May 2 - August 26, 2016
Organizers: Dietmar Bisch, Vaughan Jones, Sorin Popa, Dima Shlyakhtenko
Description: The theory of von Neumann algebras has seen many spectacular developments in the last ten years. Three main directions have emerged: Jones’ theory of subfactors, Voiculescu’s free probability theory and Popa’s deformation-rigidity theory. Each of these directions has produced amazing results, surprising applications and deep interactions with other areas of mathematics and theoretical physics. This program aimed at bringing together researchers in these sub-areas of the theory of von Neumann algebras, exploring connections among them and investigating new directions.
Associated Events:
- May 17-25: Introductory School combined with the annual NCGOA spring school with several mini-courses
- July 4-8: Workshop at HIM

No. | Author(s) | Title | Preprint | Publication |
2016b01 | Houdayer, C.; Shlyakhtenko, D.; Vaes, S. | Classification of a family of non almost periodic free Araki-Woods factors | 1605.06057 | J. Eur. Math. Soc. 21(10) (2019), 3113–3142. |
2016b02 | Boutonnet, Rémi; Houdayer, Cyril | Amenable absorption in amalgamated free product von Neumann algebras | 1606.00808 | J. Math. 58(3) (2018), 583-593. |
2016b03 | Shimada, K. | Maximal amenable MASAs of the free group factor of two generators arising from the free products of hyperfinite factors | 1609.09617 | |
2016b04 | Jones, V. F.R. | A no-go theorem for the continuum limit of a periodic quantum spin chain | 1607.08769 | Commun. Math. Phys. 357 (2018), 295–317. |
2016b05 | Jaffe, A.; Janssens, B. | Reflection positive doubles | 1607.07126 | Journal of Functional Analysis. 272(8) (2017), 3506-3557. |
2016b06 | Jaffe, A.; Liu, Z.; Wozniakowski, A. | Holographic software for quantum networks | 1605.00127 | Sci. China Math. 61 (2018), 593–626. |
2016b07 | Atkinson, S. | Minimal faces and Schur's Lemma for embeddings into RU | 1608.08189 | Indiana Univ. Math. J. 67(4) (2018), 1327–1340. |
2016b08 | Morrison, S.; Penneys, D. | Monoidal categories enriched in braided monoidal categories | 1701.00567 | International Mathematics Research Notices. 2019(11) (2019), 3527–3579. |
2016b09 | Liu, Z.; Wozniakowski, A.; Jaffe, A. M. | Quon 3D language for quantum information | 1612.02630 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114(10) (2017), 2497 – 2502. |
2016b10 | Charlesworth, I. | An alternating moment condition for bi-freeness | 1611.01262 | Advances in Mathematics. 346 (2019), 546-568. |
2016b11 | Ueda, Y. | A free product pair rigidity result in von Neumann algebras | 1610.01842 | J. Noncommut. Geom. 13(2) (2019), 587–607. |
2016b12 | Bischoff, M. | Generalized orbifold construction for conformal nets | 1608.00253 | Reviews in Mathematical Physics. 29(1) (2017). |
2016b13 | Boutonnet, R.; Brothier, A. | Crossed-products by locally compact groups: intermediate subfactors | 1611.10121 | Journal of Operator Theory. 79(1) (2018), 101–137. |
2016b14 | Bisch, D.; Das, P.; Ghosh, S. K.; Rakshit, N. | Tube algebra of group-type subfactors | 1701.00097 | International Journal of Mathematics. 28(10) (2017). |
2016b15 | Jones, C.; Penneys, D. | Operator algebras in rigid C*-tensor categories | 1611.04620 | Commun. Math. Phys. 355 (2017), 1121–1188. |
2016b16 | Parekh, S.; Shimada, K.; Wen, C. | Maximal amenability of the generator subalgebra in q-Gaussian von Neumann algebras | 1609.08542 | Journal of Operator Theory. 80(1) (2018), 125-152. |
2016b17 | Bikram, P.; Mukherjee, K. | Generator masas in q-deformed Araki-Woods von Neumann algebras and factoriality | 1606.04752 | Journal of Functional Analysis. 273(4) (2017), 1443-1478. |
2016b18 | Longo, R.; Tanimoto, Y. | Rotational KMS states and type I conformal nets | 1608.08903 | Commun. Math. Phys. 357 (2018), 249–266. |
2016b19 | Charlesworth, I.; Dykema, K.; Sukochev, F.; Zanin, D. | Joint spectral distributions and invariant subspaces for commuting operators in a finite von Neumann algebra | 1703.05695 | |
2016b20 | Jones, C.; Penneys, D. | Realizations of algebra objects and discrete subfactors | 1704.02035 | Advances in Mathematics. 350 (2019), 588-661. |
2016b21 | Nelson, B. | On finite free Fisher information for eigenvectors of a modular operator | 1604.03900 | Journal of Functional Analysis. 273(7) (2017), 2292-2352. |
2016b22 | Izumi, M. | The classification of 3n subfactors and related fusion categories | 1609.07604 | Quantum Topol. 9(3) (2018), 473–562. |
2016b23 | Hong, J. H.; Szymanski, W. | The action of the Thompson group F on infinite trees | Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 29(3) (2022), 359-370. |
2016b24 | Sasyk, R.; Törnquist, A. | On the classification of free Araki-Woods factors | 1708.07496 | |
2016b25 | Bruce, C. | Phase transitions on C*-algebras from actions of congruence monoids on rings of algebraic integers | 1902.03521 | International Mathematics Research Notices. 2021(5) (2021), 3653–3697. |
Name | Affiliation |
Andreas Aaserud | UCLA |
Hiroshi Ando | Chiba University |
Scott Atkinson | University of Virginia |
Madhav Reddy Bagannagari | Indian Statistical Institute |
Keshab Chandra Bakshi | The Institute of Mathematical Sciences |
Hari Bercovici | Indiana University |
Panchugopal Bikram | Indian Statistical Institute |
Dietmar Bisch | Vanderbilt University |
Dietmar Bisch | Vanderbilt University |
Marcel Bischoff | Vanderbilt University |
Remi Boutonnet | Université Bordeaux 1 |
Arnaud Brothier | Vanderbilt University |
Chris Bruce | University of Victoria |
Ian Charlesworth | University of California, Los Angeles |
Fabio Cipriani | Politecnico di Milano |
Yoann Dabrowski | Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 |
Sayan Das | Vanderbilt University |
Rolando de Santiago | The University of Iowa |
Ken Dykema | Texas A&M University |
David Evans | Cardiff University |
Jürg Fröhlich | ETH Zurich |
Terry Gannon | University of Alberta |
Shamindra Ghosh | Indian Statistical Institute |
María Celeste Gonzalez | Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento |
Pinhas Grossman | University of New South Wales |
Bin Gui | Vanderbilt University |
Alice Guionnet | Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon |
Michael Hartglass | University of California, Riverside |
Ben Hayes | Vanderbilt University |
Daniel Hoff | University of California, San Diego |
Masaki Izumi | Kyoto University |
Arthur Jaffe | Harvard University |
Bas Janssens | Universiteit Utrecht |
Vaughan Jones | Vanderbilt University |
Yasuyuki Kawahigashi | The University of Tokyo |
Christoph Kriegler | Université Blaise-Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand 2) |
Zhengwei Liu | Harvard University |
Roberto Longo | Università di Roma Tor Vergata |
Sajjad Moradi Chaleshtori | Payame Noor University |
Scott Morrison | Australian National University |
Brent Nelson | University of California, Berkeley |
Rui Okayasu | Osaka Kyoiku University |
Tobias Osborne | Leibniz Universität Hannover |
Narutaka Ozawa | Kyoto University |
Sebastien Palcoux | Institute of Mathematical Sciences |
Sandeepan Parekh | Vanderbilt University |
David Penneys | University of California, Los Angeles |
Jesse Peterson | Vanderbilt University |
Sorin Popa | UCLA |
Florin Radulescu | Inst Math. Romanian Academy & Universita Rome Tor Vergata Italy |
Narayan Rakshit | Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata |
Yunxiang Ren | Vanderbilt University |
Lauren Ruth | University of California, Riverside |
Roman Sasyk | Universidad de Buenos Aires |
Jean-Luc Sauvageot | CNRS - Université Paris 7 |
Thomas Schucker | Aix-Marseille University |
Vlad Sergiescu | Université Grenoble Alpes |
Koichi Shimada | The University of Tokyo |
Dimitri Shlyakhtenko | UCLA |
Thomas Sinclair | Purdue University |
Thomas Sinclair | Purdue University |
Paul Skoufranis | Texas A&M University |
Noah Snyder | Indiana University |
Roland Speicher | Universität des Saarlandes |
Wanchalerm Sucpikarnon | University of Iowa |
Wojciech Szymanski | University of Southern Denmark |
James Tener | MPIM/UC Santa Barbara |
Robin Tucker-Drob | Texas A&M University |
Henry Tucker | University of Southern California |
Bogdan Udrea | University of Iowa |
Yoshimichi Ueda | Kyushu University |
Stefaan Vaes | KU Leuven |
Alain Valette | Université de Neuchâtel |
Maria Grazia Viola | Lakehead University |
Dan-Virgil Voiculescu | UC Berkeley |
Chenxu Wen | Vanderbilt University |
Hans Wenzl | University of California, San Diego |
Feng Xu | UC Riverside |
Nina Yu | University of California, Riverside |
This list does not include people who only participate in workshops.