Universität Bonn

Trimester Program: "Combinatorial Optimization"

September 1 - December 18, 2015

Organizers: András Frank, Satoru Iwata, Jochen Könemann, Jens Vygen

Description: Combinatorial optimization is an active field leveraging ideas from many different areas including graph theory, combinatorics, matroid theory, submodularity, connectivity, network flows, approximation algorithms, mathematical programming, game theory, algebraic and geometric methods, and applications. This trimester program was intended to bring together the field's best researchers focusing on the discovery of new connections, and to establish new and deepen existing international collaborations.

Associated Events: We hosted long-term visitors and organized four workshops during the program, on the broad topics

  • Connectivity, Routing, and Network Design (Sep 7-11);
  • Rigidity, Submodularity, and Discrete Convexity (Oct 5-9);
  • Relaxations and Polyhedral Methods (Nov 16-20);
  • Algorithmic and Computational Game Theory (Dec 14-17).
  • A summer school on combinatorial optimization took place from September 21 to 25.


2015c01 Gottschalk, Corinna; Vygen, Jens Better s-t-tours by Gao trees 1511.05514 MR3534727
2015c02 Newman, Alantha; Röglin, Heiko; Seif, Johanna The alternating stock size problem and the gasoline puzzle 1511.09259 MR3550134
2015c03 Singh, Mohit; Zenklusen, Rico k-trails: recognition, complexity, and approximations 1512.01781 MR3534726
2015c04 Fujishige, Satoru; Tanigawa, Shin-ichi Polynomial combinatorial algorithms for skew-bisubmodular function minimization pdf MR3844535
2015c05 Borgwardt, Steffen; De Loera, Jesús A.; Finhold, Elisabeth The diameters of transportation polytopes satisfy the Hirsch conjecture 1603.00325  
2015c06 Feldmann, Andreas Emil; Fung, Wai Shing; Könemann, Jochen; Post, Ian A (1+ε)-embedding of low highway dimension graphs into bounded treewidth graphs 1502.04588 MR3382460
2015c07 Feldmann, Andreas Emil; Könemann, Jochen; Pashkovich, Kanstantsin; Sanità, Laura Fast approximation algorithms for the generalized survivable network design problem 1604.07049 MR3598412
2015c08 Friggstad, Zachary; Könemann, Jochen; Shadravan, Mohammad A logarithmic integrality gap bound for directed Steiner tree in quasi-bipartite graphs 1604.08132 MR3539190
2015c09 Könemann, Jochen; Pashkovich, Kanstantsin; Toth, Justin An elementary integrality proof of Rothblum's stable matching formulation 1605.04427 MR3573195
2015c10 Sebő, András; van Zuylen, Anke The salesman's improved paths: a 3/2+1/34 approximation 1604.02486 MR3630972
2015c11 Conforti, Michele; Wolsey, Laurence A. "Facet" separation with one linear program pdf MR4019954
2015c12 Mnich, Matthias; Williams, Virginia Vassilevska; Végh, László A. A 7/3-approximation for feedback vertex sets in tournaments 1511.01137 MR3550130
2015c13 Abdi, Ahmad; Cornuéjols, Gérard; Pashkovich, Kanstantsin Ideal clutters that do not pack pdf  
2015c14 Ahmadian, Sara; Swamy, Chaitanya Approximation algorithms for clustering problems with lower bounds and outliers 1608.01700 MR3577130
2015c15 Fiorini, Samuel; Huynh, Tony; Joret, Gwenaël; Pashkovich, Kanstantsin Smaller extended formulations for the spanning tree polytope of bounded-genus graphs 1604.07976 MR3614780
2015c16 Pashkovich, Kanstantsin Every rational polyhedron has finite split rank: new proof 1606.05811  
2015c17 Olver, Neil; Végh, László A. A simpler and faster strongly polynomial algorithm for generalized flow maximization 1611.01778 MR3678174
2015c18 Fortier, Quentin; Király, Csaba; Szigeti, Zoltán; Tanigawa, Shin-ichi On packing spanning arborescences with matroid constraint link, pdf MR4043756
2015c19 Bazzi, Abbas; Fiorini, Samuel; Huang, Sangxia; Svensson, Ola Small extended formulation for knapsack cover inequalities from monotone circuits 1609.03737 MR3885413
2015c20 Dadush, Daniel; Regev, Oded Towards strong reverse Minkowski-type inequalities for lattices 1606.06913 MR3631007
2015c21 Dadush, Daniel; Végh, László A.; Zambelli, Giacomo Rescaling algorithms for linear programming - part I: conic feasibility 1611.06427  
2015c22 van Zuylen, Anke Improved approximations for cubic and cubic bipartite TSP 1507.07121 MR3865720
2015c23 Jackson, Bill; Nixon, Anthony Global rigidity of generic frameworks on concentric cylinders 1610.07755  
2015c24 Panageas, Ioannis; Piliouras, Georgios Gradient descent only converges to minimizers: non-isolated critical points and invariant regions 1605.00405 MR3754926
2015c25 Mehta, Ruta; Panageas, Ioannis; Piliouras, Georgios; Tetali, Prasad; Vazirani, Vijay V. Mutation, sexual reproduction and survival in dynamic environments 1511.01409 MR3754940
2015c26 Chandrasekaran, Karthekeyan; Gottschalk, Corinna; Könemann, Jochen; Peis, Britta; Schmand, Daniel; Wierz, Andreas Additive stabilizers for unstable graphs 1608.06797 MR3927009
2015c27 Annamalai, Chidambaram Finding perfect matchings in bipartite hypergraphs 1509.07007 MR3478502
2015c28 Chakrabarty, Deeparnab; Lee, Yin Tat; Sidford, Aaron; Wong, Sam Chiu-wai Subquadratic submodular function minimization 1610.09800 MR3678265
2015c29 Lee, Jon; Skipper, Daphne Virtuous smoothing for global optimization 1605.05221 MR3714557
2015c30 Moriguchi, Satoko; Murota, Kazuo; Tamura, Akihisa; Tardella, Fabio Scaling, proximity, and optimization of integrally convex functions 1703.10705 MR39428885
2015c31 Connelly, Robert; Gortler, Steven J.; Theran, Louis Generic global and universal rigidity 1604.07475  
2015c32 Chekuri, Chandra; Xu, Chao Computing minimum cuts in hypergraphs 1607.08682 MR3627799
2015c33 Chekuri, Chandra Some open problems in element-connectivity pdf  
2015c34 Kaszanitzky, Viktoria E.; Schulze, Bernd; Tanigawa, Shin-ichi Global rigidity of periodic graphs under fixed-lattice representations 1612.01379 MR4155281
2015c35 Arulselvan, Ashwin; Cseh, Ágnes; Groß, Martin; Manlove, David F.; Matuschke, Jannik Matchings with lower quotas: algorithms and complexity 1412.0325 MR3741541
2015c36 Iwamasa, Yuni; Murota, Kazuo; Zivny, Stanislav Discrete convexity in joint winner property 1701.07645 MR3799038
2015c37 Palaiopanos, Gerasimos; Panageas, Ioannis; Piliouras, Georgios Multiplicative weights update with constant step-size in congestion games: convergence, limit cycles and chaos 1703.01138  
2015c38 Eftekhari, Yaser; Jackson, Bill; Nixon, Anthony; Schulze, Bernd; Tanigawa, Shin-ichi; Whiteley, Walter Point-hyperplane frameworks, slider joints, and rigidity preserving transformations 1703.06844 MR3926261
2015c39 Abdi, Ahmad; Pashkovich, Kanstantsin Deltas, delta minors and delta free clutters pdf MR3831239
2015c40 Bérczi, Kristóf; Frank, András Supermodularity in unweighted graph optimization I: branchings and matchings 1608.05722 MR3846069
2015c41 Bérczi, Kristóf; Frank, András Supermodularity in unweighted graph optimization II: matroidal term rank augmentation 1608.05730 MR3846070
2015c42 Bérczi, Kristóf; Frank, András Supermodularity in unweighted graph opitimization III: highly-connected digraphs 1608.05729 to appear in Mathematics of Operations Research
2015c43 Könemann, Jochen; Olver, Neil; Pashkovich, Kanstantsin; Ravi, Ramamoorthi; Swamy, Chaitanya; Vygen, Jens On the integrality gap of the prize-collecting Steiner forest LP 1706.06565 MR3695584
2015c44 Dadush, Daniel; Végh, László A.; Zambelli, Giacomo Rescaled coordinate descent methods for linear programming   MR3534719
2015c45 Moriguchi, Satoko; Murota, Kazuo; Tamura, Akihisa; Tardella, Fabio Discrete midpoint convexity 1708.04579 MR4066991
2015c46 Calinescu, Gruia; Kortsarz, Guy; Nutov, Zeev Improved approximation algorithms for Minimum Power Covering problems Preprint MR4018001


Ahmad Abdi University of Waterloo
Hyung-Chan An EPFL
Joergen Bang-Jensen University of Southern Denmark
Nikhil Bansal TU Eindhoven
Gruia Calinescu Illinois Institute of Technology
Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Joseph Cheriyan University of Waterloo
Michelangelo Conforti Università di Padova
William Cook University of Waterloo
Gerard Cornuejols Carnegie Mellon University
Agnes Cseh TU Berlin
Daniel Dadush Centrum Wiskunde en Informatica
Jesus De Loera University of California
Marco Di Summa Università degli Studi di Padova
Friedrich Eisenbrand EPFL
Yuri Faenza EPFL
Linda Farczadi EPFL
Andreas Feldmann MTA SZTAKI
Andreas Feldmann MTA SZTAKI
Elisabeth Finhold UC Davis
Samuel Fiorini Université libre de Bruxelles
Anja Fischer Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
András Frank Eotvos University Budapest
Satoru Fujishige Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Shashwat Garg TU Eindhoven
Michel Goemans MIT
Corinna Gottschalk RWTH Aachen
Anupam Gupta Carnegie Mellon University
Stephan Held Universität Bonn
Stefan Hougardy Universität Bonn
Nicolai Hähnle Universität Bonn
Satoru Iwata University of Tokyo
Zsuzsanna Jankó Eötvös Loránd University
Tibor Jordán Eötvös University
Volker Kaibel Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
Marek Karpinski Universität Bonn
Bernhard Korte Universität Bonn
Jochen Könemann University of Waterloo
Monique Laurent CWI
Yin Tat Lee Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jonathan Lee University of Michigan
Jannik Matuschke TU Berlin
S Thomas McCormick Sauder School of Business, UBC
Ruta Mehta Georgia Institute of Technology
Matthias Mnich Universität Bonn
Kazuo Murota Tokyo Metropolitan University
Alantha Newman CNRS
Tony Nixon Lancaster University
Zeev Nutov The Open University of Israel
Neil Olver VU University Amsterdam & CWI
Gyula Pap Eötvös University
Kanstantsin Pashkovich University of Waterloo
Britta Peis RWTH Aachen
Georgios Piliouras Singapore University of Technology and Design
Matthias Poloczek Cornell University
Kirk Pruhs University of Pittsburgh
Ramamoorthi Ravi Carnegie Mellon University
Bruce Reed McGill University
Thomas Rothvoss University of Washington
Heiko Röglin Universität Bonn
Kevin Schewior TU Berlin
András Sebo CNRS
Bruce Shepherd McGill University
David Shmoys Cornell University
Bernhard von Stengel London School of Economics
Leen Stougie VU University Amsterdam
Ola Svensson EPFL
Chaitanya Swamy University of Waterloo
Zoltán Szigeti Grenoble Institute of Technology
Shin-ichi Tanigawa Kyoto University
Louis Theran Aalto University
Jan Vondrák IBM Almaden Research Center
Jens Vygen Universität Bonn
Robert Weismantel ETH Zurich
David Williamson Cornell University
Jonas Witt RWTH Aachen University
Laurence Wolsey CORE, Universite catholique de Louvain
Rico Zenklusen ETH Zurich
Stanislav Zivny University of Oxford
Anke van Zuylen College of William & Mary

This list does not include people who only participated in workshops.

Poster TP_2015_09.jpg

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