April 22 - 26, 2024
Venue: HIM, Poppelsdorfer Allee 45, Bonn
Organizers: Spencer Bloch (Chicago), Herbert Gangl (Durham), Vasily Golyshev (Trieste), Fernando Rodriguez Villegas (Trieste), Don Zagier (Bonn)
This event is a follow-up workshop to the trimester program "Periods in Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry and Physics" (January 3 - April 20, 2018).
The word "period" is used to designate any number represented by the integral of an algebraic differential form over a cycle in an algebraic variety over the rationals (or the algebraic numbers). These include many numbers of interest in number theory and mathematical physics (multiple zeta values, Mahler measures, superstring amplitudes, ...), and also have deep connections with special values of motivic L-functions.
The trimester covered five topics in depth:
- Motives
- Regulators
- Amplitudes
- Picard-Fuchs Equations
- Hypergeometric Motives
The aim of this workshop is to “take stock” of — and to report on — recent developments in this area, since the original activity.

Name | Affiliation |
Asem Abdelraouf | Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati |
Hohto Bekki | Max Planck Institute for Mathematics |
Spencer Bloch | University of Chicago |
Johannes Broedel | ETH Zurich |
Steven Charlton | MPIM Bonn |
Henri Cohen | Université de Bordeaux |
Rob de Jeu | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Robin de Jong | Leiden University |
Claude Duhr | Universität Bonn |
Hidekazu Furusho | Nagoya University |
Herbert Gangl | Durham |
Luis Garcia | University College London |
Vasily Golyshev | International Centre for Theoretical Physics |
Pengju Guan | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
Günter Harder | MPIM Bonn |
Aleksander Horawa | University of Oxford |
Peter Jossen | King's College London |
Axel Kleinschmidt | MPI for Gravitational Physics |
Albrecht Klemm | Universität Bonn |
Hartmut Monien | Universität Bonn |
Hossein Movasati | IMPA |
Bartosz Naskrecki | Adam Mickiewicz University |
Wieslawa Niziol | CNRS/Sorbonne Univiversité |
Danylo Radchenko | Laboratoire Paul Painlevé |
Fernando Rodriguez Villegas | ICTP |
Nobuo Sato | National Taiwan University |
Oliver Schlotterer | Uppsala University |
Leila Schneps | Sorbonne Université |
Emre Can Sertöz | Leiden University |
Matija Tapuskovic | University of Oxford |
Masha Vlasenko | Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences |
Jan Vonk | Leiden University |
Khalef Yaddaden | Nagoya University |
Don Zagier | MPIM |
Federico Zerbini | University of Oxford |
Wadim Zudilin | Radboud University Nijmegen |