Universität Bonn

Junior Trimester Program: "Topology"

September 5 – December 22, 2016

Description: The Junior Hausdorff Trimester Program gave young mathematicians (postdocs, junior faculty) the opportunity to carry out collaborative research in Topology.

The focus was on the following research topics:

  • Interactions between Goodwillie calculus, chromatic methods, and unstable homotopy theory
  • Knot concordance and 4-manifolds
  • L2-Invariants
  • New perspectives in A-theory
  • Real trace methods
  • The Farrell-Jones conjecture
  • The operad of little disks and algebraic geometry

Associated Events:

  • Seminar on the Farrell-Jones conjecture
  • A-theory Group Seminar
  • K-theory Seminar
  • Seminar on knot concordance and 4-manifolds
  • L2-Seminar
  • Seminar on functor calculus and chromatic methods
  • Seminar on operads and algebraic geometry
  • Learning Seminars
  • Workshop: Interactions between operads and motives
  • Workshop: New directions in L2-invariants
  • MPIM-Workshop: 4-manifolds and knot concordance
  • Workshop: The Farrell-Jones conjecture
  • Workshop: Hermitian K-theory and trace methods
  • Felix Klein Lectures by Lars Hesselholt
  • Workshop: Fusion systems and equivariant algebraic topology


2016c01 Malkiewich, Cary; Merling, Mona Equivariant A-theory 1609.03429 MR4001477
2016c02 Kasprowski, Daniel; Ullmann, Mark; Wegner, Christian; Winges, Christoph The A-theoretic Farrell-Jones Conjecture for virtually solvable groups 1609.07468 MR3830115
2016c03 Enkelmann, Nils-Edvin; Lück, Wolfgang; Pieper, Malte; Ullmann, Mark; Winges, Christoph On the Farrell-Jones Conjecture for Waldhausen's A-theory 1607.06395 MR3858766
2016c04 Horel, Geoffroy Automorphisms of the little disks operad with p-torsion coefficients 1612.03420  
2016c05 Boavida de Brito, Pedro; Horel, Geoffroy; Robertson, Marcy Operads of genus zero curves and the Grothendieck-Teichmüller group 1703.05143 MR3921321
2016c06 Friedl, Stefan; Nagel, Matthias; Orson, Patrick; Powell, Mark Satellites and concordance of knots in 3-manifolds 1611.09114 MR3896081
2016c07 Kionke, Steffen Characters, L2-Betti numbers and an equivariant approximation theorem 1702.02599 Kionke, S. Math. Ann. (2018) 371
2016c08 Engel, Alexander; Marcinkowski, Michal Burghelea conjecture and asymptotic dimension of groups 1610.10076  
2016c09 Hackney, Philip; Robertson, Marcy Lecture notes on infinity-properads 1610.00486 MR3792530
2016c10 Brantner, Lukas; Heuts, Gijs The vn-periodic Goodwillie tower on wedges and cofibres 1612.02694  
2016c11 Miller, Allison N.; Piccirillo, Lisa Knot traces and concordance 1702.03974 MR3784230
2016c12 May, J. Peter; Merling, Mona; Osorno, Angélica M. Equivariant infinite loop space theory, I. The space level story 1704.03413  
2016c13 Reeh, Sune Precht; Schlank, Tomer M.; Stapleton, Nathaniel A formula for p-completion by way of the Segal conjecture 1704.00271  
2016c14 Kim, Min Hoon; Krcatovich, David; Park, Jung Hwan Links with nontrivial Alexander polynomial which are topologically concordant to the Hopf link 1703.10325  
2016c15 Patchkoria, Irakli; Roitzheim, Constanze Rigidity and exotic models for v1-local G-equivariant stable homotopy theory 1705.03855  
2016c16 Funke, Florian The L2-torsion polytope of amenable groups 1704.07164  
2016c17 Davis, Christopher W.; Nagel, Matthias; Park, JungHwan; Ray, Arunima Concordance of knots in S1 x S2 1707.04542 to appear in the Journal of the LMS
2016c18 Eldred, Rosona; Heuts, Gijs; Mathew, Akhil; Meier, Lennart Monadicity of the Bousfield-Kuhn functor 1707.05986 MR3910443
2016c19 Friedl, Stefan; Miller, Allison N.; Powell, Mark Linking forms of amphichiral knots 1706.07940  
2016c20 Feller, Peter; Lewark, Lukas On classical upper bounds for slice genera 1611.02679 MR3874707
2016c21 McCoy, Duncan Non-integer characterizing slopes for torus knots 1610.03283  
2016c22 Meier, Jeffrey; Zupan, Alexander Characterizing Dehn surgeries on links via trisections 1707.08955 MR3871792
2016c23 Meier, Jeffrey Trisections and spun 4-manifolds 1708.01214  
2016c24 Nagel, Matthias; Orson, Patrick; Park, JungHwan; Powell, Mark Smooth and topological almost concordance 1707.01147  
2016c25 Kim, Min Hoon; Powell, Mark; Teichner, Peter The round handle problem 1706.09571  
2016c26 Lewark, Lukas; McCoy, Duncan On calculating the slice genera of 11- and 12-crossing knots 1508.01098 Exp. Math. 28 (2019), no. 1, 81-94
2016c27 Raptis, George; Steimle, Wolfgang A cobordism model for Waldhausen K-theory 1711.08779 MR3939266
2016c28 Dotto, Emanuele; Moi, Kristian; Patchkoria, Irakli; Reeh, Sune Precht Real topological Hochschild homology 1711.10226  
2016c29 Dotto, Emanuele; Ogle, Crichton K-theory of Hermitian Mackey functors and a reformulation of the Novikov Conjecture 1703.09523  
2016c30 Dotto, Emanuele; Malkiewich, Cary; Patchkoria, Irakli; Sagave, Steffen; Woo, Calvin Comparing cyclotomic structures on different models for topological Hochschild homology 1707.07862 MR3977874
2016c31 Hackney, Philip; Robertson, Marcy; Yau, Donald Higher cyclic operads 1611.02591 MR3924179
2016c32 Kim, Min Hoon; Yamada, Shohei Ideal classes and Cappell-Shaneson homotopy 4-spheres 1707.03860  
2016c33 Cha, Jae Choon; Kim, Min Hoon The bipolar filtration of topologically slice knots 1710.07803  
2016c34 Hedden, Matthew; Kim, Min Hoon;Mark, Thomas E.;Park, Kyungbae Irreducible 3-manifolds that cannot be obtained by 0-surgery on a knot 1802.08620 MR4029676
2016c35 Kammeyer, Holger Profinite commensurability of S-arithmetic groups 1802.08559  
2016c36 Kammeyer, Holger A remark on torsion growth in homology and volume of 3-manifolds 1802.09244  
2016c37 Bunke, Ulrich; Engel, Alexander; Kasprowski, Daniel; Winges, Christoph Equivariant coarse homotopy theory and coarse algebraic K-homology 1710.04935  
2016c38 Bunke, Ulrich; Engel, Alexander; Kasprowski, Daniel; Winges, Christoph Coarse homology theories and finite decomposition complexity 1712.06932 MR4029676
2016c39 Kasprowski, Daniel; Powell, Mark; Teichner, Peter Four-manifolds up to connected sum with complex projective planes 1802.09811  


Paolo Aceto Renyi Institute of Mathematics
Vadim Alekseev TU Dresden
Gregory Arone Stockholm University
Stefan Behrens Universiteit Utrecht
Pedro Boavida de Brito University of Lisbon
Lukas Brantner Harvard University
Joana Cirici Freie Universität Berlin
Dustin Clausen Københavns Universitet
Christopher Davis The University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Emanuele Dotto Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Rosona Eldred Universität Münster
Alexander Engel Texas A&M University
Stefan Friedl Universität Regensburg
Ana Garcia Lecuona Aix-Marseille Université
Marco Golla Uppsala University
Lukasz Grabowski Lancaster University
Gerrit Herrmann Universität Regensburg
Gijs Heuts Copenhagen University
Jonathan Hillman The University of Sydney
Geoffroy Horel MPIM
Anders Husebø Universitetet i Bergen
Amalie Høgenhaven University of Copenhagen
Boldizsar Kalmar Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics
Holger Kammeyer Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Aditi Kar University of Southampton
Daniel Kasprowski MPIM
Min Hoon Kim Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)
Steffen Kionke Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Alexander Kupers Københavns Universitet
Miriam Kuzbary Rice University
Yi Liu Peking University
Cary Malkiewich University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Akhil Mathew Harvard University
Duncan McCoy University of Glasgow
Jeffrey Meier Indiana University
Lennart Meier Universität Bonn
Mona Merling Johns Hopkins University
Allison Miller University of Texas, Austin
Kristian Jonsson Moi WWU Münster
Matthias Nagel Université du Québec à Montréal
Justin Noel Universität Regensburg
Patrick Orson University of Durham
Jung Hwan Park Rice University
Kyungbae Park Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)
Irakli Patchkoria Universität Bonn
Juanita Pinzon Caicedo University of Georgia
Mark Powell Université du Québec à Montréal
Jean Raimbault Université Paul Sabatier
Daniel Ramras Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis
Georgios Raptis Universität Regensburg
Arunima Ray Brandeis University
Sophia Raynor University of Aberdeen
Sune Precht Reeh Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Marco Robalo Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Marcy Robertson University of Melbourne
Roman Sauer Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Tomer Schlank The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Daniel Schäppi Universität Regensburg
Oliver Sommer WWU Münster
Nathaniel Stapleton Universität Regensburg
Wolfgang Steimle Universität Augsburg
Mark Ullmann Freie Universität Berlin
Michael Weiss WWU Münster
Christoph Winges WWU Münster
Jianchao Wu Penn State University
Heng Xie University of Warwick
Sarah Yeakel University of Maryland
Alexander Zupan University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The list above does not include people who only participated in workshops.

Poster TP_2016_09.jpg

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