September 16-20, 2024
Venue: Lipschitz-Saal, Endenicher Allee 60, Bonn
Organizers: Lorenzo Portinale (University of Bonn), Simone Di Marino (University of Genoa), Emanuela Radici (University of L' Aquila)
Description: This workshop aims at bringing together young and talented
mathematicians which work on subjects related to Calculus of Variations and its applications. Examples of interesting topics covered in the conference include regularity in PDEs, machine learning, mechanics, geometric flows, optimal transportation, Riemannian geometry, and quantum mechanics.
The general idea of the workshop is to not limit the interaction between speakers and participants to the bare scientific presentations, but to provide enough space and time between the talks to leave space to potential collaborations and fruitful discussions.
We in particular encourage researchers in a young stage of career (Master and PhD students) to participate to the Workshop.
The University of Bonn and HCM are committed to diversity and equal opportunity. We aim to increase the proportion of women in areas where women are underrepresented and to facilitate their careers. We therefore strongly encourage women with relevant qualifications to apply.
In case of questions concerning services and administration, please contact
The online application platform is now closed.
Dear guests,
some of our guests are currently receiving phishing messages from scam travel companies such as travellerpoint(dot)org asking about travel details. Unfortunately, there is very little we can do to prevent this. Please, do not share any personal, or payment data with persons contacting you from emails that you cannot identify as belonging to the organizers at the University of Bonn or the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics. And feel free to reach out, if you are unsure!

- Adolfo Arroyo-Rabasa (University of Bonn)
- Annika Bach (Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Giulia Bevilacqua (University of Pisa)
- Elise Bonhomme (Free University of Brussels)
- Camilla Brizzi (Technical University of Munich)
- Leon Bungert (University of Würzburg)
- Sara Daneri (University of L’Aquila)
- Cristiana De Filippis (University of Parma)
- Annette Dumas (University Claude Bernard, Lyon )
- Katharina Eichinger (Polytechnic School, Paris)
- Xavier Fernandez-Real (EPFL - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne)
- André Guerra (Institute for Theoretical Studies, ETH, Zurich)
- Jasper Hoeksema (Eindhoven University of Technology)
- Domenico Angelo La Manna (University of Naples, Federico II)
- Tim Laux (University of Regensburg)
- Alice Marveggio (University of Bonn)
- Roberta Marziani (University of L’Aquila)
- Simone Rademacher (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
- Bozhidar Velichkov (University of Pisa)