January 6 - April 24, 2020
Organizers: Manfred Einsiedler (Zürich), Martin Möller (Frankfurt), Anke Pohl (Bremen), Tom Ward (Leeds)
Description: The program centers around modern aspects of dynamical systems, with dynamics on homogeneous spaces as the core topic. Interactions with Teichmüller dynamics, Diophantine approximation and quantum chaos are the main themes of the planned activities. The classification of ergodic invariant measures and orbit closures of higher rank actions on homogeneous spaces is still far from complete. Results in this area find application to equidistribution phenomena and Diophantine problems of many sorts. Active areas of current research include higher rank diagonalizable flows, the horocycle flow and the SL2(R)-action on flat surfaces, quantum unique ergodicity, and links to other parts of number theory including the theory of automorphic forms.
Associated Events:
- Winter School on Dynamics: Topology and Numbers (January 13-17, 2020)
- Conference: Transfer operators in number theory and quantum chaos (February 3-7, 2020)
- Conference: Dynamics on homogeneous spaces (March 16-20, 2020)
- Conference: Dynamics on flat surfaces and their moduli spaces (April 20-24, 2020) (cancelled): see the BISTRO-online seminar https://sites.google.com/view/bistro-seminar/ instead

No. |
Author(s) |
Title |
Preprint |
Publication |
2020a01 | Bandtlow, O.; Pohl, A.; Schick, T.; Weiße, A. | Numerical resonances for Schottky surfaces via Lagrange-Chebyshev approximation | 2002.03334 |
Stoch. Dyn. 21(3) (2021), Paper No. 2140005, 30, https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219493721400050 |
2020a02 | Fairchild, S.; Goering, M.; Weiß, C. | Families of well approximable measures | 2003.13122 | Unif. Distrib. Theory 16(1) (2021), 53-70, https://doi.org/10.2478/udt-2021-0003 |
2020a03 | Prohaska, R. | Aspects of Convergence of Random Walks on Finite Volume Homogeneous Spaces | 1910.11639 | Dynamical Systems (2023), 1-2, https://doi.org/10.1080/14689367.2023.2271407 |
2020a04 | Costantini, M.; Möller, M.; Zachhuber, J. | The Chern classes and the Euler characteristic of the moduli spaces of abelian differentials | 2006.12803 | Forum Math. Pi 10 (2022), Paper No. e16, 55, https://doi.org/10.1017/fmp.2022.10 |
2020a05 | Costantini, M.; Möller, M.; Zachhuber, J. | diffstrata -a Sage package for calculations in the tautological ring of the moduli space of Abelian differentials | 2006.12815 | Exp. Math. 32(3) (2023), 545-565, https://doi.org/10.1080/10586458.2021.1980750 |
2020a06 | Arana-Herrera, F. | Effective lattice point count on Teichmüller space | 2010.03123 | Duke Math. J. 172(8) (2023), 1437-1529, https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2022-0066 |
2020a07 | Aka, M.; Luethi, M.; Michel, P.; Wieser, A. | Simultaneous supersingular reductions of CM elliptic curves | 2005.01537 | J. Reine Angew. Math. 786 (2022), 1-43, https://doi.org/10.1515/crelle-2021-0086 |
2020a08 | Dajani, K.; Kalle, C. | Textbook: A First Course in Ergodic Theory, First Edition | Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL (2021), https://doi.org/10.1201/9780429276019 |
2020a09 | Khalil, O.; Luethi, M. | Random Walks, Spectral Gaps, and Khintchine's Theorem on Fractals | 2101.05797 | Invent. Math 232(2) (2023), 713--831, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00222-022-01171-4 |
2020a10 | Quackenbush, B.; Samuel, T.; West, M. | Periodic Intermediate β-Expansions of Pisot Numbers | 2004.13386 | Mathematics 8(6) (2020), 903, https://doi.org./10.3390/math8060903 |
2020a11 | Einsiedler, M.; Lindenstrauss, E. | Rigidity properties for commuting automorphisms on tori and solenoids | 2101.11120 | Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 42(2) (2022), 691-736, https://doi.org/10.1017/etds.2021.74 |
2020a12 | Delecroix, V.; Schmitt, J.; Van Zelm, J. | Admcycles - a Sage package for calculations in the tautological ring of the moduli space of stable curves | 2002.01709 | J. Softw. Algebra Geom. 11(1) (2021), 89-112, https://doi.org/10.2140/jsag.2021.11.89 |
2020a13 | Doll, M.; Fedosova, K.; Pohl, A. | Counting Resonances on Hyperbolic Surfaces with Unitary Twists | 2109.12923 | to appear in Commun. Anal. Geom. |
2020a14 | Fedosova, K.; Pohl, A.; Rowlett, J. | Fourier expansions of vector-valued automorphic functions with non-unitary twists | 2201.04454 | Commun. Number Theory Phys. 17(1) (2023), 173-248, https://doi.org/10.4310/cntp.2023.v17.n1.a5 |
2020a15 | Pohl, A.; Wabnitz, P. | Selberg zeta functions, cuspidal accelerations, and existence of strict transfer operator approaches | 2209.05927 | |
2020a16 | Wabnitz, P. | Strict transfer operator approaches for non-compact hyperbolic orbisurfaces | 2209.06601 | |
2020a17 | Mourgoglou, M.; Poggi, B.; Tolsa, X. | Lp-solvability of the Poisson-Dirichlet problem and its applications to the regularity problem | 2207.10554 |
Name |
Affiliation |
Menashe (Menny) Akka Ginosar | ETH Zürich |
Claudia Alfes-Neumann | Universität Paderborn |
Francisco Andres Arana Herrera | Stanford University |
Yves Benoist | Université Paris-Sud |
Jonathan Chaika | University of Utah |
Jonathan Chaika | University of Utah |
Emilio Corso | ETH Zürich |
Karma Dajani | Utrecht University |
Nicolas de Saxcé | CNRS -- Université Paris 13, LAGA |
Vincent Delecroix | LaBRI, UMR 5800 |
Moritz Doll | Universität Bremen |
Rhiannon Dougall | University of Bristol |
Eduard Duryev | Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu |
Manfred Einsiedler | ETH Zürich |
Alex Eskin | University of Chicago |
Samantha Fairchild | University of Washington |
Alexander Felshtyn | University of Szczecin |
Alexander Gorodnik | University of Zurich |
Samuel Grushevsky | Stony Brook University |
Sebastian Hurtado-Salazar | University of Chicago |
Subhajit Jana | |
Naotaka Kajino | Kyoto University |
Charlene Kalle | Leiden University |
Svetlana Katok | Penn State University |
Marc Keßeböhmer | Universität Bremen |
Osama Khalil | University of Utah |
Maxim Kirsebom | Universität Hamburg |
Sabrina Kombrink | University of Birmingham |
Ioannis Konstantoulas | Uppsala University |
Tsviqa Lakrec | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Erwan Lanneau | Institut Fourier |
Elon Lindenstrauss | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Manuel Luethi | Tel Aviv University |
Keivan Mallahi-Karai | Jacobs Universität Bremen |
Jens Marklof | University of Bristol |
Philippe Michel | Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) |
Amir Mohammadi | University of California, San Diego |
Hartmut Monien | Universität Bonn |
Christina Moor | Universität Bremen |
Martin Möller | Goethe Universität Frankfurt |
Anke Pohl | Universität Bremen |
Roland Prohaska | ETH Zürich |
Kasra Rafi | University of Toronto |
Tony Samuel | University of Birmingham |
Omri Sarig | Weizmann Institute of Science |
Konstantin Schäfer | Universität Bremen |
Karenina Sender | Universität Bremen |
Cagri Sert | ETH Zürich |
Uri Shapira | Technion Israel IIT |
Lior Silberman | The University of British Columbia |
Polyxeni Spilioti | Universität Tübingen |
Andrea Hannah Thevis | Universität des Saarlandes |
Paul Wabnitz | Universität Bremen |
Thomas Ward | University of Leeds |
Gabriela Weitze-Schmithuesen | Universität des Saarlandes |
Christian Weiß | Hochschule Ruhr-West |
Andreas Wieser | ETH Zürich |
Pengyu Yang | ETH Zürich |
Florent Ygouf | Tel Aviv University |
Ayberk Zeytin | Galatasaray University |