Universität Bonn

Equal Opportunity Committee

The Bonn mathematics department considers the promotion of gender equality and diversity as a great opportunity for the development of mathematics. Promoting gender equality is a central goal of all four mathematical institutes and the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics. In order to coordinate measures for the promotion of equal opportunities, there is an equal opportunity committee in which students from the mathematics department, doctoral students, post-doctoral students and professors have come together.

Our gender equity goals

Various measures have been set up to encourage women studying mathematics to start a career in mathematics and pursue it successfully. This is a particular challenge in mathematics. So far, the percentage of women in mathematics on all levels from bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and post-doctoral studies to young scientists and tenured professor is disproportionately low. The department of mathematics in Bonn wishes to counteract this trend and especially to raise sustainably the proportion of women on all levels.

Ally Day
© Daniela Schmidt

Our specific goals are:

  • to encourage girls to start studying mathematics from early on with specific offers for schools
  • to support and accompany female students during their bachelor’s degree
  • to encourage and guide female students from Bonn and external applicants at the start of their master’s degree in Bonn
  • to support talented female students through the integrated graduate school of mathematics (BIGS),
  • to develop careers in mathematics for women in the context of centrally advertised postdoctoral fellowships
  • to increase the proportion of female professors in the context of advertised W2 and W3 permanent positions as well as the annually advertised Bonn Junior Fellow professorships (temporary W2 positions for five years with a possible option for tenure track).

Our diversity goals

Over the last years, the mathematical department at Bonn has been a place for mathematicians of a diversity of backgrounds, talents and fields of interest. With the Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics there is a major research hub fostering a lively exchange between scientists and students with different experiences. Creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all guests is a crucial ingredient for this culture of academic and social exchange. Bonn Mathematics is committed to promote the support of diversity in all aspects of work and social life at each of its institutes and at the Hausdorff Center.

© Barbara Fromann

Committee Chairs and Contact

Members of our Equal Opportunity Committee incldue representatives of the students, the PhD students, researchers, professors and staff. It is currently chaired jointly by a student representative and a faculty representative.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Sophia Piacenza

Sophia Piacenza

Co-Chair of the Equal Opportunities Committee

Student and Member of the Student Council

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Martin Rumpf

Martin Rumpf

Co-Chair of the Equal Opportunities Committee

Professor at the Institute of Numerical Simulation

Committee Contact

You can contact the Equal Opportunity Committee at:


Mailing List

If you want to receive regular updates about our activities, please sign up for our Mailinglist  by writing an Email with the subject: "subscribe math-gleichstellung" to:


Peer Support Contact

If you encounter any issues concerning equity and diversity in your mathematics lectures, tutorials or seminars, and want to talk confidentially to a fellow student, contact:



Our Ombudspersons can be contacted as a source of confidential advice in any cases of inappropriate behavior, violations of our equal opportunity policies or conflicts.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Regula Krapf

Regula Krapf

Senior Academic Councillor, Mathematical Institute

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Jack Davies

Jack Davies

Postdoc, Mathematical Institute

The ombudspersons are professors and scientific staff of mathematics. They are bound by secrecy. Ombudspersons investigate complaints and attempt to resolve them, usually through recommendations (binding or not) or mediation. In agreement with the students or employees who are addressing them they might also make contact with other professional personal of the university and hand over matters.


Regula Krapf: krapf@math.uni-bonn.de

Jack Davies: davies@math.uni-bonn.de

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