Universität Bonn

Trimester Program: "Integrability in Geometry and Mathematical Physics"

January 2 - April 30, 2012

Organizers: Franz Pedit, Ulrich Pinkall, Iskander A. Taimanov, Alexander Veselov, Katrin Wendland

Description: The past two decades have seen substantial developments in the theory of integrability, to the extent that integrable systems nowadays comprise a vital ingredient in algebraic, differential and enumerative geometry as well as in mathematical physics. Contributions range from Dubrovin's pioneering work on Frobenius manifolds over Hitchin's discovery of integrability of moduli spaces of stable vector or Higgs bundles up to results by Kontsevich and Okounkov-Pandharipande on the Witten conjecture and Gromov-Witten theory, and Krichever's proof of the Welter's trisecant conjecture. Furthermore, integrable systems play a pivotal role in the resolution of longstanding conjectures about the global structure of minimal, constant mean curvature and Willmore surfaces.

The most striking aspects of the theory of integrable systems, which however are becoming apparent only very slowly, feature integrability as a binding element between seemingly unrelated areas in mathematics. For example, the role of integrability in singularity theory is not well studied to the very day, although for quantum cohomology, the importance of both singularity theory and integrability is undisputed, such that direct links between the two must exist. On another account, the tt* geometry of topological quantum field theory also provides aspects of the Pedit-Dorfmeister-Wu construction in the context of Willmore surfaces.

This Hausdorff Trimester Program brought together some of the world leading scientists in the study of integrable systems in geometry and quantum field theory. One main aspect of the program was the aim to bridge between the research topics, to spark interactions, and to shed light on the binding role that integrability can play for all the themes involved.

Associated Events: 

Workshop 1: Integrability - modern variations
Workshop 2: Geometric PDEs and integrability
Workshop 3: Navigating the Space of Surfaces
Workshop 4: Integrability in topological field theory


No. Author(s) Title Preprint Publication
2012a05 Mironov, A. Commuting higher rank ordinary differential operators 1204.2092 European Congress of Mathematics. (2013), 459–473.
2012a06 Mkrtchyan, R. L.; Veselov, A. P. Universality in Chern-Simons theory 1203.0766 J. High Energy Phys. 2012(153) (2012).
2012a07 Izosimov, A. Stability of relative equilibria of multidimensional rigid body 1203.3985 Nonlinearity. 27(6) (2014), 1419–1443.
2012a08 Bolsinov, A.; Izosimov, A. Singularities of bi-Hamiltonian systems 1203.3419 Comm. Math. Phys. 331(2) (2014), 507–543.
2012a09 Izosimov, A. A note on relative equilibria of a free multidimensional rigid body 1202.4082 J. Phys. A. 45(32) (2012), 325203, 6.
2012a10 Alexandrov, A.; Kazakov, V.; Leurent, S.; Tsuboi, Z.; Zabrodin, A. Classical tau-function for quantum spin chains 1112.3310 J. High Energy Phys. 2013(64) (2013).
2012a11 Marshakov, A. Lie groups, cluster variables and integrable systems 1207.1869 J. Geom. Phys. 67 (2013), 16–36.
2012a12 Gordon, I. G.; Martino, M. Monodromy of partial KZ functors for rational Cherednik algebras pdf Symmetries, integrable systems and representations. 40, 133–154.
2012a13 Varchenko, A.; Wright, D. Critical points of master functions and integrable hierarchies 1207.2274 Adv. Math. 263 (2014), 178–229.
2012a14 Taormina, A.; Wendland, K. The overarching finite symmetry group of Kummer surfaces in the Mathieu group M24 1107.3834 J. High Energy Phys. 2013(125) (2013).
2012a15 Heller, S. A spectral curve approach to Lawson symmetric CMC surfaces of genus 2 1209.3200 Math. Ann. 360(3-4) (2014), 607–652.
2012a16 Izosimov, A. Stability in bihamiltonian systems and multidimensional rigid body   J. Geom. Phys. 62(12) (2012), 2414–2423.
2012a17 Kato, H. Castling transformations of projective structures 1301.1063 J. Lie Theory. 23(4) (2013), 1129–1160.
2012a18 Alexandrov, A. From Hurwitz numbers to Kontsevich-Witten tau-function: a connection by Virasoro operators 1111.5349 Lett. Math. Phys.104(1) (2014), 75–87.
2012a19 Schöbel, K.; Veselov, A. P. Separation coordinates, moduli spaces and Stasheff polytopes 1307.6132 Comm. Math. Phys. 337(3) (2015), 1255–1274.
2012a20 Mulase, M.; Sułkowski, P. Spectral curves and the Schrödinger equations for the Eynard-Orantin recursion 1210.3006 Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 19(5) (2015), 955–1015.
2012a21 Bohle, C.; Taimanov, I. A. Spectral curves for Cauchy-Riemann operators on elliptic curves with punctured points 1212.5147 Funct. Anal. Appl (transl.). 47(4) (2013), 319–322.
2012a22 Bohle, C.; Taimanov, I. A. Euclidean minimal tori with planar ends and elliptic solitons 1212.5138 Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN. 2015(14) (2015), 5907–5932.
2012a23 Feigin, M. V.; Hallnäs, M. A.; Veselov, A. P. Baker-Akhiezer functions and generalised Macdonald-Mehta integrals 1210.5270 J. Math. Phys. 54(5) (2013).
2012a24 Mazzocco, M. Confluences of the Painlevé equations, Cherednik algebras and q-Askey scheme 1307.6140 Nonlinearity. 29(9) (2016), 2565–2608.


Leonardo Aguirre ETH Zürich
Alexander Alexandrov Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Stuart J. Andrew Loughborough University
Yaroslav V. Bazaykin Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS
Christoph Bohle Universität Tübingen
Nobutaka Boumuki Osaka City University Advanced
Francis Everett Burstall University of Bath
Leonid Chekhov Steklov Mathematical Institute
Josef Dorfmeister TU München
Boris Dubrovin SISSA
Nicholas Early Penn State University
Magnus Engenhorst Universität Bonn
Oliver Fabert Universität Freiburg
Misha Feigin University of Glasgow
Giovanni Felder ETH Zürich
Iain Gordon University of Edinburgh
Petr Grinevich Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS
Martin Axel Hallnas Loughborough University
Mark Haskins Imperial College London
Laurent Hauswirth Université de Marne-la-Vallée
Sebastian Heller Universität Tübingen
Claus Hertling Universität Mannheim
Rei Inoue Yamazaki Chiba University
Anton Izosimov Loughborough University
Toru Kajigaya Tohoku University
Hironao Kato Osaka City University
Kotaro Kawai Tohoku University
Graham Kemp Loughborough University
Christian Korff University of Glasgow
Jorge Herbert S. Lira Federal University of Cearh
Sergey Loktev National Research University Higher School of Economics
Andrey Marshakov Lebedev Physics Institute and ITEP
Marta Mazzocco Loughborough University
Andrey Mironov Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Reiko Miyaoka Tohoku University
Sophie Morier-Genoud Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Yoshihiro Ohnita Osaka City University & Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute
Richard Palais University of California, Irvine
Franz Pedit Universität Tübingen
Ulrich Pinkall TU Berlin
Vladimir A. Poberezhnyi ITEP State Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics
Paolo Rossi Universität Zürich
Leonid Rybnikov Higher School of Economics
Emanuel Scheidegger Universität Freiburg
Martin Schlichenmaier University of Luxembourg
Martin Schmidt Universität Mannheim
Nicholas Schmitt Universität Tübingen
Veronika Schreiber Loughborough University
Konrad Schöbel Universität Jena
Alexander Sergeev Saratov State University
Oleg Sheinman Steklov Mathematical Institute
Sergei Tabachnikov Pennsylvania State University
Chuu-Lian Terng University of California, Irvine
Richard Thomas Imperial College London
Satoshi Ueki Tohoku University
Alexander Varchenko The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Alexander P. Veselov Loughborough University
Katrin Wendland Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Daniel Wright The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Anton Zabrodin Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics
Wojciech J. Zakrzewski Durham University
Poster TP_2012_01

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