When? May 16th, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Where? Lipschitzsaal, Mathezentrum, Endenicher Allee 60, 53115 Bonn
Trainer: Dr. Karin Bodewits
Language: English
Number of participants: max. 12
In cooperation with the Human Resource Development of the University of Bonn, the Hausdorff Center offers an workshop "Job application training" for all postdocs as part of the Hausdorff School soft skills program. You’re a scientist and want to apply for jobs inside or outside of academia? In this course, you will learn job application and interview strategies for scientists: how to ‘sell’ your skills, stand out from the crowd and score the job you really want.
In this course you'll learn about:
- Application strategies & the 'hidden' job market
- How to read jobs ads
- How to 'sell' yourself and your skills
- Writing successful application documents
- The job interview and your personal pitch: online and offline
- Salary & contract negotiations
At the end of the workshop, Stefan Schwede from HCM as a senior scientist will contribute with some personal experiences and advices.
This workshop is limited to 12 participants. First come, first served.
Following the workshop, the opportunity of individual consultancy in an online format (e.g. Zoom, Skype) through the trainer is offered (1 hour / participant) for a limited number of participants.
Same rule here: First come, first served.
If you request this individual consultancy, please provide an up-to-date CV and send it to stefan.hartmann@hcm.uni-bonn.de. Specific questions or goals for the consulting session should be formulated.
About the trainer
Dr. Karin Bodewits comes from the Netherlands where she studied Biology. After spending some time at Puleva Biotech in Spain and Unilever in China, she completed a PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Edinburgh. In 2012, she founded the successful company NaturalScience.Careers, a seminar and talk provider for natural- and life scientists. In this function, she became book author, short story writer, speaker and seminar leader and published a wide range of career and soft skills related articles in magazines like Chemistry World and Naturejobs. She writes the Career Fables for Science Careers.