vergata 05.11.2023 – 08.11.2023
Michael Wemyss University of Glasgow 05.11.2023 – 09.11.2023
Fei Xie MPIM Bonn 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Shizhuo Zhang MPIM Bonn 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Yu Zhao Kavli IPMU 06.11.2023 – 10.11.2023
Xiaolei Zhao University of California, Santa Barbara 17.09.2023 – 01.12.2023
Anna Abasheva Columbia University 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Younghan Bae ETH Zürich 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Benjamin Bakker University of Illinois at Chicago 14.11.2023 – 22.11.2023
Alessio Bottini Università di Roma Tor Vergata 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Cinzia Casagrande Università di Torino 19.11.2023 – 24.11.2023
Raymond Cheng Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Stéphane Druel Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 20.11.2023 – 25.11.2023
Gavril Farkas Humboldt Universität zu Berlin 19.11.2023 – 24.11.2023
Andres Fernandez Herrero Columbia University 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Soheyla Feyzbakhsh Imperial College London 11.11.2023 – 03.12.2023
Sarah Frei Dartmouth College 05.11.2023 – 15.12.2023
Lie Fu University of Strasbourg 19.11.2023 – 24.11.2023
Osamu Fujino Kyoto University 19.11.2023 – 25.11.2023
Cécile Gachet Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 19.11.2023 – 25.11.2023
Francois Greer Michigan State University
Richard Haburcak Dartmouth College 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Daniel Huybrechts Universität Bonn 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Qingyuan Jiang University of Edinburgh 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Junpeng Jiao Tsinghua University 19.11.2023 – 25.11.2023
Tomohiro Karube University of Tokyo 10.09.2023 – 28.11.2023
Tasuki Kinjo Kyoto University 19.11.2023 – 25.11.2023
Johannes Krah Universität Bielefeld 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Dion Leijnse Universiteit van Amsterdam 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Shengxuan Liu University of Warwick 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Zhiyu Liu Zhejiang University 20.10.2023 – 20.12.2023
Eduard Looijenga University of Chicago 19.11.2023 – 25.11.2023
Pablo Magni Universität Bielefeld 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Olivier Martin Stony Brook University 18.11.2023 – 30.11.2023
Luigi Martinelli Université Paris-Saclay 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Davesh Maulik MIT 17.11.2023 – 22.11.2023
Mirko Mauri IST Austria 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Noah Olander University of Amsterdam 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Hyeonjun Park Korea Institute for Advanced Study 11.09.2023 – 20.11.2023
Nebojsa Pavic Leibniz Universität Hannover 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Laura Pertusi Università degli Studi di Milano 01.10.2023 – 30.11.2023
Jack Petok Dartmouth College 10.09.2023 – 15.12.2023
Brent Pym McGill University 19.11.2023 – 21.11.2023
Xuqiang Qin University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Franco Rota University of Glasgow 10.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Junliang Shen Yale University 19.11.2023 – 25.11.2023
Fumiaki Suzuki Leibniz Universität Hannover 01.10.2023 – 01.12.2023
Roberto Svaldi Università degli Studi di Milano 17.09.2023 – 08.12.2023
Sho Tanimoto Nagoya University 19.11.2023 – 24.11.2023
Salim Tayou Harvard University 19.11.2023 – 25.11.2023
Michael Temkin Hebrew University 19.11.2023 – 23.11.2023
Claire Voisin Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris rive gauche 19.11.2023 – 24.11.2023
Fei Xie MPIM Bonn 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Ziquan Yang University of Wisconsin-Madison 19.11.2023 – 25.11.2023
Shizhuo Zhang MPIM Bonn 11.09.2023 – 20.12.2023
Xiaolei Zhao University of California, Santa Barbara 17.09.2023 – 01.12.2023

Trimester Seminar Series

Venue: HIM lecture hall, Poppelsdorfer Allee 45, Bonn

Organizers: Raymond Cheng, Sarah Frei, Mirko Mauri, Laura Pertusi

September 21, 2023 (CEST)

10:30 - 11:30 am Mauro Varesco

Title: Algebraicity of Hodge similitudes and the Hodge conjecture for Kum^2-type varieties

Abstract: In this talk, we will introduce the notion of Hodge similitudes between polarized Hodge structures of K3-type. After recalling the construction of Kuga-Satake varieties associated to polarized Hodge structures of K3-type, we will prove that it is functorial with respect to Hodge similitudes. This will be used to deduce the algebraicity of Hodge similitudes of transcendental lattices of hyperkähler manifolds of generalized Kummer type. As a corollary, we will show how this implies the Hodge conjecture for Kum^2-type varieties. This last application is product of a joint work with Floccari Salvatore.

21:00 – 22:00 pm Mirko Mauri

Title: On the geometric P=W conjecture

Abstract: The geometric P = W conjecture is a conjectural description of the asymptotic behavior of a celebrated correspondence in non-abelian Hodge theory. In a joint work with Enrica Mazzon and Matthew Stevenson, we establish the full geometric conjecture for compact Riemann surfaces of genus one, and obtain partial results in arbitrary genus: this is the first non-trivial evidence of the conjecture for compact Riemann surfaces. To this end, we employ non-Archimedean, birational and degeneration techniques to study the topology of the dual boundary complex of certain character varieties.

September 26, 2023 (CEST)

3:00 – 4:00 pm Reinder Meinsma

Title: Derived equivalence for elliptic K3 surfaces and Jacobians

Abstract: We present a detailed study of Fourier-Mukai partners of elliptic K3 surfaces. One way to produce Fourier-Mukai partners of elliptic K3 surfaces is by taking Jacobians. We answer the question of whether every Fourier-Mukai partner is obtained in this way. This question was raised by Hassett and Tschinkel in 2015. We fully classify elliptic fibrations on Fourier-Mukai partners in terms of Hodge-theoretic data, similar to the Derived Torelli Theorem that describes Fourier-Mukai partners. This classification has an explicit computable form in Picard rank two, building on the work of Stellari and Van Geemen. We prove that for a large class of Picard rank 2 elliptic K3 surfaces all Fourier-Mukai partners are Jacobians. However, we also show that there exist many elliptic K3 surfaces with Fourier-Mukai partners which are not Jacobians of the original K3 surface. This is joint work with Evgeny Shinder.

September 27, 2023 (CEST)

2:00 – 3:00 pm

September 28, 2023 (CEST)

10:30 – 11:30 am Noah Olander

Title: Fully faithful functors and dimension

Abstract: Can one embed the derived category of a higher dimensional variety into the derived category of a lower dimensional variety? The expected answer was no. We give a simple proof and prove new cases of a conjecture of Orlov along the way.

September 25, 27, 29; 2023 (CEST)

3:00 – 4:00 pm Philip Engel

Title: Compact moduli of K3 surfaces

Abstract: For each d > 0, there is a 19-dimensional moduli space F2d of K3 surfaces, with an ample line bundle of degree 2d. Choosing an ample divisor in a canonical way on each such K3 surface, the minimal model program provides a "KSBA" compactification of F2d. On the other hand, the Hodge theory of K3 surfaces implies that F2d=Γ\D is a Type IV arithmetic quotient/orthogonal Shimura variety. In this capacity, it has a variety of compactifications: Baily-Borel, toroidal, semitoroidal. Can these two types of compactifications ever be identified?
The first lecture will introduce K3 surfaces and their one-parameter degenerations, in particular, semistable (aka Kulikov) models. In analogy with how stable graphs encode degenerations of curves, we will describe a way to combinatorially encode the data of a degeneration, using integral-affine structures on the sphere.
The second lecture will focus on the geometry of moduli spaces F2d and their compactifications, from both the Hodge-theoretic and MMP perspectives. We will discuss degeneration of the period map, and give some explicit examples of (semi)toroidal compactifications, for F2 and for moduli of elliptic K3 surfaces.
The third lecture will introduce the notion of a "recognizable divisor". These are divisors chosen on the generic polarized K3 surface whose KSBA compactifications are Hodge-theoretic. We will give examples for F2 and for moduli of elliptic K3 surfaces. Then we will discuss the general theory of recognizable divisors, and how it can be applied to compactify F2d.

Lecture notes

October 10, 2023 (CEST)

3:00 - 4:00 pm Raymond Cheng

Title:  q-bic hypersurfaces

Abstract: Let’s count: 1, 2, q+1. The eponymous objects are special projective hypersurfaces of degree q+1, where q is a power of the positive ground field characteristic. This talk will sketch an analogy between the geometry of q-bic hypersurfaces and that of quadric and cubic hypersurfaces. For instance, the moduli spaces of linear spaces in q-bics are smooth and themselves have rich geometry. In the case of q-bic threefolds, I will describe an analogue of result of Clemens and Griffiths, which relates the intermediate Jacobian of the q-bic with the Albanese of its surface of lines.

October 11, 2023 (CEST)

1:30 - 2:30 pm Lisa Marquand

Title:  An overview of the LSV construction

October 12, 2023 (CEST)

10:30 - 11:30 am Genki Ouchi

Title:  Cubic fourfolds and K3 surfaces with large automorphism groups

Abstract: Relations between cubic fourfolds and K3 surfaces are described by Hodge theory and derived categories. Using Hodge theory and derived categories, we can show that cubic fourfolds and associated K3 surfaces share their symmetries, which are related with Mathieu groups and Conway groups. In this talk, we find pairs of a cubic fourfold and a K3 surface sharing large symplectic automorphism groups via Bridgeland stability conditions on K3 surfaces.

October 9, 11, 13; 2023 (CEST)

3:00 - 4:00 pm Hyeonjun Park

Title: Shifted Symplectic Structures

Abstract: This mini-course aims to introduce shifted symplectic structures in derived algebraic geometry and their applications to Donaldson-Thomas theory of Calabi-Yau varieties.

The first lecture will cover the background on derived algebraic geometry. Heuristically, derived moduli spaces are infinitesimal thickening of moduli spaces whose cotangent complexes govern the higher-order deformation theory. We will present various derived moduli spaces and their cotangent complexes, including the moduli spaces of sheaves (or complexes), stable maps, G-bundles, and Higgs bundles.

The second lecture will focus on the shifted symplectic geometry. There are natural extensions of symplectic structures, Lagrangians, Lagrangian fibrations, and Lagrangian correspondences in the shifted symplectic setting. We will provide various examples of these structures arising in moduli spaces and local structure theorems for them. I will also explain how to pushforward symplectic fibrations along base changes, which allows us to construct symplectic quotients and symplectic zero loci.

The last lecture will provide applications to Donaldson-Thomas theory. For Calabi-Yau 3-folds, moduli spaces of sheaves are locally critical loci, and their perverse sheaves of vanishing cycles glue globally. This gives us categorical DT3 invariants, which are related to the singularity of moduli spaces. For Calabi-Yau 4-folds, moduli spaces of sheaves carry special cycle classes which are heuristically the fundamental cycles of Lagrangians. This gives us numerical DT4 invariants, which are invariant along the deformations of Calabi-Yau 4-folds for which the (0,4)-Hodge pieces of the second Chern characters remain zero.

Degeneration seminar

October 14, 2023 (CEST)

October 13, 20, 27; 2023 (CEST)

November 3, 17; 2023 (CET)

December 8, 15; 2023 (CET)

10:30 – 12:00

For more informations: Schedule and Abstracts

Monday October 16, 15:00-16:00, HIM lecture hall

Speaker: Tudor Ciurca

Title: Irrationality of cubic threefolds in characteristic 2

Abstract: In 1972 Clemens and Griffiths gave a formidable proof that a smooth cubic threefold over C is irrational. The proof was soon after adapted to any algebraically closed field of characteristic not 2 using algebraic methods. I will finish the story by extending the proof to the case of characteristic 2. As arithmetic applications, we answer a question of Deligne regarding arithmetic Torelli maps and establish the Shafarevich conjecture for cubic threefolds over function fields of characteristic 2.

Wednesday October 18, 13:30-14:30, HIM lecture hall

Speaker: Jack Petok
Title: LSV:  Hyperkahler structure

Friday October 20, 15:00-16:00, HIM lecture hall

Speaker: Fei Xie
Title: Quadric bundles over smooth surfaces

Abstract: For a flat quadric bundle of relative even dimension with fibers of corank at most 1, there is a well established relation between its derived category and its relative Hilbert scheme of maximal isotropic subspaces (or its relative moduli of spinor bundles). For a smooth 2m-fold with the structure of a quadric bundle over a smooth surface, there is a finite number of fibers with corank 2 and this relation fails. I will discuss how to fix the relation in this case.

Monday October 23, 15:00-16:00, HIM lecture hall

Speaker: Fumiaki Suzuki

Title: Maximal linear spaces for pencils of quadrics and rationality

Abstract: Over an arbitrary field k of odd characteristic, let X be a smooth complete intersection of two quadrics in P^{2g+1}. For every g at least 2, we show that the existence of a (g-1)-plane, defined over k, on X may be characterized by k-rationality of a certain 3-dimensional subvariety of the Fano scheme of (g-2)-planes on X, generalizing the g = 2 case due to Hassett-Tschinkel and Benoist-Wittenberg. We also present a related result on k-rationality of the Fano schemes of non-maximal linear spaces on X. This is joint work in progress with Lena Ji.

Wednesday October 25, 13:30-14:30, HIM lecture hall

Speaker: Moritz Hartlieb
Title: LSV: Pfaffians and OG10 type

Friday October 27, 15:00-16:00, HIM lecture hall

Speaker: Shengxuan Liu
Title: A note on spherical bundles on K3 surfaces

Abstract: Let S be a K3 surface with the bounded derived category D^b(S). Let E be a spherical object in D^b(S). Then there always exists a non-zero object F satisfying RHom(E,F)=0. Further, there exists a spherical bundle E on some K3 surfaces that is unstable with respect to all polarization on S. Also we “count”  spherical bundles with a fixed Mukai vector. These provide (partial) answers to some questions of Huybrechts. This is a joint work with Chunyi Li.

Tuesday October 31, 15:00-16:00, HIM lecture hall

Speaker: Jack Petok

Title: Zeta function of the K3 category of a cubic
Abstract: We study the arithmetic of the K3 category associated to a cubic fourfold over a non-algebraically closed field k. We start by constructing the Mukai structure of this K3 category with a natural action of Galois. For k a finite field, this lets us define the zeta function of a K3 category, an invariant under FM-equivalence of K3 categories. We provide a characterization of those cubic fourfolds whose K3 category has zeta function arising from a K3 surface defined over k. One interesting outcome is that the zeta function does not always detect the geometricity of the K3 category. This is joint work with Asher Auel.

Wednesday November 2, 13:30-14:30, HIM lecture hall

Speaker: Xuqiang Qin

Title: LLSvS Eightfolds

Thursday November 2, 10:30-11:30, HIM lecture hall

Speaker: Franco Rota

Title: Non-commutative deformations and contractibility of rational curves
Abstract: When can we contract a rational curve C? The situation is much more complicated for threefolds than it is for surfaces: Jimenez gives examples of (-3,1)-rational curves neither contract nor move. Their behaviour is controlled by the functor of non-commutative deformations of C, which conjecturally controls exactly their contractibility.
I will report on work in progress with M. Wemyss, and reinterpret some of Jimenez's examples in terms of non-commutative deformations.

Friday November 3 and November 17, 14:15-16:00 (with 15 minutes break), HIM lecture hall

Speaker: Nebojsa Pavic

Title: Derived categories and singularities
Abstract: In this mini-course, we discuss the current state of the art on semiorthogonal decompositions of derived categories of singular varieties. We define notions such as categorical absorptions and Kawamata type semiorthogonal decompositions and we give examples and obstructions to such decompositions.

In the first lecture we give a short introduction to the topic by providing explicit examples of semiorthogonal decompositions of curves and surfaces with mild isolated singularities. Along the way, we introduce the notions categorical absorptions and Kawamata type semiorthogonal decompositions. We then proceed by recalling the singularity category of a variety, state general properties about this category and discuss necessary conditions for a projective variety admitting a Kawamata type decomposition in terms of the singularity category. We then rephrase the necessary assumption on the singularity category in terms Grothendieck groups. As a consequence, we show that the defect of a projective variety with certain singularity types is an obstruction to Kawamata type decompositions.

In the second lecture, we explain the relation between the derived category of a singular variety and its resolution and we state the Bondal-Orlov localization conjecture. Moreover, we explain how the localization conjecture descends to a semiorthogonal decomposition on the singularity. We then talk about sufficient conditions on resolutions of nodal n-dimensional singularities and n-dimensional quotient singularities of type 1/n(1^n), such that a "nice" categorical absorption, respectively Kawamata type decomposition is induced on the singularity. We explain briefly the idea of the proofs and we give examples.


Monday 13 November and Wednesday 15 November, 10:30-11:30, 15:00-16:00, HIM lecture hall

Speaker: Tudor Padurariu and Yukinobu Toda
Title: Quasi-BPS categories

Tuesday 14 November, 15:00-16:00, HIM lecture hall

Speaker: Stefano Filipazzi

Title: On the boundedness of elliptic Calabi-Yau threefolds


In this talk, we will discuss the boundedness of Calabi-Yau threefolds admitting an elliptic fibration. First, we will review the notion of boundedness in birational geometry and its weak forms. Then, we will switch focus to Calabi-Yau varieties and discuss how the Kawamata-Morrison cone conjecture comes in the picture when studying boundedness properties for this class of varieties. To conclude, we will see how this circle of ideas applies to the case of elliptic Calabi-Yau threefolds. This talk is based on work joint with C.D. Hacon and R. Svaldi.

Wednesday November 15, 13:30-14:30, HIM lecture hall

Speaker: Richard Haburcak

Thursday November 16, 10:30-11:30, HIM lecture hall

Speaker: Andres Fernandez Herrero

Title: Towards curve counting on the classifying stack BGL_n

Friday November 17, 14:15-16:00 (with 15 minutes break), HIM lecture hall

Speaker: Nebojsa Pavic

Title: Derived categories and singularities (second lecture)
Abstract: In this mini-course, we discuss the current state of the art on semiorthogonal decompositions of derived categories of singular varieties. We define notions such as categorical absorptions and Kawamata type semiorthogonal decompositions and we give examples and obstructions to such decompositions.

In the first lecture we give a short introduction to the topic by providing explicit examples of semiorthogonal decompositions of curves and surfaces with mild isolated singularities. Along the way, we introduce the notions categorical absorptions and Kawamata type semiorthogonal decompositions. We then proceed by recalling the singularity category of a variety, state general properties about this category and discuss necessary conditions for a projective variety admitting a Kawamata type decomposition in terms of the singularity category. We then rephrase the necessary assumption on the singularity category in terms Grothendieck groups. As a consequence, we show that the defect of a projective variety with certain singularity types is an obstruction to Kawamata type decompositions.

In the second lecture, we explain the relation between the derived category of a singular variety and its resolution and we state the Bondal-Orlov localization conjecture. Moreover, we explain how the localization conjecture descends to a semiorthogonal decomposition on the singularity. We then talk about sufficient conditions on resolutions of nodal n-dimensional singularities and n-dimensional quotient singularities of type 1/n(1^n), such that a "nice" categorical absorption, respectively Kawamata type decomposition is induced on the singularity. We explain briefly the idea of the proofs and we give examples.


2023c01 Lin, X.; Zhang, S. Serre algebra, matrix factorization and categorical Torelli theorem for hypersurfaces 2310.09927  
2023c02 Auel, A.; Haburcak, R.; Larson, H. Maximal Brill--Noether loci via the gonality stratification 2310.09954
2023c03 Arena, V.; Canning, S.; Clader, E.; Haburcak, R.; Li, A.Q.; Mok, S.C.; Tamborini, C. Holomorphic forms and non-tautological cycles on moduli spaces of curves 2402.03874
2023c04 Bayer, A.; Chen, H.; Jiang, Q.

Brill–Noether Theory of Hilbert Schemes of Points on Surfaces


International Mathematics Research Notices (2023), rnad263, https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnad263
2023c05 Hu, X.; Krah, J. Autoequivalences of Blow-Ups of Minimal Surfaces 2310.17938 Bull. London Math. Soc.. (2024), https://doi.org/10.1112/blms.13131
2023c06 Li, C.; Liu, S. A Note on Spherical Bundles on K3 Surfaces 2310.10842
2023c07 Dell, H.; Jacovskis, A.; Rota, F. Cyclic covers: Hodge theory and categorical Torelli theorems 2310.13651
2023c08 Fan, C.; Liu, Z.; Ma, S.K. Stability manifolds of Kuznetsov components of prime Fano threefolds 2310.16950
2023c09 Moschetti, R.; Rota, F.; Schaffler, L. The non-degeneracy invariant of Brandhorst and Shimada families of Enriques surfaces 2309.14981

2023c10 Bae, Y.; Maulik, M.; Shen, J.; Yin, Q.  On generalized Beauville decompositions 2402.08861
2023c11 Bud, A.; Haburcak, R. Maximal Brill-Noether loci via degenerations and double covers 2404.15066

School: K3 surfaces, hyperkähler manifolds, and cubic fourfolds

September 11 - 15, 2023

Venue: HIM lecture hall (Poppelsdorfer Allee 45, Bonn)

Organizers: Sarah Frei (Dartmouth),  Richard Haburcak (Dartmouth), Genki Ouchi (Nagoya), Jack Petok (Dartmouth), and Xuqiang Qin (UNC)


  • Chiara Camere (Milano)
  • Daniel Huybrechts (Bonn)
  • Christian Lehn (TU Chemnitz)
  • Sofia Tirabassi (Stockholm)

Description: The focus of the school will be K3 surfaces, hyperkähler manifolds, and cubic fourfolds.  A major problem in the geometry of classical algebraic varieties is the rationality problem for cubic hypersurfaces of dimension 4. While it remains to be seen whether all cubic fourfolds are rational, a rich framework of theorems and conjectures has been developed to study this problem, relating cubic fourfolds with K3 surfaces as well as other hyperkähler manifolds. Some of these relationships are described by classical algebraic geometric constructions, and in the last few decades tools such as Hodge theory, derived categories, and moduli theory have proven indispensable in studying these connections.

The school aims to introduce participants to this circle of ideas, and will consist of 4 expository mini-courses and short introductory talks from some participants of the Junior Trimester Program. The lectures will be aimed at advanced graduate students and postdocs with a background in algebraic geometry.

Derived Workshop

November 06 - 10, 2023

Venue: HIM lecture hall, Poppelsdorfer Allee 45, Bonn

On November 8th different location! Endenicher Allee 60, Raum 1.016 (Lipschitz-Saal)

Organizers: Martin Kalck (Graz), Laura Pertusi (Milano), Shizhuo Zhang (Bonn)


  • Anna Barbieri
  • Arend Bayer
  • Marcello Bernardara
  • Lev Borisov
  • Igor Burban
  • Sebastian Casalaina-Martin
  • Daniele Faenzi
  • James Hotchkiss
  • Chen Jiang
  • Johannes Krah
  • Zhiyu Liu
  • Angela Ortega
  • Nebojsa Pavic
  • David Rydh
  • Evgeny Shinder
  • Paolo Stellari
  • Jenia Tevelev
  • Giancarlo Urzua
  • Filippo Viviani
  • Michael Wemyss

Description: The study of derived categories has a central role in algebraic geometry. A celebrated theorem by Bondal and Orlov states that smooth projective varieties with ample (anti)canonical bundle and equivalent bounded derived categories are isomorphic. This statement is not true in general, but weaker formulations involving the notion of semiorthogonal decomposition have been proved in many interesting geometric contexts. Furthermore, moduli spaces of stable objects in the derived category provide a way to construct new smooth projective varieties and to study their birational geometry by wall-crossing. In the framework of resolutions of singularities, derived categories can be used to characterize the singularity of a variety. The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts working in these fields to discuss the recent developments in the theory and exchange new ideas.

Birational Workshop

November 20 - 24, 2023

Venue: HIM lecture hall, Poppelsdorfer Allee 45, Bonn

Organizers: Raymond Cheng (Hannover), Mirko Mauri (ISTA), Roberto Svaldi (Milan)


  • Benjamin Bakker (tbc)
  • Cinzia Casagrande
  • Stéphane Druel
  • Gabi Farkas
  • Lie Fu
  • Osamu Fujino
  • Cécile Gachet
  • Jiao Junpeng
  • Tasuki Kinjo
  • Eduard Looijenga
  • Davesh Maulik
  • Brent Pym
  • Junliang Shen
  • Sho Tanimoto
  • Salim Tayou
  • Michael Temkin
  • Claire Voisin
  • Ziquan Yang

Description: Breakthroughs in algebraic geometry are often achieved after a dramatic change of viewpoint, or by exporting powerful techniques from one field of research to the other, thus providing a new perspective and applications of the original tools. For instance, in the 1980s Mori showed the existence of complex rational curves on Fano varieties via reduction to positive characteristic, the celebrated Bend-and-Break. The theory of foliations was used by Bogomolov and later McQuillan to provide new significant evidence of the Green-Griffiths Conjecture. More recently, Hodge theoretic techniques are reshaping our understanding of hyperkaehler geometry. These are just a few examples among numerous fruitful synergies that have significantly advanced the field.

The workshop will survey several area of algebraic geometry with the goal of fostering interactions between different research groups. The program will focus on the following themes: birational geometry, foliations, hyperkahler geometry, Hodge theory, stacks, and positive characteristic methods.

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