Universität Bonn

Trimester Program: "Homotopy theory, manifolds, and field theories"

May 4 - August 21, 2015

Organizers: Søren Galatius, Haynes Miller, Stefan Schwede, Peter Teichner

Description: In recent years, there had been tremendous progress in the interaction between the research areas that we brought together at HIM. The nascent theory of higher categories had turned out to be perfectly suited to the study of various problems, for example that of field theories, especially with regard to matters of locality. Generalizations of ordinary homotopy theory appeared in several different directions and the goals of the trimester program were to understand these new developments and their interactions, particularly in the following areas:

  • The model category of (∞; n)-categories (reducing to ordinary simplicial sets for n = 0) is a cornerstone for the modern approach to topological field theory (TFT). It unifies categorical considerations with those of homotopy and manifold theory.
  • Hochschild homology turned out to be the case of dimension n = 1 in a whole sequence of constructions, now called factorization homology or blob homology, which have arisen from particular examples of n-dimensional TFTs. The algebra of observables in non-topological (perturbative) field theories leads to a more general notion of factorization algebras that are at the center of current investigations.
  • The model category of smooth simplicial sets, or smooth stacks, is essential in the study of geometric field theories; the relationship to global equivariant homotopy theory is not yet fully understood but should shed light on questions such as the universal properties of homotopical equivariant bordism.
  • The moduli space of n-manifolds arises in many flavors and various contexts, some of which are now understood but others are still outstanding.

The program ran a weekly HIM-seminar where the participants explained their current research projects.

Associated Events: 

  • May 4-8: Introductory School for graduate students and postdocs with lecture series by D. Ayala, O. Randal-Williams, S. Schwede, P. Teichner
  • June 1-19: Felix Klein Lectures by Charles Rezk
  • June 15-19: Workshop at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics
  • August 17-21: Conference on Topology and Geometry


No. Author(s) Title Preprint Publication
2015b01 Ayala, D.; Francis, J.; Rozenblyum, N. Factorization homology from higher categories 1504.04007  Advances in Mathematics. 333 (2018), 1042-1177.
2015b02 Grady, R. E.; Li, Q.; Li, S. Batalin–Vilkovisky quantization and the algebraic index 1507.01812 Advances in Mathematics. 317 (2017), 575-639.
2015b03 Blumberg, A. J.; Mandell, M. A. Tate-Poitou duality and the fiber of the cyclotomic trace for the sphere spectrum 1508.00014  
2015b04 Arone, G. A branching rule for partition complexes 1508.05086  
2015b05 Hesselholt, L. Periodic topological cyclic homology and the Hasse-Weil zeta function 1602.01980  
2015b06 Grady, R. E. Parametrized L-infinity spaces 1603.06930  
2015b07 Grady, R. E.; Gwilliam, O. Lie algebroids as L∞ spaces 1604.00711 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu. 19(2) (2020), 487–535.
2015b08 Park, B. Geometric models of twisted differential K-theory I 1602.02292 J. Homotopy Relat. Struct. 13 (2018), 143–167.
2015b09 Greenless, J. P.C. Rational equivariant cohomology theories with toral support 1501.03425 Algebr. Geom. Topol. 16 (4) (2016), 1953 – 2019.
2015b10 Greenless, J. P.C. Rational torus-equivariant stable homotopy III: comparison of models 1410.5464 J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 220(11) (2016), 3573–3609.
2015b11 Barnes, D.; Greenless, J. P.C.; Kedziorek, M.; Shipley, B. Rational SO(2)-equivariant spectra 1511.03291 Algebr. Geom. Topol. 17(2) (2017), 983–1020.
2015b12 Greenless, J. P.C.; Meier, L. Gorenstein duality for real spectra 1607.02332 Algebr. Geom. Topol. 17(6) (2017), 3547–3619.
2015b13 Greenless, J. P.C.; Stojanoska, V. Local and global duality in chromatic homotopy theory in preparation  
2015b14 Barnes, D.; Greenless, J. P.C.; Kedziorek, M. Algebraic models for rational toral spectra   Algebr. Geom. Topol. 19(7) (2019), 3541–3599.
2015b15 Clausen, D.; Mathew, A.; Naumann, N.; Noel, J. Descent in algebraic K-theory and a conjecture of Ausoni-Rognes 1606.03328 J. Eur. Math. Soc. 22(4) (2020), 1149–1200.
2015b16 Antieau, B.; Meier, L. The Brauer group of the moduli stack of elliptic curves 1608.00851 Algebra Number Theory. 14(9) (2020), 2295–2333.
2015b17 Caviglia, G.; Horel, G. Rigidification of higher categorical structures 1511.01119 Algebr. Geom. Topol. 16(6) (2016), 3533–3562.
2015b18 Dundas, B. I.; Lindenstrauss, A.; Richter, B. Towards an understanding of ramified extensions of structured ring spectra 1604.05857 Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.168(3) (2020), 435–454.
2015b19 Gwilliam, O.; Pavlov, D. Enhancing the filtered derived category 1602.01515 J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 222(11) (2018), 3621–3674.
2015b20 Gannon, T.; Morrison, S. Modular data for the extended Haagerup subfactor 1606.07165 Comm. Math. Phys. 356(3) (2017), 981–1015.
2015b21 Tanaka, H. L. The Fukaya category pairs with Lagrangian cobordisms 1607.04976  
2015b22 Tanaka, H. L. The Fukaya category pairs with Lagrangian cobordisms exactly 1609.08400  
2015b23 Gwilliam, O.; Haugseng, R. Linear Batalin-Vilkovisky quantization as a functor of ∞-categories 1608.01290  Sel. Math. New Ser. 24 (2018), 1247–1313.
2015b24 Galatius, S.; Grigoriev, I.; Randal-Williams, O. Tautological rings for high dimensional manifolds 1511.06445 Compos. Math. 153(4) (2017), 851–866.
2015b25 Lück, W.; Reich, H.; Rognes, J.; Varisco, M. Assembly maps for topological cyclic homology of group algebras 1607.03557 J. Reine Angew. Math. 755 (2019), 247–277.
2015b26 Wilson, D. Orientations and topological modular forms with level structure 1507.05116  
2015b27 Riehl, E.; Verity, D. Fibrations and Yoneda's lemma in an ∞-cosmos 1506.05500 J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 221(3) (2017), 499–564.
2015b28 Riehl, E.; Verity, D. Kan extensions and the calculus of modules for ∞-categories 1507.01460 Algebr. Geom. Topol. 17(1) (2017), 189–271.
2015b29 Riehl, E.; Verity, D. Infinity category theory from scratch 1608.05314 High. Struct. 4(1) (2020), 115–167.
2015b30 Knudsen, B. Betti numbers and stability for configuration spaces via factorization homology 1405.6696 Algebr. Geom. Topol. 17(5) (2017), 3137–3187.
2015b31 Knudsen, B. Higher enveloping algebras 1605.01391 Geom. Topol. 22(7) (2018), 4013–4066.
2015b32 Drummond-Cole, G. C.; Knudsen, B. Betti numbers of configuration spaces of surfaces 1608.07490 J. Lond. Math. Soc. 96(2) (2017), 367–393.
2015b33 Waldorf, K. A global perspective to connections on principal 2-bundles 1608.00401 Forum Math. 30(4) (2018), 809–843.
2015b34 Redden, C. Differential Borel equivariant cohomology via connections 1602.06921 New York J. Math. 23 (2017), 441–487.
2015b35 Bartels, A.; Bestvina, M. The Farrell-Jones conjecture for mapping class groups 1606.02844 Invent. Math. 215(2) (2019), 651–712.
2015b36 Bobkova, I.; Goerss, P. G. Topological resolutions in K(2)-local homotopy theory at the prime 2 1610.00158 J. Topol. 11(4) (2018), 918–957.
2015b37 Mathew, A.; Naumann, N.; Noel, J. Nilpotence and descent in equivariant stable homotopy theory 1507.06869 Adv. Math. 305 (2017), 994–1084.
2015b38 Mathew, A.; Naumann, N.; Noel, J. Derived induction and restriction theory 1507.06867 Geom. Topol. 23(2) (2019), 541 – 636.
2015b39 Heard, D.; Mathew, A.; Stojanoska, V. Picard groups of higher real K-theory spectra at height p-1 1511.08064 Compos. Math. 153(9) (2017), 1820–1854.
2015b40 Mathew, A. Torus actions on stable module categories, Picard groups, and localizing subcategories 1512.01716  
2015b41 Laures, G.; Olbermann, M. TMF0(3)-characteristic classes for string bundles 1403.7301 Math. Z. 282(1-2) (2016), 511–533.
2015b42 Baas, N. A.; Laures, G. Singularities and Quinn spectra 1304.3593 Münster J. Math. 10(1) (2017), 1–17.
2015b43 Randal-Williams, O.; Wahl, N. Homological stability for automorphism groups 1409.3541 Adv. Math. 318 (2017), 534–626.
2015b44 Antieau, B.; Gepner, D.; Heller, J. On the theorem of the heart in negative K-theory 1610.07207  
2015b45 Ungheretti, M. Free loop space and the cyclic bar construction 1602.09035 Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 49(1) (2017), 95–101.
2015b46 Ungheretti, M. Free loop spaces and dihedral homology 1608.08140  
2015b47 Szymik, M.; Wahl, N. The homology of the Higman–Thompson groups 1411.5035 Invent. Math. 216(2) (2019), 445–518.
2015b48 Neumann, F.; Szymik, M. Spectral sequences for Hochschild cohomology and graded centers of derived categories 1603.09641 Selecta Math. (N.S.) 23(3) (2017), 1997–2018.
2015b49 Szymik, M. The rational stable homology of mapping class groups of universal nil-manifolds 1605.06508 Ann. Inst. Fourier. 69(2) (2019), 783–803.
2015b50 Szymik, M. Permutations, power operations, and the center of the category of racks 1609.08687 Comm. Algebra. 46(1) (2018), 230–240.
2015b51 Szymik, M. Alexander-Beck modules detect the unknot 1610.08306 Fund. Math. 246(1) (2019), 89–108.
2015b52 Blumberg, A. J.; Hill, M. A. G-symmetric monoidal categories of modules over equivariant commutative ring spectra 1511.07363 Tunis. J. Math. 2(2) (2020), 237–286.
2015b53 Blumberg, A. J.; Hill, M. A. Incomplete Tambara functors 1603.03292 Algebr. Geom. Topol. 18(2) (2018), 723–766.
2015b54 Baker, A. E∞ ring spectra and elements of Hopf invariant 1 1503.05902 Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex. 23(1) (2017), 195–231.
2015b55 Beaudry, A.; Hess, K.; Kedziorek, M.; Merling, M.; Stojanoska, V. Motivic homotopical Galois extensions 1611.00382 Topology Appl. 235 (2018), 290–338.
2015b56 Henriques, A.; Penneys, D.; Tener, J. Categorified trace for module tensor categories over braided tensor categories 1509.02937 Doc. Math. 21 (2016), 1089–1149.
2015b57 Hill, M. A.; Meier, L. The C2-spectrum Tmf1(3) and its invertible modules 1507.08115 Algebr. Geom. Topol. 17(4) (2017), 1953–2011.
2015b58 Tradler, T.; Wilson, S. O.; Zeinalian, M. Differential K-theory as equivalence classes of maps to Grassmannians and unitary groups 1507.01770 New York J. Math. 22 (2016), 527–581.
2015b59 Shah, S. H. Bicoloured torus loop groups 1704.02600  
2015b60 Ayala, D.; Francis, J. The cobordism hypothesis 1705.02240  
2015b61 Batanin, M.; White, D. Bousfield Localization and Eilenberg-Moore Categories 1606.01537  
2015b62 Beaudry, A.; Goerss, P. G.; Henn, H.-W. Chromatic splitting for the K(2)-local sphere at p=2 1712.08182v2  Geom. Topol. 26 (1) (2022), 377 – 476.


Name Affiliation
Benjamin Antieau University of Illinois at Chicago
Manuel Araújo University of Oxford
Gregory Arone University of Virginia
David Ayala Montana State University
Andrew Baker University of Glasgow
David Barnes Queens University Belfast
Arthur Bartels WWU Münster
Agnes Beaudry University of Chicago
Mark Behrens University of Notre Dame
Julia Bergner University of California, Riverside
Daniel Berwick-Evans Stanford University
Andrew Blumberg University of Texas
Pedro Boavida Universite catholique de Louvain
Irina Bobkova University of Rochester
Anna Marie Bohmann Northwestern University
Lukas Brantner Harvard University
Lawrence Breen Université Paris 13
Robert Bruner Wayne State University
Robert Bruner Wayne State University
Ulrich Bunke Universität Regensburg
Ulrich Bunke Universität Regensburg
Olivier M. Bégassat Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7
Federico Cantero WWU Münster
Michael Ching Amherst College
Lee Cohn University of Texas
Dominic Culver University of Notre Dame
Gabriel C. Drummond-Cole IBS Center for Geometry and Physics
Rosona Eldred Universität Münster
John Francis Northwestern University
Soren Galatius Stanford University
David Gepner Purdue University
Paul Goerss Northwestern University
Vassily Gorbounov University of Aberdeen
Ryan Grady Boston University
John Greenlees University of Sheffield
Ilya Grigoriev University of Chicago
Jesper Grodal University of Copenhagen
Owen Gwilliam University of California, Berkeley
Imma Gálvez-Carrillo Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Jeremy Hahn Harvard University
Hans-Werner Henn Université de Strasbourg
Andre Henriques Utrecht University
Lars Hesselholt Nagoya University
Gijs Heuts Harvard University
Michael Hill University of Virginia
Geoffroy Horel Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Amalie Høgenhaven University of Copenhagen
Alexander Kahle Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Magdalena Kedziorek École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Ben Knudsen Northwestern University
Dimitar Kodjabachev University of Sheffield
Paul van Koughnett Northwestern University
Alexander Kupers Stanford University
Gerd Laures Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Brice Le Grignou Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
Zachery Lindsey Indiana University
Michael Mandell Indiana University
Jeremy Mann University of Notre Dame
Akhil Mathew University of California, Berkeley
Lennart Meier University of Virginia
Haynes R. Miller Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Scott Morrison Australian National University
Thomas Nikolaus Universität Bonn
Justin Noel Universität Regensburg
Martin Palmer Universität Münster
Pranav Pandit Universität Wien
Byung Do Park CUNY Graduate Center
Irakli Patchkoria University of Copenhagen
Dmitry Pavlov WWU Münster
Mark Penney University of Oxford
Piotr Pstragowski University of Sheffield
Oscar Randal-Williams University of Cambridge
Douglas Ravenel University of Rochester
David Corbett Redden Long Island University at Post
Holger Reich Freie Universität Berlin
Charles Rezk University of Illinois
Birgit Richter University of Hamburg
Nicolas Ricka Université Paris 13
Emily Riehl Harvard University
Constanze Roitzheim University of Kent
Christian Rüschoff Universität Heidelberg
Paolo Salvatore Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Thomas Schick Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Tomer Schlank Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Christopher Schommer-Pries Max Planck Institute for Mathematics
Stefan Schwede Universität Bonn
Shan Shah Utrecht University
Stephan A. Stolz University of Notre Dame
Tom Sutton University of Sheffield
Markus Szymik NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Hiro Tanaka Harvard University
Peter Teichner MPIM
Constantin Teleman  
Constantin Teleman  
Ulrike Tillmann Oxford University
Andrew Tonks University of Leicester
Massimiliano Ungheretti University of Copenhagen
Bruno Vallette Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
Marco Varisco University at Albany, SUNY
Nathalie Wahl University of Copenhagen
Konrad Waldorf Universität Greifswald
Kevin Walker Microsoft Station Q
Michael Weiss WWU Münster
Matthew Wheeler University of Pittsburgh
David White Denison University
Brian Williams Northwestern University
Dylan Wilson Northwestern University
Inna Zakharevich University of Chicago
Mahmoud Zeinalian Long Island University

This list does not include people who only participated in workshops.

Poster TP_2015_05.jpg

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