September 3 - December 20, 2018
Organizers: André Nies, Eamonn O'Brien, Katrin Tent
Description: Mathematical logic and algorithmic thinking have a strong impact on present-day group theory. Examples include the model theory of free groups, the algebraicity conjecture for groups of finite Morley rank, decidability questions, classification of p-groups, and Burnside type questions. The program aims at developing and connecting the two approaches.
Associated Events:
- Summer School
- International Workshop
- Lecture Series September
- Lecture Series October
- Lecture Series November

No. | Author(s) | Title | Preprint | Publication |
2018c01 | Coulon, R. | Infinite Periodic Groups of even Exponents | 1810.08372 | |
2018c02 | Eick, B.; Hofmann, T.; O’Brien, E.A. | The Conjugacy Problem in GL(n, Z) | 1811.06190 | Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 100(3) (2019), 721-1080. |
2018c03 | Leedham-Green, C.; O'Brien, E. | Presentations on Standard Generators for Classical Groups | 1811.00685 | Journal of Algebra. 545 (2020), 324-389. |
2018c04 | Glasby, S.P.; Praeger, C. E.; Roney-Dougal, C. M. | Involutions and Regular Semisimple Elements in Finite Unitary Groups of Odd Characteristic | 1812.01362 | Journal of Algebra. 545 (2020), 245-299. |
2018c05 | Deloro, A.; Wiscons, J. | The geometry of involutions in ranked groups with a TI-subgroup. | 1901.04453 | Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 52(3) (2020), 411-560. |
2018c06 | Amato, D.; Cherlin, G.; Macpherson, D. | Metrically Homogeneous Graphs in Diameter 3 | Journal of Mathematical Logic. 21(1) (2021). |
2018c07 | Borovik, A.; Yalçinkaya, S. | Natural Representations of Black Box Groups Encrypting SL2(Fq) | 2001.10292v2 | |
2018c08 | Bridson, M. R.; McReynolds, D. B.; Reid, A. W.; Spitler, R. | Absolute Profinite Rigidity and Hyperbolic Geometry | 1811.04394 | Ann. of Math. 192(3) (2020), 679 – 719. |
2018c09 | Brooksbank, P. A.; Leemans, D. | Rank Reduction of String C-Group Representations | 1812.01055 | Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 147(12) (2019), 5421-5426. |
2018c10 | Brookbank, P.; Maglione, J.; Wilson, J. | Exact Sequences of Inner Automorphisms of Tensors | Journal of Algebra. 545 (2020), 43-63. |
2018c11 | Brookbank, P.; Grochow J.A.; Li, Y.; Qiao Y.; Wilson, J. | Incorporating Weisfeiler-Leman into Algorithms for Group Isomorphism | 1905.02518 | |
2018c12 | Bradford, H.; Thom, A. | Short Laws for Finite Groups of Lie Type | 1811.05401 | |
2018c13 | Ciobanu, L.; Evetts, A.; Ho, T. | The Conjugacy Growth of the Soluble Baumslag-Solitar Groups | 1908.05321 | New York J. Math. 26 (2020), 473–49 |
2018c14 | Cocke, W.; Ho, T. | Word Maps in Finite Simple Groups | 1901.00836 | Arch. Math. 113 (2019), 565–570. |
2018c15 | Coulon, R.; Logan, A. D.; Ho, T. | The Universal Theory of Random Groups | ||
2018c16 | Conversano, A. | Nilpotent Groups, o-Minimal Euler Characteristic, and Linear Algebraic Groups | 1904.09738 | Journal of Algebra. 587 (2021), 295-309. |
2018c17 | Conversano, A. | Groups Definable in o-Minimal Structures: Various Properties and a Diagram | 2010.12782 | to appear in Research Trends in Contemporary Logic, College Publications London |
2018c18 | Deloro, A.; Wiscons, J. | The geometry of involutions in ranked groups with a TI-subgroup. | 1901.04453 | Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 52(3) (2020), 411-560. |
2018c19 | Detinko, A.; Flannery, D.; Hulpke, A. | Experimenting with Hypergeometric Symplectic Groups | 1905.02190 | Experimental Mathematics. 32(1) (2020), 88–96. |
2018c20 | Detinko, A.; Flannery, D.; Hulpke, A. | The Strong Approximation Theorem and Computing with Dense Linear Groups | 1905.02683 | Journal of Algebra. 529 (2019), 536-549. |
2018c21 | Dietrich, H.; Wilson, J. | Isomorphism Testing of Groups of Cube-Free Order | 1810.03467 | Journal of Algebra. 545 (2020), 174-197. |
2018c22 | Dietrich, H.; Wilson, J. | Polynomial-Time Isomorphism Testing of Groups of Most Finite Orders | 1806.08872 | |
2018c23 | Gilman, R. | Algorithmic Search in Group Theory | Journal of Algebra. 545 (2020), 237-244. |
2018c24 | Holt, D.F.; Leedham-Green, C.R.; O’Brien, E.A. | Constructing Composition Factors for a Linear Group in Polynomial Time | Journal of Algebra. 561 (2020), 215-236. |
2018c25 | Kessler, I.H.; Kvinge, H.; Wilson, J. | A Frobenius- Schreier-Sims Algorithm to Tensor Decompose Algebras | 1812.03346 | |
2018c26 | Kassabov; Tyburski; Wilson | The Number of Isomorphism Classes of Subgroups of Finite Simple Groups of Lie Type is Maximum Possible | In preparation | |
2018c27 | Kirschmer, M.; Nebe, G. | Quaternary Quadratic Lattices over Number Fields | 1705.06525 | International Journal of Number Theory. 15(2) (2019), 309-325. |
2018c28 | Kirschmer, M.; Nebe, G. | Binary Hermitian Lattices over Number Fields | Experimental Mathematics. 31(1) (2019), 280–301. |
2018c29 | Martin, G.J.; O’Brien, G. | Random Möbius Groups, I: Random Subgroups of PSL (2, R) | Pacific Journal of Mathematics. 303(2) (2019), 669–701. DOI: 10.2140/pjm.2019.303.669 |
2018c30 | Martin, G.J. | Random Lattices, Punctured Tori and the Teichmüller Distribution | 1807.11127 | Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148(1) (2020), 289-300. |
2018c31 | Martin, G.J. | Random Ideal Hyperbolic Quadrilaterals, the Cross Ratio Distribution and Punctured Tori | 1807.06202 | Journal of the London Mathematical |
2018c32 | Marshall, T. H.; Martin, G.J. | Polynomial Trace Identities in SL(2, C), Quaternion Algebras and Two-generator Kleinian Groups | 1911.11643 | |
2018c33 | Martin, G.J.; O’Brien, G.; Yamashita Y. | Random Kleinian Groups, II: Two Parabolic Generators | 1801.01167 | Experimental Mathematics. 29(4) (2019), 443–451. |
2018c34 | Nebe, G. | On Conjugacy of Diagonalizable Integral Matrices | 1910.05974 | Albanian J. Math. 13(1) (2019), 211-218. |
2018c35 | Nies, A.; Schlicht, P.; Tent, K. | Oligomorphic Groups are Essentially Countable | 1903.08436v1 | |
2018c36 | Nies, A.; Segal, D.; Tent, K. | Finite Axiomatizability for Profinite Groups | 1907.02262 | Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 123(6) (2021), 517-654. |
2018c37 | Roney-Dougal, C-; Siccha, S. | Normalisers of Primitive Permutation Groups in Quasipolynomial Time | 2002.01377 | Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 52(2) (2020), 275-410. |
2018c38 | Thomas, S. | Characters and Invariant Random Subgroups of the Finitary Symmetric Group | 1812.02694 | Advances in Mathematics. 399 (2022). |
Name | Affiliation |
Tuna Altinel | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 |
Anna-Maria Ammer | WWU Münster |
Simon André | Université de Rennes 1 |
Agatha Atkarskaya | Bar-Ilan Universty |
Nir David Avni | Northwestern University |
Jitendra Bajpai | TU Dresden |
Martin Bays | Universitaet Muenster |
Ayse Berkman | Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi |
Arindam Biswas | Universität Wien |
Alexandre Borovik | University of Manchester |
Jendrik Brachter | RWTH Aachen |
Henry Bradford | Universität Göttingen |
Martin R. Bridson | University of Oxford |
Peter Brooksbank | Bucknell University |
Robin Candy | Australian National University |
Angela Carnevale | Universität Bielefeld |
Gregory Cherlin | Rutgers University |
Maurice Chiodo | University of Cambridge |
Laura Ioana Ciobanu Radomirovic | Heriot-Watt University |
Laura Ioana Ciobanu Radomirovic | Heriot-Watt University |
Tim Clausen | WWU Münster |
Annalisa Conversano | Massey University Albany |
Rémi Coulon | Université de Rennes 1 |
Arman Darbinyan | ENS, Paris |
Giovanni De Franceschi | Universität Bonn |
Jordi Delgado | University of the Basque Country |
Adrien Deloro | Sorbonne Université - Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu |
Alla Detinko | University of St Andrews |
Michal Doucha | Czech Academy of Sciences |
Bettina Eick | TU Braunschweig |
David Evans | Cardiff University |
Alex Evetts | Heriot-Watt University |
Michal Ferov | University of Technology Sydney |
Dane Flannery | National University of Ireland, Galway |
Alexander Gamburd | The Graduate Center, CUNY |
Giles Gardam | Universität Münster |
Robert Gilman | Stevens Institute of Technology |
Jakub Gismatullin | Uniwersytet Wroclawski |
Dmitry Grigoryev | CNRS, Mathematiques, Université de Lille |
Lifan Guan | Universität Göttingen |
Harald Andres Helfgott | Georg-August Universität Göttingen |
Gerhard Hiß | RWTH Aachen |
Meng-Che Ho | Purdue University |
Alexander Hulpke | Colorado State University |
Itay Kaplan | The Hebrew University of Jeruslaem |
Ulla Karhumäki | University of Manchester |
Ulla Karhumäki | University of Manchester |
Martin Kassabov | Cornell University |
Martin Kassabov | Cornell University |
Olga Kharlampovich | Hunter College and Graduate Center CUNY |
Mikko Korhonen | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
Aleksandra Kwiatkowska | Universität Münster |
Dimitri Leemans | Université Libre de Bruxelles |
Junxian Li | Universität Göttingen |
Martin Liebeck | Imperial College London |
Alastair Litterick | Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
Alan Logan | Heriot-Watt University |
Zhipeng Lu | Universität Göttingen |
Paula Macedo Lins de Araujo | Universität Bielefeld |
Paula Macedo Lins de Araujo | Universität Bielefeld |
Joshua Maglione | Kent State University |
Gunter Malle | TU Kaiserslautern |
Benjamin Martin | University of Aberdeen |
Gaven John Martin | Massey University |
Suraj Krishna Meda Satish | Université Paris-Sud |
Xianchang Meng | Georg-August Universität Göttingen |
Gabriele Nebe | RWTH Aachen |
André Nies | University of Auckland |
Javier de la Nuez Gonzalez | University of the Basque Coutry (UPV/EHU) |
Eamonn O'Brien | University of Auckland |
Alessandro Paolini | TU Kaiserslautern |
Eugene Plotkin | Bar Ilan University |
Cheryl Praeger | The University of Western Australia |
Mark Pullins | University of Colorado Boulder |
Sarah Rees | University of Newcastle |
Alan Reid | Rice University |
Colva Roney-Dougal | University of St Andrews |
Tobias Rossmann | National University of Ireland, Galway |
Luca Sabatini | Università degli Studi di Firenze |
Subhrajyoti Saha | Monash University |
Jeroen Schillewaert | University of Auckland |
Dan Segal | Oxford University |
Zlil Sela | Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Aner Shalev | Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Vladimir Shpilrain | The City College of New York |
Markus Steenbock | Ecole normale supérieure, CNRS, PSL Research University |
Hang Lu Su | ICMAT |
Katrin Tent | Universität Münster |
Simon Thomas | Rutgers University |
Todor Tsankov | Université Paris Diderot |
Matteo Vannacci | Universität Düsseldorf |
Christopher Voll | Universität Bielefeld |
George Willis | University of Newcastle |
James Wilson | Colorado State University |
Henry Wilton | University of Cambridge |
Joshua Wiscons | California State University, Sacramento |
Michele Zordan | KU Leuven |