Universität Bonn

Trimester Program: "K-Theory and Related Fields"

May 8 - August 31, 2017

Organizers: Guillermo Cortiñas, Hélène Esnault, Christian Haesemeyer, Holger Reich, Jonathan Rosenberg

Description: Mathematicians from many areas are interested in K-theory, and they all look at it from their own perspective. The program modestly planed to support research in several of the many subareas of K-theory and to promote synergies between the different, but often overlapping, areas.

Associated Events: The program involved the following elements:

  • A summer school directed at PhD students and young postdocs, scheduled for the week June 19-23.

Three major workshops, as follows:

  • K-theory in algebraic geometry and number theory, May 15-19,
  • K-theory and related fields, June 26-30,
  • K-theory in topology and non commutative geometry, August 21-25.

Informal short courses and learning seminars, in between the major workshops, to help those working in one aspect of K-theory learn about developments and techniques in other areas.


2017b01 Rimányi, R.; Tarasov, V.; Varchenko, A. Elliptic and K-theoretic stable envelopes and Newton polytopes 1705.09344 MR3911740
2017b02 Dotto, Emanuele; Malkiewich, Cary; Patchkoria, Irakli; Sagave, Steffen; Woo, Calvin Comparing cyclotomic structures on different models for topological Hochschild homology 1707.07862 MR3977874
2017b03 Schechtman, Vadim; Varchenko, Alexander Rational differential forms on line and singular vectors in Verma modules over sl^2 1511.09014 MR3734663
2017b04 Schechtman, Vadim; Varchenko, Alexander Solutions of KZ differential equations modulo p 1707.02615 MR3928838
2017b05 Tabuada, Gonçalo Bass and Schur finiteness conjectures for quadric fibrations 1708.05382  
2017b06 Rosenberg, Jonathan A new approach to twisted K-theory of compact Lie groups 1708.05541  
2017b07 Varchenko, Alexander Remarks on the Gaudin model modulo p 1708.06264 MR3899555
2017b08 Tabuada, Gonçalo HPD-invariance of the Tate conjecture 1707.06639  
2017b09 Tabuada, Gonçalo Noncommutative motives in positive characteristic and their applications 1707.04248 MR3942181
2017b10 Iwasa, Ryomei Some results on relative K0, and relative cycle class map with modulus 1706.08935  
2017b11 Haesemeyer, Christian; Weibel, Charles A. K-theory of line bundles and smooth varieties 1707.01192 MR3834645
2017b12 Kaufmann, Ralph M.; Li, Dan; Wehefritz-Kaufmann, Birgit The Stiefel-Whitney theory of topological insulators 1604.02792  
2017b13 Kaufmann, Ralph M.; Li, Dan; Wehefritz-Kaufmann, Birgit Noncommutative topological Z2 invariant 1605.09470  
2017b14 Fu, Lie; Tian, Zhiyu Motivic multiplicative McKay correspondence for smooth projective surfaces 1709.01714  
2017b15 Park, Byungdo; Redden, Corbett A classification of equivariant gerbe connections 1709.06003 MR3918041
2017b16 Sechin, Pavel On the Structure of Algebraic Cobordism 1712.03871 MR3818079
2017b17 Ohara, M. On graded E-infinity-rings and projective schemes in spectral algebraic geometry 1803.09389  
2017b18 Park, Byungdo; Parzygnat, Arthur J.; Redden, Corbett; Stoffel, Augusto Noncommutative Differential K-theory 2106.12073 MR4363660


Ibrahim Akrour Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier
David Benjamin Antieau University of Illinois at Chicago
Francesca Arici Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Christian Ausoni Université Paris 13
Joseph Ayoub University of Zurich
Tom Bachmann Universität Essen
Noé Barcenas Torres Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Arthur Bartels WWU Münster
Sai Somanjana Sreedhar Bhamidi Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research
Federico Binda Universität Regensburg
Andrew Blumberg University of Texas
Dorin Boger Harvard University
Ulrich Bunke Universität Regensburg
Paulo Carrillo Rouse Université Toulouse III
Ian Coley UCLA
Guillermo Cortiñas Universidad de Buenos Aires
Guillermo Cortiñas Universidad de Buenos Aires
Joachim Cuntz WWU Münster
Christian Dahlhausen Universität Regensburg
Shantanu Dave Universität Wien
James F. Davis Indiana University
Carlos di Fiore University of Chicago
Bjørn Ian Dundas University of Bergen
Eugenia Ellis Universidad de la República
Hélène Esnault Freie Universität Berlin
Sergio Estrada University of Murcia
Lie Fu Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Grigory Garkusha Swansea University
Daniel Grech University of Warwick
Rahul Gupta Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Christian Haesemeyer University of California at Los Angeles
Piotr M. Hajac IMPAN
Ian Hambleton McMaster University
Alice Hedenlund University of Oslo
Lars Hesselholt University of Copenhagen
Nigel Higson Penn State University
Jens Hornbostel Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Annette Huber-Klawitter Universtität Freiburg
Roberta Anna Iseppi Aarhaus University
Ryomei Iwasa The University of Tokyo
Artur Jackson Purdue University
Fangzhou Jin Universität Regensburg
Pierre Julg Université d'Orléans
Ralph Martin Kaufmann Purdue University
Moritz Kerz Universität Regensburg
Guido Kings Universität Regensburg
Satoshi Kondo National Research University
Yordanka Kovacheva The University of Chicago
Yordanka Kovacheva The University of Chicago
Amalendu Krishna Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research
Jonas Irgens Kylling University of Oslo
Dylan Madden University of Warwick
Cary Malkiewich University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Michael Mandell Indiana University
Patrick McFaddin University of South Carolina
Bram Mesland Universität Bonn
Ralf Meyer Universität Göttingen
Matthew Morrow Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche
Ryszard Nest Copenhagen University
The Cuong Nguyen Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES)
Manh Toan Nguyen Universität Osnabrück
Mariko Ohara Shinshu University
Paul Arne Ostvaer University of Oslo
Byungdo Park City University of New York
Rakesh Pawar Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Erik Kjær Pedersen University of Copenhagen
James Quigley University of Notre Dame
Charanya Ravi Universitetet i Oslo
Holger Reich Freie Universität Berlin
Birgit Richter Universität Hamburg
Jonathan Rosenberg University of Maryland
Oliver Röndigs Universität Osnabrück
Vivek Sadhu Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Shuji Saito Tokyo Institute of Technology
Husney Parvez Sarwar Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Thomas Schick Universität Göttingen
Marco Schlichting University of Warwick
Elmar Schrohe Leibniz Universität Hannover
Pavel Sechin National Research University Higher School of Economics
Vasudevan Srinivas Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Wolfgang Steimle Universität Augsburg
Yuri Sulyma University of Texas at Austin
Gonçalo Tabuada Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Gisela Tartaglia Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Ulrike Tillmann University of Oxford
Girja Tripathi IISER Tirupati
Alexander Varchenko University of North Carolina
Santiago Vega Universidad de Buenos Aires
Charles Weibel Rutgers University
Michael Weiss WWU Münster
Rufus Willett University of Hawaii at Manoa
Glen Wilson University of Oslo
Calvin Woo Indiana University
Heng Xie University of Warwick
Guoliang Yu Texas A&M University
Ferdinando Zanchetta University of Warwick

This list does not include people who only participated in workshops.

Poster TP_2017_05.jpg

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