The Junior Trimester Program is primarily addressed to PhD students, postdocs and young assistant professors. Applicants are expected to have completed their PhD thesis at most 7 years ago. From the participants, group leaders will be selected who will organize small workshops and can take the initiative to invite a senior mathematician with whom they can carry out research together.
January 12 - April 17, 2026
Mentors: Barbara Verfürth (University of Bonn) and Jürgen Dölz (University of Bonn)
Description: Many scientific and engineering problems exhibit a combination of complex interactions over wide ranges of scales and input data parametrized over high-dimensional parameters spaces. However, naive applications of numerical solution techniques to such problems are often beyond current computational feasibility. To this end, multilevel, multifidelity, and multiscale problems have emerged as innovative approaches which can be applied to a wide range of processes in scientific and engineering domains. They can enhance simulation-based modeling, uncertainty quantification, optimization and design, inverse problems, and data assimilation. The Junior Trimester Program aims to foster the development of a new generation of efficient numerical methods and their numerical analysis by cross-fertilizing methods from multifidelity, multilevel and multiscale techniques. For this, it will bring together junior researchers from the corresponding communities to build new bridges between the different methods.
The online application platform to participate in this trimester program is open until 30 November 2024 (CET).
5 minute walk from Bonn central train station to HIM
Leave the station through the back exit into the street called Quantiusstrasse. Cross at the zebra crossing and turn left. Walk to the corner: the cross-street is the Poppelsdorfer Allee. Cross (careful of traffic from your left) and walk to the right up the Poppelsdorfer Allee, towards the Poppelsdorfer Castle in the distance. At the next intersection, continue straight on up the avenue. HIM is building No. 45 on the left side of Poppelsdorfer Allee behind the wrought iron gate.
The airport shuttle drops you in front of the central train station. Cross at the traffic light nearest you and take the escalator down to the underground passage. Go straight to the end of the passageway until you reach the street (Quantiusstrasse) and follow the directions above.
If you are coming to a Workshop or School, go straight to Poppelsdorfer Allee 45 and sign-in.
If you are coming for a (Junior) Trimester Program, come first to the HIM Administration at Poppelsdorfer Allee 82, diagonally across the street from the Institute proper.