HCM Event Application Use this form to submit your application. Alternatively, you can provide all required information in one single PDF document and send it to: magdalena.balcerakjackson@hcm.uni-bonn.de Your E-mail address First name Last name Names and affiliations of other organizers Please list all the additional organizers and their affiliations. The person submitting the application will serve as the corresponding organizer. Event Type WorkshopConferenceLecture SeriesOther Choose the type of event your are planning to organize. Topic of the event Please list a working title or topic for the planned event Proposed dates for the event Please list the proposed dates for your planned event. If you have not yet decided on the dates, please describe the appr. time and duration. Event description Please upload a short description of your event including the scientific background and goals, a proposed structure or draft schedule, and a list of participants and/or information on how (additional) participants will be recruited. Requested total budget Description of requested funds Describe the requested funds for your event (costs for accommodation, travel, catering etc.). Send UniID Please fill out this field using the example format provided in the placeholder. The phone number will be handled in accordance with GDPR.