Universität Bonn

HCM Workshop: Mathematical Language and Practical Type Theory

01.02.2020 - 04.02.2020

Venue: Lipschitz lecture hall, Mathematics Center, Endenicher Allee 60, 53115 Bonn

Organizers: Thomas Hales (Pittsburgh), Peter Koepke (Bonn)

Description: Formal Mathematics aims at the complete formalization and formal checking of mathematical statements and proofs. In recent years practically efficient computer assisted systems have been developed and used to formally verify outstanding mathematical results like the proof of the Kepler conjecture by T. Hales et. al. Formalizations in the currently dominating systems are written in languages that resemble computer code and are neither accessible nor attractive to the wider mathematical community. The workshop will be looking into ways to overcome this barrier by using (controlled) natural language  input for proof systems. The Naproche (Natural Proof Checking) group at Bonn and the Formal Abstracts initiative have begun to develop a controlled natural language for the LEAN prover system, which is based on dependent type theory. The workshop will bring together invited experts from linguistics, formal mathematics, type theory and LEAN. After some invited talks on Saturday we envisage intense interactions of various groups with ample time for discussion and exploratory experiments. Participants will be asked to give brief contributed presentations of their research relevant to the conference topic.


Click here for the schedule

Click here for the abstracts


Name Participants
Alexander Bentkamp HHU Dsseldorf
 Kevin Buzzard Imperial College London
 Merlin Carl Europa-Universität Flensburg
 Mario Carneiro Carnegie Mellon University
 Joshua Chen University of Innsbruck
 Alessandro Codenotti Universität Bonn
 Marcos Cramer Technische Universität Dresden
 Adrian DeLon Universität Bonn
 Manuel Eberl Universität Innsbruck
 Gabriel Ebner Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
 Bernhard Fisseni Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim
 Najwa Ghannoum Université de Côte d'Azur
 Thomas Hales University of Pittsburgh
 Cezary Kaliszyk University of Innsbruck
 Peter Koepke Universität Bonn
 Andrea Kohlhase Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
 Michael Kohlhase FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
 Regula Krapf Universität Koblenz-Landau
 Anton Lorenzen Universität Bonn
 Benedikt Löwe Universität Hamburg
 Dennis Müller FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
 Arnold Neumaier Universität Wien
 Andriy Paskevych Université Paris-Saclay
 Jan Penquitt Universität Bonn
 Florian Rabe University Erlangen-Nuremberg
 Aarne Ranta University of Gothenburg
 Deniz Sarikaya Universität Hamburg
 Bernhard Schrder Universität Duisburg-Essen
 Lucca Tiemens Technische Universität Berlin
 Sebastian Ullrich Lean FRO
 Josef Urban CIIRC - CTU
 Floris van Doorn Universität Bonn
 Konstantin Verchinine Université Paris-Est-Crétal
 Makarius Wenzel Dr. Wenzel, Augsburg

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