Universität Bonn

Junior Trimester Program: "Analysis"

September - December 2008

Description: The Junior Hausdorff Trimester Program gave young mathematicians (postdocs, junior faculty) the opportunity to carry out collaborative research in Analysis.
The research topics included:

  • Calculus of variation and image processing (Group A)
  • Singularities in magnetism and superconductivity (Group B)
  • Topics in the theory of functional equations (Group C)

Associated Events: Workshop: Geometric Analysis


2008c01 Baják, Szabolcs; Páles, Zsolt Computer aided solution of the invariance equation for two-variable Gini means MR2535800
2008c02 Bamler, Richard H. Construction of Einstein metrics by generalized Dehn filling 0911.4730 MR2911887
2008c03 Barchiesi, M.; Kang, S. H.; Le, T. M.; Morini, M.; Ponsiglione, M. A variational model for infinite perimeter segmentations based on Lipschitz level set functions: denoising while keeping finely oscillatory boundaries. MR2728706
2008c04 Burai, Pál; Házy, Attila On approximately h-convex functions MR2828500
2008c05 Burai, Pál; Házy, Attila; Juhász, Tibor On approximately Breckner s-convex functions MR2977958
2008c06 Ramos-Cuevas, Carlos The center conjecture for thick spherical buildings 0909.2761 MR3101173
2008c07 Leeb, Bernhard; Ramos-Cuevas, Carlos The center conjecture for spherical buildings of types F4 and E6 0905.0839 MR2810858
2008c08 Gilányi, Attila; Troczka-Pawelec, Katarzyna Regularity results for generalized convex functions  
2008c09 Gselmann, Eszter; Maksa, Gyula Stability of the parametric fundamental equation of information for nonpositive parameters MR2577167
2008c10 Gselmann, Eszter; Maksa, Gyula The Shannon field of non-negative information functions MR2501546
2008c11 Guilfoyle, Brendan; Klingenberg, Wilhelm Proof of the Caratheodory conjecture by mean curvature flow in the space of oriented affine lines 0808.0851  
2008c12 Quang, Minh Ha; Kang, Sung Ha; Le, Triet M. Image and video colorization using vector-valued reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces MR2607639
2008c13 Kurzke, Matthias; Melcher, Christof; Moser, Roger; Spirn, Daniel Dynamics for Ginzburg-Landau vortices under a mixed flow MR2603761
2008c14 Kurzke, Matthias; Melcher, Christof; Moser, Roger; Spirn, Daniel Ginzburg-Landau vortices driven by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation MR2771669
2008c15 Kurzke, Matthias; Spirn, Daniel Γ-stability and vortex motion in type II superconductors MR2763341
2008c16 Maksa, Gyula; Páles, Zsolt Decomposition of higher-order Wright-convex functions MR2546759
2008c17 Maksa, Gyula; Páles, Zsolt Remarks on the comparison of weighted quasi-arithmetic means MR2652608
2008c18 Pali, Nefton Lecture notes on the Ein-Popa extension result 0904.0842  
2008c19 Kuwert, Ernst; Schätzle, Reiner Minimizers of the Willmore functional under fixed conformal class 1009.6168 MR3024303
2008c20 Zhu, Xiaohua Stability on Kähler-Ricci flow, I 0908.1488  
2008c21 Gilányi, Attila; Troczka-Pawelec, Katarzyna Regularity of weakly subquadratic functions - MR2810834
2008c22 Guilfoyle, Brendan; Klingenberg, Wilhelm On Weingarten surfaces in Euclidean and Lorentzian 3-space - MR2651535
2008c23 Farber, Michael; Fromm, Viktor Homology of planar telescopic linkages - MR2653056
2008c24 Fonseca, I.; Leoni, G.; Maggi, F.; Morini, M. Exact reconstruction of damaged color images using a total variation model - MR2683761
2008c25 Zhu, Xiaohua Stability of Kähler-Ricci flow on a Fano manifold - MR3072807


Szabolcs Baják University of Debrecen
Zsolt Balogh College of Nyiregyhaza
Richard Bamler Princeton University
Marco Barchiesi Carnegie Mellon University
Giovanni Bellettini Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Pál Burai University of Debrecen
Antonin Chambolle Ecole Polytechnique
Carlos Ramos Cuevas LMU München
Attila Gilányi University of Debrecen
Eszter Gselmann University of Debrecen
Attila Házy University of Miskolc
Radu Ignat Université Paris-Sud 11
Tibor Juhász Eszterházy Károly College
Sung Ha Kang Georgia Tech
Wilhelm Klingenberg University of Durham
Robert Kremser LMU München
Matthias Kurzke Universität Bonn
Triet Minh Le Yale University
Bernhard Leeb Universität München
Francesco Maggi Università di Firenze
Gyula Maksa University of Debrecen
Dan Mangoubi Max-Planck-Institut fuer Mathematik
Riccardo March Instituto per le Applicazioni deö Calcolo
Simon Masnou Université Paris 6
Christof Melcher University of Oxford
Evelyne Miot Université Paris VI
Massimiliano Morini SISSA
Roger Moser University of Bath
Luca Mugnai Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Fruzsina Mészáros University of Debrecen
Daniel Nicklas LMU München
Nefton Pali Faculté des Sciences d'Orsay
Marcello Ponsiglione University 1 of Rome (La Sapienza)
Zsolt Páles University of Debrecen
Minh Ha Quang Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin
Guiseppe Riey Università degli Studi della Calabria
Matthias Röger Universität Bonn
Reiner Schätzle Universität Tübingen
Daniel P. Spirn University of Minnesota
Alberto Della Vedova Università degli Studi di Parma
Burkhard Wilking Universität Münster
Hao-Min Zhou Georgia Institute of Technology
Xiaohua Zhu Peking University
Poster TP_2008_09.jpg

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