Universität Bonn

Trimester Program: "Logic and Algorithms in Group Theory"

September 3 - December 20, 2018

Organizers: André Nies, Eamonn O'Brien, Katrin Tent

Description: Mathematical logic and algorithmic thinking have a strong impact on present-day group theory. Examples include the model theory of free groups, the algebraicity conjecture for groups of finite Morley rank, decidability questions, classification of p-groups, and Burnside type questions. The program aims at developing and connecting the two approaches.

Associated Events: 

  • Summer School
  • International Workshop
  • Lecture Series September
  • Lecture Series October
  • Lecture Series November


2018c01 Coulon, R. Infinite periodic groups of even exponents 1810.08372  
2018c02 Eick, Bettina; Hofmann, Tommy; O’Brien, E.A. The conjugacy problem in GL(n, Z) 1811.06190 J. London Math. Soc. 100 (2019), 731–756
2018c03 Leedham-Green, C.; O'Brien, E. Presentations on standard generators for classical groups 1811.00685 J. Algebra 545, 324-390, 2020
2018c04 Glasby, S.P.; Praeger, C. E.; Roney-Dougal, C. M. Involutions and regular semisimple elements in finite unitary groups of odd characteristic 1812.01362  
2018c05 Deloro, A.; Wiscons, J. The Geometric Theorem 1901.04453  
2018c06 Amato, Daniela; Cherlin, Gregory; Macpherson, Dugald Metrically Homogeneous Graphs in Diameter 3   to appear in J. Mathematical Logic
2018c07 Borovik, Alexandre; Yalçinkaya, Sükrü Natural representations of black box groups encrypting SL2(Fq) 2001.10292v2  
2018c08 Bridson, M. R.; McReynolds, D. B.; Reid, A. W.; Spitler, R. Absolute profinite rigidity and hyperbolic geometry 1811.04394  
2018c09 Brooksbank, P. A.; Leemans, D. Rank reduction of string C-group representations 1812.01055  
2018c10 Brookbank, Peter; Maglione, Joshua; Wilson, James Rosenberg- Zelinsky sequences for tensors   appeared in J. Algebra 545 (2019) 43-65
2018c11 Brookbank, Peter; Grochow; Qiao; Wilson, J. Weisfeller-Lehman algorithms for Group Isomorphism 1905.02518  
2018c12 Bradford, Henry; Thom, Andreas Short Laws for Finite Groups of Lie Type 1811.05401  
2018c13 Ciobanu, Laura; Evetts, Alex; Ho, Turbo The conjugacy growth of the soluble Baumslag-Solitar groups 1908.05321  
2018c14 Cocke, William; Ho, Turbo Word Maps in Finite Simple Groups 1901.00836 To appear in Archiv der Mathematik
2018c15 Coulon, Remi; Logan, Alan D.; Ho, Turbo The universal theory of random groups    
2018c16 Conversano, A. Nilpotent groups, o-minimal Euler characteristic, and linear algebraic groups 1904.09738  
2018c17 Conversano, A. Definable groups in o-minimal structures: various properties and a diagram   to appear in Research Trends in Contemporary Logic, College Publications London
2018c18 Deloro, Adrien; Wiscons, Joshua The geometry of involutions in ranked groups with a TI-subgroup. 1901.04453 To appear Bull. London Math. Soc.
2018c19 Detinko, A.; Flannery, D.; Hulpke, A. Experimenting with hypergeometric symplectic groups 1905.02190  
2018c20 Detinko, A.; Flannery, D.; Hulpke, A. The strong approximation theorem and computing with dense linear groups 1905.02683 Journal of Algebra, 529 (2019), 536-549
2018c21 Dietrich, Heiko; Wilson, James Isomorphism testing of groups
of cube-free order 1810.03467 Journal of Algebra 545 (2019), 174–197
2018c22 Dietrich, Heiko; Wilson, James Polynomial-time isomorphism testing of groups of most finite orders 1806.08872  
2018c23 Gilman, Robert Algorithmic search in group theory   J. Algebra 545 (2020), 237 – 244
2018c24 Holt, Derek F.; Leedham-Green, C.R.; O’Brien, E.A. Constructing composition factors for a linear group in polynomial time   J. Algebra 2020
2018c25 Kessler, Ian Holm; Kvinge, Henry; Wilson, James A Frobenius- Schreier-Sims Algorithm to tensor decompose algebras 1812.03346  
2018c26 Kassabov; Tyburski; Wilson The number of isomorphism classes of subgroups of finite simple groups of Lie type is maximum possible   In preparation
2018c27 Kirschmer, Markus; Nebe, Gabriele Quaternary quadratic lattices over number fields 1705.06525 Int. J. Number Theory 15 (2019), 309–325
2018c28 Kirschmer, Markus; Nebe, Gabriele Binary Hermitian lattices over number fields   To appear in Experimental Mathematics
2018c29 Martin, Gaven J.; O’Brien, G. Random Möbius groups, I: Random subgroups of PSL (2, R)   Pacific Journal of Mathematics 303 (2), 669-701, 2020
2018c30 Martin, Gaven J. Random lattices, punctured tori and the Teichmüller distribution 1807.11127 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 148 (1), 289-300, 2020
2018c31 Martin, Gaven J. Random ideal hyperbolic quadrilaterals, the cross ratio distribution and punctured tori 1807.06202 Journal of the London Mathematical Society 100 (3), 851-870, 2019
2018c32 Marshall, T. H.; Martin, Gaven J. Polynomial Trace Identities in 
SL(2, C), Quaternion Algebras and Two-generator Kleinian Groups 1911.11643  
2018c33 Martin, Gaven J.; O’Brien, G.; Yamashita Y. Random Kleinian 
Groups, II: Two Parabolic Generators 1801.01167 Experimental Mathematics, 2019, 1-9
2018c34 Nebe, Gabriele On conjugacy of diagonalizable integral matrices 1910.05974 Albanian J. Mathematics 13 (2019) 211–218
2018c35 Nies, A.; Schlicht, P.; Tent, K. Oligomorphic groups are 
essentially countable 1903.08436v1  
2018c36 Nies, A.; Segal, D.; Tent, K. Finite axiomatizability for profinite groups 1907.02262  
2018c37 Roney-Dougal, Colva; Siccha, Sergio Normalisers of primitive permutation groups in quasipolynomial time 2002.01377  
2018c38 Thomas, S. Characters and invariant random subgroups of the finitary symmetric group 1812.02694  


Tuna Altinel Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Anna-Maria Ammer WWU Münster
Simon André Université de Rennes 1
Agatha Atkarskaya Bar-Ilan Universty
Nir David Avni Northwestern University
Jitendra Bajpai TU Dresden
Martin Bays Universitaet Muenster
Ayse Berkman Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi
Arindam Biswas Universität Wien
Alexandre Borovik University of Manchester
Jendrik Brachter RWTH Aachen
Henry Bradford Universität Göttingen
Martin R. Bridson University of Oxford
Peter Brooksbank Bucknell University
Robin Candy Australian National University
Angela Carnevale Universität Bielefeld
Gregory Cherlin Rutgers University
Maurice Chiodo University of Cambridge
Laura Ioana Ciobanu Radomirovic Heriot-Watt University
Laura Ioana Ciobanu Radomirovic Heriot-Watt University
Tim Clausen WWU Münster
Annalisa Conversano Massey University Albany
Rémi Coulon Université de Rennes 1
Arman Darbinyan ENS, Paris
Giovanni De Franceschi Universität Bonn
Jordi Delgado University of the Basque Country
Adrien Deloro Sorbonne Université - Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Alla Detinko University of St Andrews
Michal Doucha Czech Academy of Sciences
Bettina Eick TU Braunschweig
David Evans Cardiff University
Alex Evetts Heriot-Watt University
Michal Ferov University of Technology Sydney
Dane Flannery National University of Ireland, Galway
Alexander Gamburd The Graduate Center, CUNY
Giles Gardam Universität Münster
Robert Gilman Stevens Institute of Technology
Jakub Gismatullin Uniwersytet Wroclawski
Dmitry Grigoryev CNRS, Mathematiques, Université de Lille
Lifan Guan Universität Göttingen
Harald Andres Helfgott Georg-August Universität Göttingen
Gerhard Hiß RWTH Aachen
Meng-Che Ho Purdue University
Alexander Hulpke Colorado State University
Itay Kaplan The Hebrew University of Jeruslaem
Ulla Karhumäki University of Manchester
Ulla Karhumäki University of Manchester
Martin Kassabov Cornell University
Martin Kassabov Cornell University
Olga Kharlampovich Hunter College and Graduate Center CUNY
Mikko Korhonen École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Aleksandra Kwiatkowska Universität Münster
Dimitri Leemans Université Libre de Bruxelles
Junxian Li Universität Göttingen
Martin Liebeck Imperial College London
Alastair Litterick Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Alan Logan Heriot-Watt University
Zhipeng Lu Universität Göttingen
Paula Macedo Lins de Araujo Universität Bielefeld
Paula Macedo Lins de Araujo Universität Bielefeld
Joshua Maglione Kent State University
Gunter Malle TU Kaiserslautern
Benjamin Martin University of Aberdeen
Gaven John Martin Massey University
Suraj Krishna Meda Satish Université Paris-Sud
Xianchang Meng Georg-August Universität Göttingen
Gabriele Nebe RWTH Aachen
André Nies University of Auckland
Javier de la Nuez Gonzalez University of the Basque Coutry (UPV/EHU)
Eamonn O'Brien University of Auckland
Alessandro Paolini TU Kaiserslautern
Eugene Plotkin Bar Ilan University
Cheryl Praeger The University of Western Australia
Mark Pullins University of Colorado Boulder
Sarah Rees University of Newcastle
Alan Reid Rice University
Colva Roney-Dougal University of St Andrews
Tobias Rossmann National University of Ireland, Galway
Luca Sabatini Università degli Studi di Firenze
Subhrajyoti Saha Monash University
Jeroen Schillewaert University of Auckland
Dan Segal Oxford University
Zlil Sela Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Aner Shalev Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Vladimir Shpilrain The City College of New York
Markus Steenbock Ecole normale supérieure, CNRS, PSL Research University
Hang Lu Su ICMAT
Katrin Tent Universität Münster
Simon Thomas Rutgers University
Todor Tsankov Université Paris Diderot
Matteo Vannacci Universität Düsseldorf
Christopher Voll Universität Bielefeld
George Willis University of Newcastle
James Wilson Colorado State University
Henry Wilton University of Cambridge
Joshua Wiscons California State University, Sacramento
Michele Zordan KU Leuven
Poster TP_2018_09.jpg

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