Universität Bonn

HCM Members Space

This Members Space contains important practical informations for HCM Members, as well as access to forms with which you can apply for travel funding, funding for inviting guests, for participation in selected programs and for applying for membership or associate membership of HCM. You can also find important documents such as our statues here.

Travel and Guest Funding

HCM offers funding for business travel and for guest visits to its members and associated members. Please note, that by applying for travel funding via HCM you thereby agree to being reiumbursed in accordance with our guidelines. The same applies for guest funding and its relevant guidelines.

Applications for funding through a Research Area (RA) or an Interdisciplinary Research Unit (IRU) are decided in consultation with the Research Area Leaders. When applying, please make sure to select the correct RA, so your application can be forwarded accordingly. If you are not connected to a RA (for example, if you work in the areas of mathematics education or outreach), please select "No RA" in the forms.

If you have been offered personal funds from HCM for travel and guests - as a Bonn Junior Fellow, for instance - you can access your funds independently by using Travel Self Services or by contacting Cécile Kühn, who is also supervising your HCM funds.

HSM (and BIGS) Funding and Early Career Programs

We have dedicated funds to support business travel to conferences, workshops etc. for PhD students and Postdocs. If you are a member of HSM (and/or BIGS Mathematics) you will find all information on travel funds, as well as on how to apply for special programs such as the Global Math Exchange Program or Junior Research Retreats on the HSM website.

Funding and Support for an HCM Event

HCM funds and administratively support events of different kinds: workshops, lecture series, conferences etc. If you would like to apply for HCM funding for an event please use the application form on the right (exception: If you are interested in organizing a Junior Research Retreat or another event for early career researchers, please do it via HSM). All applications are decided by the Board of Directors.

If you have already secured HCM funding for your event, you can communicate what type of administrative help you would like us to provide and communicate your organizational needs and wishes via the second form. Please note that while we will try to accommodate your wishes, we will also need to be mindful of the relevant rules, the allocated budget and what is feasible within our constraints.

Statute and Membership

You can download our current statute here. You can also download the application form to become a member or an associate member of HCM. Postdocs employed at one of the four mathematical institutes of the University of Bonn can and should become associate members of HCM via becoming members of HSM first. All other researchers wishing to become members or associate members of HCM should submit this form together with a current academic CV to Daniela Schmidt.

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