September 3 - December 21, 2012
Description: The Junior Hausdorff Trimester Program gave young mathematicians (postdocs, junior faculty) the opportunity to carry out collaborative research in Mathematical Physics.
The main focus was on the following research topics:
Conformal Field Theory and Moonshine (Group A)
Local gauge invariance in AQFT (Group B)
Geometry of Gauged Vortices (Group C)
BPS states (Group D)
Associated Events:
- Trimester Seminar
- Vortex Seminar
- AQFT Seminar, Minicourses
- Workshop: Algebraic Quantum Field Theory and Local Symmetries
- Workshop: Algebra, Geometry and Physics of BPS States
- Workshop: Geometry of the Vortex Equations
- Felix-Klein-Lecture: Applications of the six-dimensional (2,0) theories to Physical Mathematics

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No. | Author(s) | Title | Preprint | Publication |
2012c01 | Tanimoto, Y. | Construction of wedge-local QFT through Longo-Witten endomorphisms | 1209.1370 | XVIIth International Congress on Mathematical Physics. (2013), 465–473. |
2012c02 | Lechner, G.; Schlemmer, J.; Tanimoto, Y. | On the equivalence of two deformation schemes in quantum field theory | 1209.2547 | Lett. Math. Phys. 103(4) (2013), 421–437. |
2012c03 | Dybalski, W.; Møller, J. S. | The translation invariant massive Nelson model: III. Asymptotic completeness below the two-Boson threshold | 1210.6645 | Ann. Henri Poincaré. 16(11) (2015), 2603–2693. |
2012c04 | Dybalski, W.; Gérard, C. | Towards asymptotic completeness of two-particle scattering in local relativistic QFT | 1211.3393 | Comm. Math. Phys. 326(1) (2014), 81–109. |
2012c05 | Creutzig, T.; Höhn, G.; Miezaki, T. | The McKay-Thompson series of Mathieu moonshine modulo two | 1211.3703 | Ramanujan J. 34(3) (2014), 319–328. |
2012c06 | Bonetti, F.; Grimm, T. W.; Hohenegger, S. | Non-abelian tensor towers and (2,0) superconformal theories | 1209.3017 | J. High Energy Phys. 2013(129) (2013). |
2012c07 | Filippini, S. A.; Stoppa, J. | Block-Göttsche invariants from wall-crossing | 1212.4976 | Compos. Math. 151(8) (2015), 1543–1567. |
2012c08 | Carqueville, N.; Runkel, I. | Orbifold completion of defect bicategories | 1210.6363 | Quantum Topol. 7(2) (2016), 203–279. |
2012c09 | Tanimoto, Y. | Construction of two-dimensional quantum field models through Longo-Witten endomorphisms | 1301.6090 | Forum Math. Sigma. 2(e7) (2014). |
2012c10 | Filippini, S. A.; Stoppa, J. | TBA type equations and tropical curves | 1306.3852 | Internat. J. Math. 27(7) (2016). |
2012c11 | Creutzig, T.; Höhn, G. | Mathieu moonshine and the geometry of K3 surfaces | 1309.2671 | Commun. Number Theory Phys .8(2) (2014), 295–328. |
2012c12 | Brunner, I.; Carqueville, N.; Plencner, D. | Orbifolds and topological defects | 1307.3141 | Comm. Math. Phys. 332(2) (2014), 669–712. |
2012c13 | Dybalski, W.; Pizzo, A. | Coulomb scattering in the massless Nelson model I. Foundations of two-electron scattering | 1302.5001 | J. Stat. Phys. 154(1-2) (2014), 543–587. |
2012c14 | Dybalski, W.; Pizzo, A. | Coulomb scattering in the massless Nelson model II. Regularity of ground states | 1302.5012 | Reviews in Mathematical Physics. 31(3) (2019). |
2012c15 | Chuang, W-y.; Diaconescu, D-E.; Manschot, J.; Moore, G. W.; Soibelman, Y. | Geometric engineering of (framed) BPS states | 1301.3065 | Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 18(5) (2014), 1063–1231. |
2012c16 | Haghighat, B.; Manschot, J.; Vandoren, S. | A 5d/2d/4d correspondence | 1211.0513 | J. High Energy Phys. 2013(157) (2013). |
2012c17 | Manton, N. S. | Vortex solutions of the Popov equations | 1211.4352 | J. Phys. A. 46(14) (2013). |
2012c18 | Dorigoni, D.; Dunajski, M.; Manton, N. S. | Vortex motion on surfaces of small curvature | 1308.3088 | Ann. Physics 339 (2013), 570–587. |
2012c19 | Baptista, J. M. | Vortices as degenerate metrics | 1212.3561 | Lett. Math. Phys. 104(6) (2014), 731–747. |
2012c20 | Creutzig, T.; Ridout, D. | Modular data and Verlinde formulae for fractional level WZW models I | 1306.4388 | Nuclear Phys. B 865(1) (2012), 83–114. |
2012c21 | Creutzig, T.; Ridout, D.; Wood, S. | Coset constructions of logarithmic (1,p)-models | 1305.2665 | Lett. Math. Phys. 104(5) (2014), 553–583. |
2012c22 | Creutzig, T.; Ridout, D. | Logarithmic conformal field theory: beyond an introduction | 1303.0847 | J. Phys. A. 46(49) (2013). |
2012c23 | Rejzner, K. | Remarks on local symmetry invariance in perturbative algebraic quantum field theory | 1301.7037 | Ann. Henri Poincaré. 16(1) (2015), 205–238. |
2012c24 | Zahn, J. | Locally covariant charged fields and background independence | 1311.7661 | Rev. Math. Phys. 27(7) (2015). |
2012c25 | Hollands, L.; Neitzke, A. | Spectral networks and Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates | 1312.2979 | Lett. Math. Phys. 106(6) (2016), 811–877. |
2012c26 | Bischoff, M.; Tanimoto, Y. | Integrable QFT and Longo-Witten endomorphisms | 1305.2171 | Ann. Henri Poincaré. 16(2) (2015), 569–608. |
2012c27 | Filippini, S. A.; Garcia-Fernandez, M.; Stoppa, J. | Stability data, irregular connections and tropical curves | 1403.7404 | Selecta Math. (N.S.) 23(2) (2017), 1355–1418. |
2012c28 | Höhn, G.; Mason, G. | Finite groups of symplectic automorphisms of hyperkähler manifolds of type K3[2] | 1409.6055 | Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sin. (N.S.) 14(2) (2019), 189–264. |
2012c29 | Speight, J. M. | Solitons on tori and soliton crystals | 1307.3063 | Comm. Math. Phys. 332(1) (2014), 355–377. |
2012c30 | Álvarez-Cónsul, L.; Garcia-Fernandez, M.; García-Prada, O. | Gravitating vortices, cosmic strings, and the Kähler-Yang-Mills equations | 1510.03810 | Comm. Math. Phys. 351(1) (2017), 361–385. |
2012c31 | Bökstedt, M.; Romão, N. M. | Pairs of pants, Pochhammer curves and L2-invariants | 1410.2429 | |
2012c32 | Eriksson, D.; Romão, N. M. | Kähler quantization of vortex moduli | 1612.08505 | Lett Math Phys. 110 (2020), 659–693. |
2012c33 | González, E.; Iritani, H. | Seidel elements and potential functions of holomorphic disc counting | 1301.5454 | Selecta Math. (N.S.) 18(3) (2012), 557–590. |
2012c34 | Szymik, M. | The stable homotopy theory of vortices on Riemann surfaces | 1310.7737 | |
2012c35 | Venugopalan, S.; Woodward, C. T. | Classification of affine vortices | 1301.7052 | Duke Math. J. 165(9) (2016), 1695–1751. |
2012c36 | Antoniadis, I.; Florakis, I. G.; Hohenegger, S.; Narain, K. S.; Zein Assi, A. | Worldsheet realization of the refined topological string | 1302.6993 | Nuclear Phys. B. 875(1) (2013), 101–133. |
2012c37 | Tanimoto, Y. | Massless Wigner particles in conformal field theory are free | 1310.4744 | Forum Math. Sigma. 2(e21) (2014). |
2012c38 | Dybalski, W.; Pizzo, A. | Coulomb scattering in the massless Nelson model III. Ground state wave functions and non-commutative recurrence relations | 1704.02924 | Ann. Henri Poincaré. 19(2) (2018), 463–514. |
Name | Affiliation |
Marcel Bischoff | Universität Göttingen |
Daniela Cadamuro | Universität Göttingen |
Nils Carqueville | LMU München |
Miranda C. N. Cheng | Université Paris 7 - Denis Diderot |
Thomas Creutzig | TU Darmstadt |
Ben (Nicholas) Davison | College Franco Britannique |
Tudor Dan Dimofte | University of Princeton |
Wojciech Dybalski | TU München |
Dennis Eriksson | Max-Planck Institute |
Sara Angela Filippini | Università degli Studi dell'Insubria |
Mario Garcia-Fernandez | Aarhus University |
Eduardo Gonzalez | University of Massachussetts UMASS |
Amihay Hanany | Imperial College |
Stefan Hohenegger | Max-Planck-Institut für Physik |
Lotte Hollands | Caltech |
Gerald Höhn | Kansas State University |
Bumsig Kim | Korea Institute for Advanced Study KIAS |
Alessia Mandini | Universidade Técnica de Lisboa |
Jan Manschot | Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik |
Nicholas Stephen Manton | University of Cambridge |
Sven Meinhardt | Universität Bonn |
Ignasi Mundet i Riera | Universitat de Barcelona |
Jacob Schach Møller | University of Aarhus |
Timothy Nguyen | State University of New York |
Simon Norton | Cambridge University |
Jeongseok Oh | KAIST |
Joao M. Oliveira Baptista | Instituto Superior Técnico |
Andreas Ott | Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik |
Timothy Perutz | The University of Texas at Austin |
Alessandro Pizzo | University of California at Davis |
Daniel Plencner | LMU Munich |
Katarzyna Anna Rejzner | Universität Hamburg |
David Ridout | The Australian National University |
Nuno Miguel Romão | Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik |
Giuseppe Ruzzi | Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" |
Markus Röser | WWU Münster |
Nils Scheithauer | TU Darmstadt |
Jan Schlemmer | Universität Wien |
Martin Speight | University of Leeds |
Jacopo Stoppa | Dipartimento di Matematica "F. Casorati" |
Thomas Sutherland | University of Sheffield |
András Szenes | Université de Genève |
Markus Szymik | NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Yoh Tanimoto | Universität Göttingen |
Elise Tenni | SISSA-ISAS |
Sushmita Venugopalan | Tata Institute of Fundamental Research TIFR |
Christian Wegner | Universität Bonn |
Thorsten Weist | Bergische Universität Wuppertal |
Simon J. Wood | The University of Tokyo |
Christopher Woodward | Rutgers University |
Michal Wrochna | University of Göttingen |
Jochen Zahn | University of Vienna |
Fabian Ziltener | Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) |