Each day there are various mathematical events in Bonn. They address professors, postdocs, students, and the general public.
Apart from the events at HIM, numerous international workshops and conferences are organized by the HCM research areas and by the graduate school BIGS throughout the year. The target audiences range from PhD students to senior researchers.
In the Hausdorff Colloquium elected speakers are invited to present their work to Bonn's mathematical community.
The lecture series introduces a broader audience and especially graduate students to the newest topics in applied mathematics.
The lecture series introduces a broader audience and especially graduate students to the newest topics in pure mathematics.
The Plücker Lectures specifically address graduate students in applied and pure mathematics and thus create an opportunity for interactions across the research areas.
In the spirit of Toeplitz' genetic principle these lectures are in the field of education and history of mathematics. They address a general mathematical audience consisting of teachers, researchers, mathematics educators, and historians of mathematics.