September - December 2009
Organizers: Wolfgang Lück and Nicolas Monod
Description: There is a long list of rigidity phenomena whose discovery was a striking surprise and triggered a host of fruitful and lasting activities in mathematics. In many instances, these very discoveries led to outstanding open problems currently subject of intense activity.
The goal of this Trimester Program was to study and link rigidity phenomena in different areas of pure mathematics. The main focus was on:
- Mostow-Margulis-Zimmer Rigidity
- Rigidity in Topology
- von Neumann Rigidity
The Trimester Program brought together experts from, used methods from and contributed substantially to the following fields:
- Algebraic K-and L-theory
- Surgery theory
- L2-methods
- Finite von Neumann algebras and measure theory
- Geometric group theory
- Cohomological algebra
- Bounded cohomology
- Asymptotic methods on semi-simple groups
- Multiplicative ergodic theory
- Functional-analytic aspects of group representations
Associated Events: Workshop: Rigidity in cohomology, K-theory, geometry and ergodic theory

No. | Author(s) | Title | Preprint | Publication |
2009c01 | Bartels, A.; Lück, W. | Geodesic flow for CAT(0)-groups | 1003.4630 | Geom. Topol. 16(3) (2012), 1345–1391. |
2009c02 | Bartels, A.; Lück, W.; Weinberger, S. | On hyperbolic groups with spheres as boundary | 0911.3725 | J. Differential Geom. 86(1) (2010), 1–16. |
2009c03 | Bestvina, M.; Bromberg, K.; Fujiwara, K. | Constructing group actions on quasi-trees and applications to mapping class groups | 1006.1939 | Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes Études Sci. 122 (2015), 1–64. |
2009c04 | Bonk, M.; Merenkov, S. | Quasisymmetric rigidity of square Sierpiński carpets | 1102.3224 | Ann. of Math. 177(2) (2013), 591–643. |
2009c05 | Bridson, M. R.; Vogtmann, K. | Abelian covers of graphs and maps between outer automorphism groups of free groups | 1007.2598 | Math. Ann. 353(4) (2012), 1069–1102. |
2009c06 | Burger, M.; Iozzi, A.; Wienhard, A. | Higher Teichmüller spaces: from SL(2,ℝ) to other Lie groups | 1004.2894 | Handbook of Teichmüller theory. Vol. IV, 539–618. IRMA Lect. Math. Theor. Phys., 19 |
2009c07 | Burger, M.; Ozawa, N.; Thom, A. | On Ulam stability | 1010.0565 | Israel J. Math. 193(1) (2013), 109–129. |
2009c08 | Caprace, P-E.; Przytycki, P. | Twist-rigid Coxeter groups | 0911.0354 | Geom. Topol. 14(4) (2010), 2243–2275. |
2009c09 | Cluckers, R.; Cornulier, Y.; Louvet, N.; Tessera, R.; Valette, A. | The Howe-Moore property for real and p-adic groups | 1003.1484 | Math. Scand. 109(2) (2011), 201–224. |
2009c10 | Davis, J. F.; Lück, W. | The topological K-theory of certain crystallographic groups | 1004.2660 | J. Noncommut. Geom. 7(2) (2013), 373–431. |
2009c11 | Ghosh, A.; Gorodnik, A.; Nevo, A. | Diophantine approximation and automorphic spectrum | 1007.0593 | Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN. 2013(21) (2013), 5002–5058. |
2009c12 | Hensel, S.; Przytycki, P. | The ending lamination space of the five-punctured sphere is the Nöbeling curve | 0910.3554 | J. Lond. Math. Soc. 84(1) (2011), 103–119. |
2009c13 | Higes, J.; Peng, I. | Assouad-Nagata dimension of connected Lie groups | 0910.4569 | Math. Z. 273(1-2) (2013), 283–302. |
2009c14 | Kyed, D. | A cohomological description of property (T) for quantum groups | 1003.5181 | J. Funct. Anal. 261(6) (2011), 1469–1493. |
2009c15 | Linnell, P.; Lück, W.; Sauer, R. | The limit of Fp-Betti numbers of a tower of finite covers with amenable fundamental groups | 1003.0434 | Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.139(2) (2011), 421–434. |
2009c16 | Crowley, D.; Löh, C. | Functorial seminorms on singular homology and (in)flexible manifolds | 1103.4139 | Algebr. Geom. Topol. 15(3) (2015), 1453–1499. |
2009c17 | Ozawa, N. | Quasi-homomorphism rigidity with non-commutative targets | 0911.3975 | J. Reine Angew. Math. 655 (2011), 89–104. |
2009c18 | Pichot, M.; Schick, T.; Zuk, A. | Closed manifolds with transcendental L2-Betti numbers | 1005.1147 | J. Lond. Math. Soc. 92(2) (2015), 371–392. |
2009c19 | Przytycki, P.; Schultens, J. | Contractibility of the Kakimizu complex and symmetric Seifert surfaces | 1004.4168 | Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 364(3) (2012), 1489–1508. |
2009c20 | Sasyk, R.; Törnquist, A. | Turbulence and Araki-Woods factors | 0912.1496 | J. Funct. Anal. 259(9) (2010), 2238–2252. |
2009c21 | Crowley, D.; Macko, T. | The additivity of the ρ-invariant and periodicity in topological surgery | 1002.1917 | Algebr. Geom. Topol. 11(4) (2011), 1915–1959. |
2009c22 | Wegner, C. | The K-theoretic Farrell-Jones conjecture for CAT(0)-groups | 1012.3349 | Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140(3) (2012), 779–793. |
2009c23 | Davis, J. F.; Quinn, F.; Reich, H. | Algebraic K-theory over the infinite dihedral group: a controlled topology approach | 1002.3702 | J. Topol. 4(3) (2011), 505–528. |
2009c24 | Merenkov, S.; Wildrick, K. | Quasisymmetric Koebe uniformization | 1109.3441 | Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 29(3) (2013), 859–909. |
2009c25 | Caprace, P-E.; Przytycki, P. | Bipolar Coxeter groups | 1002.3991 | J. Algebra. 338 (2011), 35–55. |
2009c26 | Bridson, M. R.; Grunewald, F.; Vogtmann, K. | Actions of arithmetic groups on homology spheres and acyclic homology manifolds | 1207.3069 | Math. Z. 276(1-2) (2014), 387–395. |
2009c27 | Bartels, A.; Lück, W.; Reich, H.; Rüping, H. | K- and L-theory of group rings over GLn(Z) | 1204.2418 | Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes Études Sci. 119 (2014), 97–125. |
2009c28 | Connolly, F.; Davis, J. F.; Khan, Q. | Topological rigidity and H1-negative involutions on tori | 1102.2660 | Geom. Topol. 18(3) (2014), 1719–1768. |
Name |
Affiliation |
Juan Alonso | Cornell University |
Aurélien Alvarez | SB-IMB-EGG Ecole Polytechnique Federale |
Uri Bader | Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Owen Baker | Cornell University |
Arthur Bartels | Universität Münster |
Jason Behrstock | CUNY |
Abramo Bertucco | University of Pisa |
Dietmar Bisch | Vanderbilt University |
Markus Rudolf Burger | ETH-Zentrum |
Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace | Université catholique de Louvain |
Stanley Chang | Wellesley College |
Pralay Chatterjee | C.I.T. campus |
David Constantine | University of Chicago |
James F. Davis | Indiana University |
Tullia Dymarz | Yale University |
Inessa Epstein | Caltech |
Pascal Fabig | Universität Münster |
David Fisher | Indiana University |
Koji Fujiwara | Tohoku University |
Damien Gaboriau | CNRS UMR 5669 - Ens de Lyon |
Krishnendu Gongopadhyay | Indian Statistical Institute |
Alexander Gorodnik | University of Bristol |
Ralf Gramlich | TU Darmstadt |
Ian Hambleton | McMaster University |
Tobias Hartnick | ETH Zürich |
Greg Hjorth | University of Melbourne |
Adrian Ioana | University of California, Los Angeles |
Michael Joachim | Universität Münster |
Arati Bansilal Khairnar | School of Mathematics |
Qayum Khan | University of Notre Dame |
Inkang Kim | Korea Institute for Advanced Study |
Victor Kostyuk | Cornell University |
Linus Kramer | Universität Münster |
Philipp Kuehl | Universität Münster |
David Kyed | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen |
Peter Linnell | Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University |
José Manuel Higes Lopez | Universidad Computense de Madrid |
Clara Löh | Universität Münster |
Wolfgang Lück | Universität Bonn |
Tibor Macko | Universität Münster |
Pierre-Adelin Mercier | |
Sergiy Merenkov | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Adam Mole | Universität Münster |
Nicolas Monod | EPFL |
Izhar Oppenheim | Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Narutaka Ozawa | University of Tokyo |
Cristina Pagliantini | University of Pisa |
Irine Peng | Indiana University |
T. Tam Nguyen Phan | University of Chicago |
Mikael Pichot | University of Tokyo |
Piotr Przytycki | Polish Academy of Sciences |
Andrew Ranicki | University of Edinburgh |
Holger Reich | Heinrich-Heine-Universität |
Henrik Rueping | Universität Münster |
Roman Sasyk | Instituto Argentino de Matemáticas |
Roman Sauer | WWU Münster |
Thomas Schick | Universität Göttingen |
Petra Schwer | Universität Münster |
Wolfgang Steimle | Universität Münster |
Tobias Strubel | ETH Zürich |
Katrin Tent | Universität Münster |
Andreas Thom | Universität Leipzig |
Asger Dag Törnquist | Universität Wien |
Alain Valette | Université de Neuchatel |
Karen Vogtmann | Cornell University |
Christian Wegner | Universität Münster |
Shmuel Weinberger | University of Chicago |
George Willis | University of Newcastle |
Kostyantyn Yusenko | NASU |
Andrzej Zuk | Université Paris VII |
This list does not include people who only participated in the workshop.