May 13 – August 23, 2019
Description: The Junior Trimester Program gives young mathematicians (postdocs, junior faculty) the opportunity to carry out collaborative research in Kinetic Theory.
We seek applications from 30 scientists woldwide, preferably groups but also individuals, whose research interests fit this theme. Individuals should be open to project work with other participants. The stay in Bonn is fully financed by HIM, so that successful candidates can apply for leave from their home institutions. We recommend stays of 4 months, but visits as short as 4 weeks are possible.
Associated Events:
- Summer School: Trails in kinetic theory: foundational aspects and numerical methods (May 20-24, 2019)
- Workshop: Probabilistic and variational methods in kinetic theory (May 13-17, 2019)
- Workshop: Qualitative behaviour of kinetic equations and related problems: numerical and theoretical aspects (June 3-7, 2019)
- Workshop: Analytical and Computational Problems for Mixtures and Plasma Dynamics (June 17-21, 2019)
- Workshop: Effective equations: frontiers in classical and quantum systems (June 24-28, 2019)

No. |
Author(s) |
Title |
Preprint |
Publication |
2019b01 | Gvalani, R.S.; Schlichting, A. | Barriers of the McKean - Vlasov energy via a mountain pass theorem in the space of probability measures | 1905.11823 | Journal of Functional Analysis 279(11) (2020), 108720, |
2019b02 | Hwang, H.J.; Jang, J.W.; Jo, H.; Lee, J.Y. | Trend to Equilibrium for the Kinetic Fokker-Planck Equation via the Neural Network Approach | 1911.09843 | J. Comput. Phys. 419 (2020), 109665, |
2019b03 | Braukhoff, M.; Tang, B.Q. | Global solutions for chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes system with Robin boundary conditions | 1909.12547 | J. Differential Equations 269(12) (2020), 10630-10669, |
2019b04 | Fajman, D.; Heißel, G.; Maliborski, M. | On the oscillations and future asymptotics of locally rotationally symmetric Bianchi type III cosmologies with a massive scalar field | 2001.00252 |
Classical Quantum Gravity 37(13) (2020), 135009, |
2019b05 | Jang, J.W.; Yun, S.-B. | Propagation of Lp estimates for the Spatially Homogeneous Relativistic Boltzmann Equation | 2001.11672 | J. Differential Equations 272 (2021), 105-126, |
2019b06 | Esposito, A.; Patacchini, F.S.; Schlichting, A.; Slepčev, D. | Nonlocal-interaction equation on graphs: gradient flow structure and continuum limit | 1912.09834 | Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 240(2) (2021), 699-760, |
2019b07 | Di Francesco, M.; Esposito, A.; Schmidtchen, M. | Many-particle limit for a system of interaction equations driven by Newtonian potentials | 2008.11106 | Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 60(2) (2021), Paper No. 68, 44, |
2019b08 | Eichenberg, C.; Schlichting, A. | Self-similar behavior of the exchange-driven growth model with product kernel | 2005.11980 | Comm. Partial Differential Equations 46(3) (2021), 498-546, |
2019b09 | Laurençot, P. | Stationary solutions to Smoluchowski's coagulation equation with source | 2006.15879 | North-West. Eur. J. Math. 6 (2020), 137-164 |
2019b10 | Tran, H.V.; Van, T.-S. | Coagulation-Fragmentation equations with multiplicative coagulation kernel and constant fragmentation kernel | 1910.13424 | Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 75(6) (2022), 1292-1331, |
2019b11 | Cañizo, J.A.; Lods, B.; Throm, S. | Contractivity for Smoluchowski's coagulation equation with solvable kernels | 2003.11848 | Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 53(1) (2021), 248-258, |
2019b12 | Nota, A.; Saffirio, C.; Simonella, S. | Two-dimensional Lorentz process for magnetotransport: Boltzmann-Grad limit | 1910.12983 | Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Probab. Stat. 58(2) (2022), 1228-1243, |
2019b13 | Pulvirenti, M.; Simonella, S. | On the cardinality of collisional clusters for hard spheres at low density | 2005.09962 | Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 41(8) (2021), 3903-3914, |
2019b14 | Arnold, A.; Einav, A.; Signorello, B.; Wöhrer, T. | Large time convergence of the non-homogeneous Goldstein-Taylor Equation | 2007.11792 | J. Stat. Phys. 182(2) (2021), Paper No. 41, 35, |
2019b15 | Daus, E.S.; Jin, S.; Liu, L. | On the multi-species Boltzmann equation with uncertainty and its stochastic Galerkin approximation | 1909.01231 | ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 55(4) (2021), 1323-1345, |
2019b16 | Einav, A.; Morgan, J.J.; Tang, B.Q. | Indirect diffusion effect in degenerate reaction-diffusion systems | 2001.00852 | SIAM J. Math. Anal. 52(5) (2020), 4314-4361, |
2019b17 | Evans, J.; Moyano, I. | Quantitative Rates of Convergence to Equilibrium for the Degenerate Linear Boltzmann equation on the Torus | 1907.12836 | to appear in J. London Math. Soc., |
2019b18 | Niethammer, B.; Pego, R.L.; Schlichting, A.; Velázquez, J.J.L. | Oscillations in a Becker-Döring model with injection and depletion | 2102.06751 | SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 82(4) (2022), 1194-1219, |
2019b19 | Ferreira, M.A.; Lukkarinen, J.; Nota, A.; Velázquez, J.J.L. | Asymptotic localization in multicomponent mass conserving coagulation equations, submited | 2203.08076 | |
2019b20 | Ferreira, M.A.; E. Franco, E.; Lukkarinen, J.; Nota, A.; Velázquez, J.J.L. | Coagulation equations with source leading to anomalous self-similarity | 2305.16921 | J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 56 (2023), 485002, |
2010b21 | Cristian, I.; Ferreira, M.A.; Franco, E.; Velázquez, J.J.L. | Long-time asymptotics for coagulation equations with injection that do not have stationary solutions | Arch Rational Mech Anal. 247 (2023), 103, | |
2010b22 | Ferreira, M.A.; Lukkarinen, J.; Nota, A.; Velázquez, J.J.L.; | Non-equilibrium stationary solutions for multicomponent coagulation systems with injection | J. Stat. Phys. 190 (2023), 98, | |
2010b23 | Ferreira, M.A.; Franco, E.; Velázquez, J.J.L. | On the self-similar behaviour of coagulation systems with injection | Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré (2022), online first, | |
2010b24 | Ferreira, M.A.; Lukkarinen, J.; Nota, A.; Velázquez, J.J.L. | Localization in stationary non-equilibrium solutions for multicomponent coagulation systems | Commun. Math. Phys. 388 (2021), 479–506, | |
2010b25 | Ferreira, M.A.; Lukkarinen, J.; Nota, A.; Velázquez, J.J.L. | Stationary non-equilibrium solutions for coagulation systems | Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 240 (2021), 809–875, | |
2010b26 | Ferreira, M.A. | Coagulation equations for aerosol dynamics | In: Albi, G., Merino-Aceituno, S., Nota, A., Zanella, M. (eds) Trails in Kinetic Theory (2021), SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, vol 25. Springer, Cham. | |
Name |
Affiliation |
Sona Akopian | Brown University |
Giacomo Albi | University of Verona |
Ricardo Alonso | Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio |
Nathalie Ayi | Sorbonne Université |
Julio Backhoff Veraguas | Universität Wien |
Veronique Bagland | Université Clermont Auvergne |
Rafael Bailo | Imperial College London |
Roberta Bianchini | Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon |
Alexander Bobylev | Russian Academy of Sciences |
Marco Bonacini | University of Trento |
Maxime Breden | Technische Universität München |
Marc Briant | Université Paris Descartes |
José A. Cañizo | Universidad de Granada |
Ludovic Cesbron | École Polytechnique |
Kirill Cherednichenko | University of Bath |
Carlota Maria Cuesta Romero | University of the Basque Country |
Esther Sarah Daus | Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) |
Erica De la Canal | University of Texas at Austin |
Giacomo Di Gesù | TU Wien |
Helge Dietert | Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche |
Amit Einav | Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz |
Miguel Escobedo | Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea |
Emre Esenturk | University of Warwick |
Antonio Esposito | University of L'Aquila |
Josephine Evans | University of Warwick |
Martin Evans | University of Edinburgh |
Marina Ferreira | University of Helsinki |
Francis Filbet | Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier |
Irene Martinez Gamba | The University of Texas at Austin |
François Golse | Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau |
Stefan Wolfgang Grosskinsky | University of Warwick |
Jessica Guerand | University of Cambridge |
Rishabh Gvalani | Max Planck Institut für Mathematik |
Lingbing He | Tsinghua University |
Gernot Heißel | Universität Wien |
Maxime Herda | Université de Lille - Inria |
Hélène Hivert | École centrale de Lyon |
Alexandra Holzinger | TU Wien |
Harsha Hutridurga Ramaiah | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay |
Richard Höfer | IMJ-PRG, Université de Paris |
Richard D. James | University of Minnesota |
Jin Woo Jang | University of Bonn |
Jonas Jansen | University Bonn |
Shi Jin | Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Shi Jin | Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Krishan Kumar | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay |
Christian Kühn | Technical University of Munich |
Philippe Laurencot | Université Paul Sabatier |
Philippe Laurencot | Université Paul Sabatier |
Liu Liu | University of Texas at Austin |
Bertrand Lods | University of Turin |
Jani Lukkarinen | University of Helsinki |
Karsten Matthies | University of Bath |
Jose Morales Escalante | McMaster University |
Ivan Moyano | University of Cambridge |
Alessia Nota | University of L'Aquila |
Robert L. Pego | Carnegie Mellon University |
Mario Pulvirenti | Universita' di Roma La Sapienza |
Mario Pulvirenti | Universita' di Roma La Sapienza |
Alejandro Ramos Lora | Universidad de Granada |
Chiara Saffirio | University of Basel |
André Schlichting | Universität Bonn |
Markus Schmidtchen | Technische Universität Dresden |
Beatrice Signorello | TU Wien |
Sergio Simonella | CNRS & UMPA, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon |
Anna Szczekutowicz | University of Texas at Austin |
Bao Quoc Tang | University of Graz |
Maja Taskovic | University of Pennsylvania |
Florian Theil | University of Warwivk |
Sebastian Throm | Universidad de Granada |
Ariane Trescases | Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier |
Truong-Son Van | Carnegie Mellon University |
Max Weissenbacher | Universität Bonn |
Raphael Winter | University of Bonn |
Tobias Wöhrer | TU Wien |
Junjian Yang | TU Wien |
Havva Yoldas | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 |
Mattia Zanella | Politecnico di Torino |
This list does not include people who only participate in workshops or the Summer School.