May 2 - August 31, 2012
Organizers: Sergio Conti, Richard James, Stephan Luckhaus, Stefan Müller, Manfred Salmhofer, Benjamin Schlein
Description: The last ten to fifteen years have seen a fascinating growth of possibilities to probe matter on the scale of single atoms, both experimentally and by numerical simulation. This has raised hopes for the systematic bottom-up design of materials with largely improved or completely new properties. Material behavior is, however, by no means determined by the properties at the atomic scale alone. Indeed, it is often the collective behavior of a huge amount of atoms, e.g. in the motion and pinning of dislocations, which crucially determines key material features like brittleness, formabillity and strength. Between the atomic scale and the macroscopic scale there are a large number of scales on which important features including lattice imperfections, precipitates, grains and phase domains arise. An at least equally challenging separation of scales arises in the time domain, from the femtosecond scale of elementary processes to life time analysis of engineering devices on the scale of decades. Thus so called multiscale modelling has become a very common term in materials science and engineering. To go beyond an ad-hoc coupling of phenomenological models is, however, a major unsolved problem and poses fundamental questions for mathematics and theoretical physics.
The aim of this Hausdorff Trimester Program was to bring together researchers with a broad mathematical and scientific background to identify prototype problems where mathematics can provide new insight into the passage between different scales of description.
The focus was on the following three subthemes (ordered roughly by increasing length scale):
- Quantum many-body systems and effective models
Statistical mechanics of solids and metastability
Multiscales at the continuum level and material properties

No. | Author(s) | Title | Preprint | Publication |
2012b01 | Blesgen, T.; Schlömerkemper, A. | On the Allen-Cahn/Cahn-Hilliard system with a geometrically linear elastic energy | 1202.5197 | Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh. 144(2) (2014), 241–266. |
2012b02 | Blesgen, T. | Deformation patterning in Cosserat plasticity | 1208.3331 | |
2012b03 | Jansen, S.; Kurt, N. | Graphical representation of certain moment dualities and application to population models with balancing selection | 1207.6056 | Electron. Commun. Probab. 18 (2013), 1-15. |
2012b04 | Jansen, S. | Continuum percolation for Gibbsian point processes with attractive interactions | 1208.1223 | Electron. J. Probab. 21 (2016), 1-22. |
2012b05 | Fritz, J. | Remarks on hyperbolic scaling limits | ||
2012b06 | Aghaei, A.; Dayal, K.; Elliott, R. S. | Symmetry-adapted phonon analysis of nanotubes | 1209.1593 | J of the Mechanics and Phy. of Solids. 61(2) (2013), 557-578. |
2012b07 | Aghaei, A.; Dayal, K. | Tension and twist of chiral nanotubes: torsional buckling, mechanical response and indicators of failure | Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 20(8) (2012). |
2012b08 | Rosakis, P. | Continuum surface energy from a lattice model | 1201.0712 | Netw. Heterog. Media 9(3) (2014), 453–476. |
2012b09 | De Nittis, G.; Lein, M. | The perturbed Maxwell operator as pseudodifferential operator | 1302.1956 | Doc. Math. 19 (2014), 63–102. |
2012b10 | De Nittis, G.; Lein, M. | Topological polarization in graphene-like systems | 1304.7478 | J. Phys. A. 46(38) (2013). |
2012b11 | Chen, J. P.; Ugurcan, B. E. | Entropic repulsion of Gaussian free field on high-dimensional Sierpinski carpet graphs | 1307.5825 | Stochastic Process. Appl. 125(12) (2015), 4632–4673. |
2012b12 | De Nittis, G.; Lein, M. | Effective light dynamics in perturbed photonic crystals | 1307.1642 | Comm. Math. Phys. 332(1) (2014), 221–260. |
2012b13 | Heinz, S. | On the structure of the quasiconvex hull in planar elasticity | Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations. 50(3-4) (2014), 481–489. |
2012b14 | Kotecký, R.; Luckhaus, S. | Nonlinear elastic free energies and gradient Young-Gibbs measures | 1206.6009 | Comm. Math. Phys. 326(3) (2014), 887–917. |
2012b15 | Jansen, S.; Tate, S. J.; Tsagkarogiannis, D.; Ueltschi, D. | Multispecies virial expansions | 1304.2199 | Comm. Math. Phys. 330(2) (2014), 801–817. |
2012b16 | Backofen, R.; Barmak, K.; Elder, K.; Voigt, A. | Grain growth beyond the Mullins model, capturing the complex physics behind universal grain size distributions | 1304.4050 | |
2012b17 | Espan͂ol, M. I.; Kochmann, D. M.; Conti, S.; Ortiz, M. | A Γ-convergence analysis of the quasicontinuum method | Multiscale Model. Simul. 11(3) (2013), 766–794. |
2012b18 | Reina, C.; Conti, S. | Kinematic description of crystal plasticity in the finite kinematic framework: a micromechanical understanding of F = FeFp | 1312.2904 | J. Mech. Phys. Solids. 67 (2014), 40–61. |
2012b19 | Adams, S.; Kotecký, R.; Müller, S. | Strict convexity of the surface tension for non-convex potentials | 1606.09541 | |
2012b20 | Bru, J-B.; de Siqueira Pedra, W.; Hertling, C. | Heat production of noninteracting fermions subjected to electric fields | 1611.07706 | Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 68(6) (2015), 964–1013. |
2012b21 | Bru, J-B.; de Siqueira Pedra, W.; Hertling, C. | Microscopic conductivity of lattice fermions at equilibrium. I. Non-interacting particles | 1611.07730 | J. Math. Phys. 56(5) (2015). |
2012b22 | Buttà, P.; Esposito, R.; Giuliani, A.; Marra, R. | Froth-like minimizers of a non local free energy functional with competing interactions | 1206.3846 | Comm. Math. Phys. 322(2) (2013), 593–632. |
2012b23 | Benedikter, N.; de Oliveira, G.; Schlein, B. | Quantitative derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation | 1208.0373 | Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 68(8) (2015), 1399–1482. |
2012b24 | Benedikter, N.; Porta, M.; Schlein, B. | Mean-field dynamics of fermions with relativistic dispersion | 1311.6270 | J. Math. Phys. 55(2) (2014). |
2012b25 | Benedikter, N.; Porta, M.; Schlein, B. | Mean-field evolution of fermionic systems | 1305.2768 | Comm. Math. Phys. 331(3) (2014), 1087–1131. |
2012b26 | Chen, X.; Srivastava, V.; Dabade, V.; James, R. D. | Study of the cofactor conditions: conditions of supercompatibility between phases | 1307.5930 | J. Mech. Phys. Solids. 61(12) (2013), 2566–2587. |
2012b27 | Conti, S.; Garroni, A.; Massaccesi, A. | Modeling of dislocations and relaxation of functionals on 1-currents with discrete multiplicity | 1409.6084 | Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations. 54(2) (2015), 1847–1874. |
2012b28 | Fokoua, L.; Conti, S.; Ortiz, M. | Optimal scaling in solids undergoing ductile fracture by void sheet formation | Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 212(1) (2014), 331–357. |
2012b29 | Fokoua, L.; Conti, S.; Ortiz, M. | Optimal scaling laws for ductile fracture derived from strain-gradient microplasticity | J. Mech. Phys. Solids. 62 (2014), 295–311. |
2012b30 | Frank, R. L.; Schlein, B. | Dynamics of a strongly coupled polaron | 1311.5814 | Lett. Math. Phys. 104(8) (2014), 911–929. |
2012b31 | Song, Y.; Chen, X.; Dabade, V.; Shield, T. W.; James, R. D. | Enhanced reversibility and unusual microstructure of a phase-transforming material | Nature. 502 (2013), 85–88. |
2012b32 | Banerjee, A. S.; Elliott, R. S.; James, R. D. | A spectral scheme for Kohn-Sham density functional theory of clusters | 1404.3773 | J. Comput. Phys. 287 (2015), 226–253. |
2012b33 | Bru, J-B.; de Siqueira Pedra, W.; Hertling, C. | Macroscopic conductivity of free fermions in disordered media | 1611.09027 | Rev. Math. Phys. 26(5) (2014). |
2012b34 | Bru, J-B.; de Siqueira Pedra, W.; Hertling, C. | AC-conductivity measure from heat production of free fermions in disordered media | 1611.07740 | Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 220(2) (2016), 445–504. |
2012b35 | Aghaei, A.; Dayal, K.; Elliott, R. S. | Anomalous phonon behavior of carbon nanotubes: first-order influence of external load | 1210.1129 | J. Appl. Phys. 113(2) (2013). |
2012b36 | Marshall, J.; Dayal, K. | Atomistic-to-continuum multiscale modeling with long-range electrostatic interactions in ionic solids | 1310.2500 | J. Mech. Phys. Solids. 62 (2014), 137–162. |
2012b37 | Luckhaus, S.; Wohlgemuth, J. | Study of a model for reference-free plasticity | 1408.1355 | |
2012b38 | Wilkinson, M. | Strictly physical global weak solutions of a Navier-Stokes Q-tensor system with singular potential | 1211.6083 | Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 218(1) (2015), 487–526. |
2012b39 | Jansen, S.; Kurt, N. | On the notion(s) of duality for Markov processes | 1210.7193 | Probab. Surv. 11 (2014), 59–120. |
Name | Affiliation |
Roberto Alicandro | Università degli Studi di Cassino |
Amartya Sankar Banerjee | University of Minnesota |
Thomas Blesgen | Max-Planck-Institute of Mathematics |
Jean-Bernard Bru | Universidad del País Vasco |
Gioia Carinci | Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia |
Serena Cenatiempo | Università "La Sapienza" |
Joe Po-Chou Chen | Cornell University |
Francesca Colasuonno | Università degli Studi di Bari |
Andrea Collevecchio | Università Ca'Foscari |
Sergio Conti | Universität Bonn |
Codina Cotar | University of Toronto |
Kaushik Dayal | Carnegie Mellon University |
Giuseppe De Nittis | Universite de Cergy-Pontoise |
Antonio De Simone | Scuola Internazionale di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) |
Margherita Disertori | Universität Bonn |
Landry Fokoua Djodom | California Institute of Technology |
Patrick Werner Dondl | Durham University |
Laszlo Erdös | Universität München |
Malena Espanol | California Institute of Technology |
Gero Friesecke | TU München |
Jozsef Fritz | Technical University of Budapest |
Alessandro Giuliani | Universita' degli Studi di Roma Tre |
Rafael Leon Greenblatt | Università di Roma Tre |
Robert Gulliver | University of Minnesota |
Sebastian Heinz | Weierstraß Institut |
Richard D. James | University of Minnesota |
Sabine Jansen | Weierstraß Institut |
Roman Kotecký | Warwick University |
Noemi Sibylle Kurt | TU Berlin |
Zhong Yuan Lai | Universität Bonn |
Max Lein | Universität Tübingen |
Henrik van Lengerich | University of Minnesota |
Sigrid Leyendecker | Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
Stephan Luckhaus | Universität Leipzig |
Stefan Müller | Universität Bonn |
Michael Ortiz | CALTECH |
Brendan Pass | University of Alberta |
Marcello Ponsiglione | University 1 of Rome (La Sapienza) |
Errico Presutti | Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" |
Elena Pulvirenti | Università di Roma Tre |
Celia Reina Romo | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Phoebus Rosakis | University of Crete |
Manfred Salmhofer | Universität Heidelberg |
Benjamin Schlein | Universität Bonn |
André Schlichting | Universität Bonn |
Walter de Siqueira Pedra | Universität Mainz |
Rongfeng Sun | National University of Singapore |
Dimitrios Tsagkarogiannis | University of Crete |
Jérémie Unterberger | Universite Henri Poincare |
Axel Voigt | TU Dresden |
Mark Wilkinson | University of Oxford |
Jens Wohlgemuth | MPI MIS |
Hamdi Zorgati | University of Tunis El Manar |